Lunar Eclipse June 2020

June 5, 2020, 9:21 a.m.

I don’t think it’s really hit us how important this moment is. All this time, we’ve been told that our country is divided in terms of rural and urban and that our problems stemmed from the issues between us. All the politicians who came out of the woodwork in the last election pandered to a segment of voters, branding themselves like flavors of detergents. We have been living in an era of immense political dissatisfaction.

There are protests happening in all 50 states. During a fucking pandemic.

The eclipse is an expression of power. That’s what the Sun represents—the source and center of power. The Moon represents the places at which power is reproduced, which is always at the margins. In Kafka’s parable about the sovereign, all the actors within a bureaucracy obey the rules even though all of them say that they don’t really want to obey the rules and are only doing so because an invisible sovereign will discipline them if they disobey. This is how biopolitics work. Power is not enforced at the center but from the margins by mutual consensus. For white people, the Kafka story is true. Because they have been told that power protects them, they also protect power.

In Kafka’s parable, it becomes slowly revealed that the sovereign who everyone refers to when they enforce power does not actually exist. It turns out that power is an empty signifier. The God that everyone refers to when talking about power is not out there in the world distributing justice and injustice but inside all of us. We are the actors who distribute justice and injustice—the actors who distribute life and death.

That means that we are complicit. Kafka’s parable is hard to swallow. We are complicit in the power structure that institutionalizes black death.

We all have a Sun and Moon. The Moon is the biopolitics of reproducing power. We all reproduce power. The Sun is the sovereign. God is inside of you.

In Korea, there was a peasant who went around telling everyone that they were God, that the sacred spirit of God is what gives every person life. This led to a revolt. People who believe that they are God refuse to be exploited. This revolt was impossible for the domestic government to shut down on their own because there was no center figurehead to aim at. This was a dispersed network of Gods.

Gemini and Sagittarius are about the urban and rural—Gemini represents the intimacy of cities and Sagittarius is the distance of countries. There are currently militarized police vans and cops with machine guns in our small towns and in our cities. What this moment is revealing is that our country is not divided in terms of urban and rural but into segments of civilian and military.

This basic social division is reflected in our budget. In a police state, it’s not just that we are surveilled and penalized. It’s that our resources—public money—are also funneled into a privatized technological informational military industrial complex.

More than half of NYC’s total budget is spent on the NYPD. 60% of the United States’ budget is allocated towards the pentagon. This is not new. It’s been happening for a long time. This is what hte white power that black death is sacrificed towards look like. It looks like tanks, automatic weapons, and riot gear. These tanks, automatic weapons, and riot gear are all toys that we bought. We paid for them and continue to pay for them.

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