Play deprivation hurts and what it hurts is your imagination. You must explore within the limits of your imagination first before you start to see your imagination expand.
I was playing around with the idea of useful gods and mutual reception.
So, powertripping fantasies usually present the world as a series of tests. They are naive fictions.
Capricorns are weird animals. They’re the realists with wistful eyes. They’re the bartenders who don’t drink on the job but get wasted at home.
The 8th house meaning has always confused me as it (seems) to combine many different things! So how would you define what the 8th house represents?
I am currently going through what feels like a Pluto hellscape to say the least and I desperately need help!
Bang PD’s Jupiter is domicile. He’s not afraid of his dream. BTS has an afflicted Jupiter in detriment. They debuted under the song No More Dream.
An astrologer can really do anything. There’s no right or wrong way to go about it.
You're Jupiter. Sagittarius has this utterly shameless confidence that some of us call charisma and others call magic.
Nostalgia, at its core, is the disbelief that time passes. Like doubt, it operates like a tic. It can be compulsive. Once it possesses you, it usually leaves you more human.
Most people don’t use the internet because we’re interested in the big new thing. That would be like saying that the only worthwhile thoughts are the new ones.
What they’re scared of isn’t really the feeling of being exposed. Scorpio likes being teased. They’re not so brittle that they can’t stand a bit of prodding.
I’ve been thinking only about the pleasure, the absolute enjoyment, of giving up power and losing control when it is done according to the needs and wants of your own spirit.
The thing is, it’s kind of hard to really describe how Libras appear from the outside because they have an ability to become imperceptible when they feel that it is necessary.
We expect bios to be a list of recognizable professional accomplishments that serve to make a person more legitimate in whatever context it’s being viewed under.
Sorry, Virgo. None of us are looking at you and expecting you to be meticulous.
There’s two components to starting something new. The first one is that it’s new. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
This is something that I learned from theater—friendliness is actually often read as a form of social domination.
I want you to get really smart with your resources. I want you to live in this world with a feeling of reachable competency.
I actually wanted to just offer up my own thoughts on the matter of Jungkook’s birth time because I feel like I have some pretty damning evidence!
I’ve noticed some little easter eggs that I feel like could have to do with astrology!