Dbsk Astrological Analysis

Nov. 3, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Yes, I understand that DBSK/TVXQ/TVfXQ/Tohoshinki/DB5K/Dong Fang Sheng Qi or whatever you want to call them is a trash group but I still want to analyze them astrologically the same way it's interesting to analyze Hitler because I believe they had a big impact on Asian masculinity.

So, this article is going to talk about all five people, not 2VXQ. I'll talk about both JYJ and homin. It's organized into two parts, the first part the individual members and ex-members and the second part their relationships.

I'm also assuming that their birthdays are real and not fake birthday used to make them more astrologically marketable. For Jaejoong, I'm using the birthday from his birth mom.

This is part one, where I'll talk about each individual member. In part two, I'll talk about their relationships to one another!

Kim Junsu/ XIAH

I remember when Junsu was getting big in Japan, the term ugly-cute was really in vogue. Born on the full moon, Junsu has a lot of self awareness. People born on the full moon are generally outward seeking because they see themselves from the outside in. In his first couple talk with Micky, Micky calls Junsu ugly and Junsu response that's it's true, he's not good looking, that when you look at him there seems to be something missing. You can tell from his performances that he's worked with all that he has, completely understanding what social norms of masculinity and femininity he is able to fill. Now, this could be his intense training in an image heavy industry but I think that Junsu's ability to see himself as others see him was what made him successful. He was the most popular member in Korea and second most popular in Japan.

Junsu understood his own image better than the people who created their first images in 2003. When they started out, they started Changmin with a cute image that Junsu quickly took over. Their first images were experimental and Jaejoong's image didn't last either but the way Junsu took control of his own media image was executed very well. You can hardly remember a time when he wasn't the “cute” member of the group.

Full moon people know how to relate to people or to be relatable themselves. All of Junsu's images have been soft. His solo stuff is high femme. He understands himself enough to create an idol identity suited for him and himself only. He's the only member who's been somewhat successful as a solo artist.

The Sun-Moon combo in Sagittarius-Gemini shows someone who is cheerful, a little mischievous, and very witty. The t-square with Pisces makes him a little escapist. Junsu is someone who is in total control of his own voice.

Park Yoochun/ MICKY

This guy was born on the waning crescent with Sun in Gemini and exalted Moon in Taurus. The waning crescent draws back energy. People born under this influence like to sit back and watch what goes on around them rather than take action. They have a feeling that they're already seen it all before.

The Sun-Moon combo is interesting because Gemini likes to hear the sound of their own voice but Taurus does everything very slowly. When we see Micky speak, people just have to pipe down and bear it for a while. You can see it on their faces. Inside they're going “Oh god, this again.” That's because he likes to talk on and on for inappropriately long amounts of time about almost nothing.

Throughout his career, Yoochun has made bank on a melancholic and damaged persona. The Sun is what you're in control of and the Moon is what you're not. His Sun in Gemini means that he's very good at playing with the way he's perceived. Moon in Taurus means that he's lazy and self indulgent.

I won't talk the whole raping 5 women thing because I don't want to associate violent abuse with any astrological sign. Instead I'll just mention that Yoochun has the richest family of all of them, which probably has made his exalted Moon very comfortable. He got good at Japanese because his Gemini gives him language talent but I think he likes to stay comfortable without knowing what he really wants. It feels like he became an idol on a whim and regrets some of his life choices.

Kim Jaejoong/ HERO Youngwong

A stellium, including Sun, in Aquarius makes Jaejoong seem cold but another stellium, including Moon, in Sagittarius makes Jaejoong reckless. He has issues with alcohol and impulse. We've seen him intentionally post pictures of his hotel room just to see if anyone would try to break in, excessively drink, drive drunk, burn bridges quickly, and scream at and hit fans. The Sagittarius makes Jaejoong love new things, and he's the best at Japanese, the most popular in Japan, and we see him sneak out to explore Paris on his own.

Aside from a generational Pluto, Jaejoong has no water in his chart. Whenever there's a camera, especially in their early years, Jaejoong will push himself to the front and center. When the camera is on someone else, he'll hover in the background. He name drops the most out of anyone in the group. He dresses in pajamas and waves to stalkers from their balcony in glee. He gives the impression that he doesn't care at all what other people think of him. This is someone with very thick skin. You get a sense of plasticity and synthetic-ness from his image.

Having personal planets in only two signs makes Jaejoong focused. He moved to Seoul by himself as a fifteen year old to pursue fame at all costs. Even when he's achieved it, you can sense something cutthroat about him. He never really feels settled, with an Aquarius Sun that always makes him feel like a freak.

Shim Changmin/ MAX

Watching Changmin feels like watching someone never grow out of puberty until they are 30. He's always gawky and awkward. Before the group split, Changmin was the least popular member despite having the best looking face because he completely lacked charisma. He never really grows into his skin.

The Aquarius Sun is strong with Changmin, whose image now is sort of robotic and inflexible. Born on a waxing crescent means that he's kind of clueless about himself and discovering who he is based on impulse and feeling rather than real language.

Changmin is sort of a space cadet. He only became an idol because his mom wanted to meet BoA. You never see him try to get on camera or speak without being prompted and you often get the feeling that he hates being seen. There's photos of him breaking down and crying on the street because he had too many fans. I think I've even watched an interview where Changmin admits that he really doesn't want to be an idol and wishes he had a regular life.

Pisces Moon is pretty sensitive and doesn't like to be around that many people. Tablo has said that Changmin is the hardest person to meet in the industry, aside from Seo Taiji, who was literally a hermit for a number of years. Changmin isn't as aggressive as the other members, so he often ends up with the worst bed, the worst studio, etc. He prefers to just disappear into the furniture. When they prank call Super Junior, he's the only one who seems to not know what's going on before he figures out that he's on the radio and starts talking in a very polite tone of voice.

Jung Yunho/ U-KNOW

Yunho is under the influence of Saturn, with Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Capricorn. This gives him intense self control and can make him control other people.

I have never been surprised at anything Yunho does because everything he does seems so well rehearsed. He may be a great dancer but the way he dances stays the same throughout the years. He may be a terrible singer but that, too, stays completely consistent. You get the feeling that who he is as an idol identity is completely manufactured according to a formula. This may be true for all the other members as well, but Yunho has the practiced, tried and true, version of the formula.

Even when he does something silly, it's something he does again and again. You never see him experiment. The image he presents is a very old formula of Confucian masculinity. He tries to seem dominant, like a family man, and conservative. It's hard for him to learn new tricks. He was way less popular in Japan than Korea because it was hard for him to learn the language and culture, and because his version of masculinity appeals more to a developing country than a developed one. I don't find Yunho boring because I'm impressed that everything he does is so rigorous but I do feel like, watching him, we don't really get anything but a sense of total professionalism.

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