Reparenting Cancer Moon

Dec. 3, 2020, 9:59 a.m.

You’re not like those other Cancers Moons—the ones who wear their hearts on their sleeves. The ones who cry. You’ve built yourself like a fortress. You don’t lament (except when you watch sad movies or see small animals). You control yourself.

Cancer Moons don’t really cry. That’s one thing the memes get wrong. Cancer Suns and Venuses sometimes cry when they want something and before they learn that no one really cares about people who cry. Cancer Moons don’t cry—they plan.

You’re a Cancer Moon and you’ve got at least five plans of what you would do if your lover, best friend, or boss left you. You’re a Cancer Moon and the only place you really feel safe is your room even though you take your shoes off everywhere. You’re a Cancer Moon and you won’t work anywhere you can’t take your shoes off.

You’re a Cancer Moon and you’re at least somewhat aware of what everyone else thinks of you all of the time. You communicate with your best friends by beating around the bush. You never say exactly what you mean and your best loved ones will get it regardless.

You’re a Cancer Moon and you’ve called yourself fucking crazy at least a few times. You’re joking when you say this but you’re also at least a little serious at the same time.

Anxiety is just an emotion. Emotions are just physical responses to your environment. Your emotions are always valid but the ways that you express them are not always valid. You can’t change your emotions but you are able to make decisions that change your environment. Often, the decisions that you make to change your environment will not be easy, normative, or please the people around you.

You’re a Cancer Moon and withholding is the easiest thing for you to do until you freak out. You’re a Cancer Moon and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have all the words you need to express how you feel.

You’re a Cancer Moon and you’re one of the strongest people in the world even though you feel like the weakest. You’re a Cancer Moon and you’re one of the strongest people in the world because you feel like the weakest. You’re a Cancer Moon and you don’t leave people behind.

Cancer Moons don’t just go along with things. They complain all the way there. But they can sometimes forget that they have the power and the means to change their situations. They can clench onto old things too strongly. Cancer Moon forgets that they’re not meant to be unhappy.

You’re a Cancer Moon and you don’t need anyone to pity you for you to have empathy with your own wounds. Your wounds are as real as the moonlight even when no one else is willing to see them. The moonlight is something that becomes real when you believe the things that it makes you see so strongly that you shape them from clay. You’re a Cancer Moon and your healing process is a real and constantly growing practice even if your pain came directly from illusion.

Reparenting Cancer Moon is not about gaslighting yourself into growing up into something that you were never meant to become. It’s not about discarding the younger versions of yourself in disgust. It’s not about becoming tough and stern. It’s about locating your sense of reality and treating yourself as the hierophant who has the power to interpret your reality. Then, it’s about making choices.

Making choices is hard. You will often please no one. You have the power to keep the collective safe in your choices but only if you are bound to no one’s fears. In order for you to make decisions, you will need to achieve a place of clarity and not fear. And fear comes so naturally to you. But clarity comes when you know your environment as well as you know yourself.

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