The Three Types Of Libra Sun

Aug. 18, 2021, 9:03 a.m.

There’s three types of Libra Suns: Libras who have Mercury in Virgo, Libras who have Mercury in Scorpio, and Libras who have Mercury in Libra. Furthermore, Libra with Libra Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust.

Sometimes, you hear people talking about how different September Libras are from October Libras. Not all September Libras have Virgo Mercury and not all October Libras have Scorpio Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º from the Sun, it is more likely for a September Libras to be a Virgo Mercury and for an October Libras to be a Scorpio Mercury.

Libra with Virgo Mercury: Double Life

Libras with a Virgo Mercury have, in some sense of another, a double life. This is a Sun in fall with an exalted Mercury. These people are aware of outer expectations around who they are supposed to be and this makes them aware of the ways in which they may live up to those expectations as well as the ways they differ from those expectations.

Virgo Mercuries attached to a Libra Sun do well when they function almost separately from the main identity. This is the person who has a lifelong, secret writing practice that they show almost no one. It’s the person who appears to blend in completely to their coworkers who has a secret, rebellious career as a punk musician.

Virgo Mercury will make itself heard in some way. However, Libra Sun is a Sun that plays games with what other people can or can’t see. The ways that Mercury wants to be heard aren't always the same ways that the Sun feels that it is able to control and Libra with Virgo Mercury can sometimes feel tormented by the fear that people either know them too well or not at all.

Libra with Libra Mercury: Flaneur

There’s three subsets of Libras with Libra Mercury: there’s Libras who have Mercury as morning star, Libras who have Mercury as evening star, and Libras who have Mercury combust.

This is the quintessential Libra who is always busy taking one type of class or another, who is a social learner, and prefers that the whole group move together in a conversation lest a stray idea captures one part of the group against the other.

Libra with Libra Mercury often finds themselves in classes on the most on-trend topics, whether that has to do with learning how to start a fire or how to decipher a cryptic text, without even being aware of it. This isn’t because they’re trying to impress anyone. It’s just because they like to learn together—they’re interested in what everyone is interested in because that is where they sense the potential for movement and direction.

This is the classic politician’s Mercury paired with a Sun that borrows identities from the ether. It’s one of the most curious placements in the zodiac but, sometimes, because it is mostly interested in what most people are interested in, it can drift around as aimlessly as a stranger walking in an unknown city.

Libra with Scorpio Mercury: Lawyer

I meet a lot of people, whether they are lawyers or not, who are well versed in legal affairs with this pairing. Pay no attention to the stereotypes around Scorpio and lawyers—it isn’t that Libra Sun with Scorpio Mercury is any more persuasive than other people. It’s that they are able to look at something and see the fundamental issue at play.

Libra with Scorpio Mercury understands how the world works. They are able to see not only the rules but also how the rules are enforced, the “why” of the rules, and whether there are any changes possible to be made either around or against the rules. They are savvy with bureaucracy not because they are bureaucrats but because they know how to warp the rules.

Libra with Scorpio Mercury is a pretty powerful placement. I have seen people who are able to get real change done where it is most needed. Libra with Scorpio Mercury doesn’t work well under crisis (that task is more Libra with Virgo Mercury’s speed) because they are slow and methodical thinkers but they are able to push for fundamental and lasting change.

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