Taurus and Sagittarius aren’t considered a conventionally compatible pairing—that’s why Taurus and Sagittarius get together when they are looking for big personal change.
Some people say that education gives you a future. I think that you believe in education if you believe in a future. And vice versa.
The period of time that Saturn spent in Capricorn between the years of 2017 to 2020 is what I think about as a kind of accountability process around accountability culture.
Our stuff gets thrown away without our consent. It gets cleared to make way for other people’s things. Our dads will get rid of our clothes because he doesn’t like them.
People with Saturn in the second house will sometimes distrust that a resource will actually feed them. They fear that a resource will enact control over them.
Who is actually positioned to enact the change that you want to see? Who needs more support before they are able to take on more responsibility?
In most Venus myths, Venus is two faced. Why? Because Venus literally has two faces. Venus has a morning star face and an evening star face.
People who have Saturn in the first house are mostly still. We don’t like to move! We like to sit and think. Sometimes, we sit and think for too long.
I think that’s why my generation romanticizes friendship so much. We had it when we were younger and we lost it when we got older.
Saturn in Pisces knows that compassion isn’t rare. Compassion is just a habit. You make it part of your day, part of your work—part of your life.
This isn’t a quiet partnership. These two are chatty. They’re inventive. They make a lot of noise.
It’s a show where c-list celebrities who are no longer famous exploit their marital relationships for online clout.
When Saturn is in Aries, Saturn tries to force change by chasing after challenges. Saturn in Aries people are always up for a challenge.
The stereotype about Cancer and Sagittarius is that Cancer will keep trying to keep Sagittarius at home. Sagittarius will get uncomfortable and wander off, upsetting the Cancer.
Leo is a childlike sign. It’s like a little kid! Sagittarius is not youthful. They’re like those eccentric old people who are set in their ways.
Religion is very contemporary, very relevant, and very much changing all of the time. In fact, nationalism may be our most modern form of religion.
To me, getting tougher doesn’t mean that you shut all of your emotions off. It means that you build capacity and that you make this capacity building a priority.
Gui Water is invisible. It’s that friend who is always able to match your rhythm so seamlessly that you don’t even realize they are doing it.
Both Virgo and Sagittarius like to run their mouths. Virgo likes to speak all kinds of uncomfortable truths out loud. Sagittarius likes to say preposterous things.
The reason why Mary is still my business role model is because she runs a very stable business with minimal scaling. She does all of her work herself.
We expect fairy tales to deliver moral lessons. Spirited Away doesn’t. Spirited Away is about indentured servitude and settler colonialism.