Park Jimin Natal Chart Analysis: The Local Intimacy Of The Eye Smile

June 16, 2020, 5:21 p.m.

Back with another BTS natal chart analysis! Today we will be looking at Jimin’s chart.

Again, when we’re looking at the charts of people who never met, it’s important to keep in mind that we don’t really know their lives. Astrologers are not psychics. We only know as much as the client tells us. Our job is to contextualize the experience within the language of the chart. Just receiving a chart dry, we don’t know anything about a person or how their chart shows up in their actual life. I don’t do chart interpretation for people I’ve never met, except for idols and fictional characters.

When we analyze idols using astrology, we’re doing as a fandom re-rendering of the idol. We’re speculating only based on their projected brand image. The image production of an idol is something that happens in dialogue between the fandom and the actor who plays the idol. They encourage fans to do meta analysis of them and to write fanfiction about them.

Park Jimin BTS natal chart

Playing other people

Jimin’s chart has no grand trines. He’s mostly water and air but he’s also missing planets in Cancer and Aquarius so his water and air placements don’t form grand trines. He doesn’t have a lot of fire or earth so he’s going to attract people with strong fire and earth.

Jimin needs someone to bounce ideas off of with. For Jimin’s two trines to feel activated and moving, he needs people with strong placements in Leo and Capricorn. He will also find support through people with strong Cancer and Aquarius placements, since those planets trine his own water and air placements, but he will really crave people with Capricorn and Leo stuff. It just so happens that his best friends within BTS are Taehyung (who has a Capricorn Sun) and Jungkook (who has a Leo Moon). Jimin also finds support in Hobi, who has an Aquarius Sun.

Not all Libras necessarily want to be around people all the time, especially if the ruler of their Sun is in Scorpio where Venus is debilitated. However, the aspect structures in Jimin’s chart make it look as if he’s almost begging for the gaps to be filled up.

Park Jimin BTS natal chart

This is where the Gemini Moon comes in. Jimin’s entire chart is almost all in one hemisphere, except for his Moon. When everything is in one half of the chart, it can almost feel as if you’re looking for your other half. However, Jimin’s Gemini Moon funnels everything else in his chart, especially his Jupiter and Saturn, through. With his chart set up the way that it is, Jimin needs other people but, fortunately, he has his Moon in Gemini there to almost pull people in towards him.

Now, Moon in Gemini isn’t always easy. A lot of people don’t trust Gemini Moon people. Even when they’re speaking sincerely about a hardship or something that they’re serious about, they tend to do it in a way that makes sure people don’t take them seriously as a deflective tactic. Gemini Moons are always charming but they can be the type of person who says “I love you” and then “Just kidding” and then “But what if I wasn’t?” all in one breath. It’s very hard to know whether Gemini Moons are being authentic because they’re actually always questioning what authenticity even means.

While Jimin is very capable of pulling people in towards him, he might do so in a way where he jeopardizes his own ability to build lasting relationships. If he feels insecure, he can totally play games with people. It can be easy for him to play people off of each other at the risk of sabotaging his own needs.

Jimin is fucking intense

Jimin’s Libra Sun is interesting because it is actually in the exact degree of its fall—19º Libra. When a planet is in fall, it doesn’t have a lot of expectations. In addition, the Sun’s ruler (Venus) is in detriment since Venus is in detriment in Scorpio. Jimin’s Venus happens to be at 3º Scorpio, which is the exact degree of the Moon’s fall.

The Sun and Moon represents your basic self image. The Sun is your sense of personal power. Jimin is someone who cuts himself down to the bone. He’s not someone who builds himself up. Jimin has an extremely difficult Sun placement. He’s going to be the type of person who reads every nasty comment made about him online, internalize everything that’s been said to bodyshame him, and think to himself that it can only make him stronger. Because Jimin’s Sun is in a sign where it is humiliated and his Venus is in a sign where it must work to represent itself through revealing rather than posturing, Jimin may not be someone who is very nice to himself in his own head.

Most of Jimin’s planets, with the exception of his Jupiter, deposit into his Mars (Saturn deposits into Jupiter by domicile ruler but into Mars through Venus by exaltation lord). And you can basically see Jimin’s dignified Mars in Scorpio in motion when you watch him perform. No one has as much sheer body control as Jimin. Sometimes, the ways that he’s able to move physically look like they shouldn’t even be possible. He’s a Scorpio Mars who has been trained extensively as a dancer. That Mars is powerful.

Jimin’s Mars is also opposite the fixed star Algol. You can always feel Algol in a chart. There’s something about Algol that’s just about vivid imagery, black and white concepts, and repetitive motions. Algol feels very stark. Algol people tend to be good propagandists and are able to promote aesthetics and ideas in ways that make these aesthetics and ideas completely unforgettable. Algol is also connected to monsters and Algol people sometimes imagine themselves using an alterago that is in some way monstrous.

Out of all of the members, Jimin is the one who is the most hypersexual. This has strongly to do with his prominent Mars, The way that Jimin promotes his sexual image is repetitive. Jimin’s Mars opposes Algol. He tends to pull up his shirt and roll his body in the same ways over and over again. According to Deleuze, a movement becomes virtual when it is repeated. Gender is virtual because it is a performance that is repeated over and over again. When Jimin repeats the same sexual motions over and over again, he is representing himself as a virtual image. This virtual image is also a gender performance.

Now, Jimin’s nodes are in Libra and Aries, which are ruled by his Scorpio placements. Usually, when someone’s nodes are ruled by Venus and Mars, they are learning about security issues through reframing gender. While it’s impossible to know what Jimin’s personal gender identity actually is, we can see that the ways in which he’s performed gender has changed a lot throughout his career. When he started, he performed a boyish masculinity. He goes on to perform different types of femininities and masculinities.

As a south node in Libra, Jimin knows exactly how other people see him. However, as a Venus in detriment, Jimin may not be very happy about those things. He rejected his stage name early on. He wants to be in control of how he is viewed. He will work very hard to ensure that his control over his own image is impeccable.

Park Jimin BTS natal chart

For Jimin to perform his virtual self so seamlessly and in a tight way, he has to also look at himself in a cutting way. Jimin's beauty is not effortless. It comes from doing a lot of work—hard work. It’s a type of beauty that requires you to look at yourself in the mirror over and over again, listen to feedback that makes you feel really bad about yourself, and look at yourself as if you were a monster. It’s a beauty that strives towards perfection, not authenticity. There’s almost something synthetic about Jimin’s beauty. He’s remade himself and discarded pieces of himself again and again. He doesn’t treat himself as if he were precious. Jimin is ruthless and is willing to feel uncomfortable in his own skin so that he can cut himself apart and remake himself again and again.

Local Intimacy and Global Power

First of all, Jimin’s malefics are each other’s bound lords. When you have the malefic of the opposite sect ruling any planet, that makes you make things a bit harder than they need to be. When the malefics rule each other, you end up making things a lot harder than they need to be. This doesn’t need to be bad! This makes people extremely productive. However, it doesn’t feel nice. You become productive because you’re mean to yourself. You beat yourself up.

For more about Jimin’s relationship to work and the economy in general, we need to look at his nodal benders. The planets that bend Jimin’s nodal axis are generational. Now, I don’t usually do that much work with generational planets in a natal chart because they’re not planets that are personal to you but planets that talk about how the wider generational context that you live inside of impacts you. However, planets that bend the nodes are always important. The nodes represent issues around personal security and the benders create crises that force you to rethink what makes you feel comfortable versus what makes you feel safe.

The conjunction between Uranus and Neptune is about Jimin’s position as a millennial who grew up in a time when we are addicted to (Neptune) the same systems that we want to break (Uranus). We want to change the economy but we’re also addicted to it working a certain way. We’re addicted to the internet but we despise it as a surveillance tool. This makes us disillusioned.

Because Jimin’s nodal benders are these generational planets, it means that the things that will create learning crises in his life are these big economic trends that affect everyone. Economic recessions and bubbles are what challenge Jimin’s sense of security.

The only big aspect structure in Jimin’s chart is the t-square between his Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Jimin’s Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Jupiter oppose each other and Saturn in Pisces squares them both. T-square always points to something that we’re not too happy about—something that makes us change. With his Moon and Jupiter in opposition, Jimin feels dependent on the whims of fortune. He feels like a piece of a larger global game of economics where he doesn’t necessarily have control.

Saturn in Pisces is a Saturn that wants to completely martyr itself for its life work. Saturn in Pisces people can often feel like they haven’t done a good job if they aren’t dead by the time they finish a job. Saturn in Pisces people either feel too disillusioned to continue with their purpose or they feel like, to show that they’ve committed to their purpose, that they have to prove their commitment by martyring themselves completely to their work.

Park Jimin BTS natal chart

Since Jimin’s Saturn forms a t-square to his Moon and Jupiter opposition, the reason Jimin might martyr himself to his work is because he doesn’t feel in control of the larger global economic currents that could either make or threaten his career.

Jimin’s Moon is in Gemini, which is a sign that’s about local intimacy. His Jupiter is in Sagittarius, which is about global distance. Jimin’s image is something that looks very different, is even polarizing, across cultural contexts.

Within Korea, Jimin has the cleanest image. He has the fewest scandals and he was a good student when he was one. Jimin is a model citizen who is bright and clean offstage. Onstage, Jimin is hypersexual. He’s a nasty fucker onstage. When Jimin performs local intimacy, he performs as a clean and bubbly model citizen who can do no wrong. When Jimin performs global power, he performs sexuality.

There’s two parts of Jimin’s chart—one is all that stuff (Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus) that Mars deposits. This part of Jimin’s chart is about tight self performance, about seamless control, and about image as propaganda. Jimin is a fascist in terms of how he deals with himself.

The other part of Jimin’s chart is his Saturn in Pisces, which is deposited by his Jupiter in Sagittarius. His north nodal benders are also deposited by Jupiter through Saturn. This is the part of Jimin that feels like he has no control over his economic position. It’s a part that feels like the economy is a precarious game of chance that anyone could lose or win without being able to control it on their own.

The north node can be something that you’re rather ruthless about while the south node is something that feels like it’s trapping you. Jimin’s north node is in Aries and he’s ruthless with himself. His south node in Libra means that he feels trapped by public perception. While Jimin tries to control this public perception through his Scorpio Venus, the south node also wants to exalt Saturn.

Because Saturn is the exaltation lord of Jimin’s south node while his fallen Sun is the exaltation lord of his north node, Jimin ruthlessly controls himself and his own image as a way to deal with the security issues that result from the precarious nature of neoliberalism. He wants to be capable of being anyone and everything but only in a specific way that gives him control. Out of all the members, Jimin is the one who seems the most uncomfortable outside of Korea. He speaks the least in foreign languages. Jimin doesn’t want to play global games. He wants to play local ones (Moon in Gemini) where he understands the cultural context where he plays and where he has comfort, control, and power.

Jimin is the most K-pop centric of all the members. While Yoongi and Namjoon center international tastes, while Taehyung and Jungkook have hybridized Asian or international aesthetics, Jimin’s aesthetics (being body centric with a clean and bright image, having monolids with an eye smile) is K-pop specific. His inspirations are Rain and Taeyang, not Drake or Ariana Grande. Jimin is a K-pop idol who has achieved global success through K-pop branding strategies. He doesn’t need to style himself into an international or western specific pop star to become a superstar.

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