Midheaven: Oppression And Potential

Sept. 5, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Your midheaven isn't just your career as a job. Your midheaven is connected to the nadir, the deepest part of your chart, where everything is repressed. These two point, the highest and lowest part of the chart, are two sides of the same coin. Your midheaven stands for what oppresses you, what cultural, social, and familial expectations you're expected to uphold, what obstacles you feel most strongly, and how you move against those obstacles.

The sign on your midheaven has everything to do with how you react to oppression.

The confrontations that characterize the midheaven can take the form of arguments with family, limitations at work, self deprecation, or fatigue.

When you heal your midheaven, you are telling yourself that your reactions are okay, that your existence is justified despite what always weighs down on you (being at the top of your chart). This work of healing is necessary because your midheaven is more than your sense of oppression - it's also your potential to contribute to the world in the largest sense you have.

Here are some recommendations for ways to heal your midheaven, by sign. Keep in mind that, based on your life experience, your midheaven can carry different struggles than I've had experience working with. And that's okay. Use these methods if they resonate with you.

Midheaven in Aries:

You take a lot of pleasure in standing up for the underdog. The most important thing for you is to prove that your are a genuine creature who cares about everyone. You are desperate to be seen as a carer and champion of the downtrodden because you have been rewarded for selflessness. The more you act as a carer, the stronger the societal reward, making other people label you as care taker again and again.

Eventually, such a label becomes inflexible. It's purpose may become alienated from the question of whether your effort truly help others or whether they feed your need for others to see you as the person who helps those who are unfortunate. In fact, you may subconsciously pick social problems that you know are unsolvable in an attempt to avoid responsibility over whether your work has been actually effective. The more you do this, the more helpless you feel.

In fact, your only job should be to prove that you exist, wholly, holy, and with integrity. Let your integrity come from measuring your own outcomes, actually giving yourself credit for what you have done and strategizing for what you can do. You are full of genuine goodwill, so let your methods be more calculating. Do not force a reputation of being a good person who struggles ceaselessly for a cause because you are afraid of getting actual results.

Midheaven in Taurus:

You have always been expected to be good above all else, to be strong, dependable, and to propagate good values. As a child, you might have been the golden child whose reputation of goodness became almost impossible to uphold. Money may be the place your confrontations with oppression speak the loudest. You feel pressure to prove yourself as a valuable member of society and to show your abundance through wealth. Because you were always rewarded for acting sweet, you learned to depend on a performative identity that feels almost plastic.

If you are too narrow in your assessment of what is good, your goals may be too materialistic to hold your interest. Really, you are a deep creature and far more strange in your beauty that you feel suits the world. Furthermore, you are always aware of how the way you appear shapes the way other people treat you.

Let yourself be the chaotic one once in a while. Let your inner monsters show. At least, admit that you have them to yourself and your loved ones. You are well aware when those around you lie. Let them tell the truth by showing who you really are. Only when love feels ugly, do you trust that it is finally there.

Midheaven in Gemini:

You fear being misunderstood. As a child, no matter what you said and how you said it, it seemed like no one was willing or able to listen to your words. You may have had questions about what type of language to use, or which language to use. As a result, you learned to talk, talk, and talk more. Language became your defense system because you are always able to talk your way through and out of problems.

Rather than continuing to express yourself by rephrasing the same thing over and over, you need to deconstruct the institutional premise that you operate within. Your criticality is much better suited for breaking down big ideas, ideologies, or the general zeitgeist, than for obsessing over slight turns of phrase or critiquing yourself.

Understand that you cannot be right if no one thinks that you are right. Find the context where you are able to move through logics of right and wrong in a way that is fulfilling to you. Find the places and people that honor your investigative mind and criticality. Keep speaking your truth, but make your words stronger by knowing your audience.

Midheaven in Cancer:

There's a lot of family pressure hanging over your head. You might be compared to a parent, sibling, or other member of the family. Inside, you might feel like you don't stack up or like a black sheep. Through all this familial pressure, you're not really sure what you actually want to do. It's hard to prove yourself as an individual when everything you do is seen as for or against the family.

What you're looking for, and tremendously capable of finding, is a group where you belong. You're looking for your soul group. You're capable of building this soul group from the ground up, from dispersed people who all have felt unwelcome in some shape or other.

To do this, you must first renegotiate cycles of unhealthy dependency, which may have first begun in your family, and have influenced other relationships in your life. Structure is key. Whenever it seem that the more people who need you, the more trapped you feel, you should draw your boundaries loudly and retreat to a place where you are allowed to be absolutely alone.

Midheaven in Leo:

Creativity was something that you felt was taken away from you, by societal pressures telling you that ego centered modes of expression are not meant for you. You suffer from embarrassment from being seen fully, and prohibit yourself from expressing your wants and desires. At the same time, you feel an immense pressure to prove yourself as an individual.

Acknowledging that you have an ego, that you are allowed to have an ego, that it is healthy to have a strong willed ego is the first step in finding your potential. From there, find ways of creative expression that allow you to play well with other people. Find personal empowerment through group empowerment.

Avoid mentalities that make you feel left out. Learn to ask for attention and respect your need to engage with others people. Accept your need to be accepted. Accept also that the ways you are different than others, do not take away from what makes you acceptable to others, but give you uniqueness of character that is cause for celebration.

Midheaven in Virgo:

You struggle against perfection, often feeling like you are not allowed to do anything unless it's absolutely perfect. Because you have learned to criticize other people, especially those who seem to have achieved what you cannot, as a defense mechanism, you fear being criticized in turn. You struggle against small details, wanting desperately at times for other people to understand that your heart is always in the right place, even if things don't go the way you meant them to.

You need to find your flow. When you are in flow, you will understand that there is never perfection, only a process. Life is a never ending process, and you have all your life to live it. Resist glamorizing any one age, whether that's youth or old age. Trust in the living process instead.

When you find your flow, you will understand that mistakes are a part of process and extremely valuable. You will learn to use your mistakes, not to self criticize, but to treasure every small measure of time.

Midheaven in Libra:

Society is a place where you have always felt excluded, due to a sense of your own authenticity. You feel that you do not fit in and don't understand certain social customs in place. You learned to mask your social abrasiveness by mimicking the behavior of those around you. You have learned to become a social animal but remain self conscious of the ways you rehearse social humors, critique, and abstractions. You always feel inauthentic and want to prove yourself to people.

Assimilation is your oppression. Acknowledge that your assimilation has been a survival strategy, one that may feel beautiful and seductive, and is fully authentic to you. You might have many selves, and its your smooth ability to negotiate these selves that make you who you are.

Learn to be yourself more often, without worrying about the opinions of others. You have the ability to rework social biases and counteract stereotypes, but only if you remember your sense of self. Love your own survival methods and make time and space to be truly selfish.

Midheaven in Scorpio:

In some ways, you've always felt like an artificial human being. You feel that the world expects you to put on some kind of performance, and wholeheartedly resist this pressure to perform by showing a fabricated ugly side, because you feel that you cannot or do not want to meet expectations. It is hard for you to join in any kind of activity or ritual that makes you feel like you are pretending to be someone else. You don't want to conform and make a show of it. When in doubt, you research the hell out of whatever scares you. Your defense mechanism is always being in a position of knowing more than others.

it is important for you to recognize that your resistance to performance is a performance on its own. You are trying to be too meta with the layers of costume that you create and wear. It causes other people to misunderstand you and isolate you, especially when you do not put in the effort of making yourself understood.

You need to learn to build trust between yourself and other people. Communicating your resistance to certain expressions of self is a good first step. When you build trust, you will realize that everyone has an instinct for the artificial, and that building social trust is a dialogue about falsehoods. By building trust, you will be able distinguish real value from fools good, with your nose for social falsehoods and truths.

Midheaven in Sagittarius:

Your area of confrontation is through the institution. You may have been told that school was a place where you had to conform in a certain way, a place where you are not allowed to be your authentic self. You learned, very early on, how to assimilate, pass, and code switch. You are able to change your public appearing face fluidly to navigate whatever arena you find yourself within.

Confront your fear of being wrong, in any given context. Your assumptions of institutional right and wrong allow you to blend in too easily, to perpetuate what already exists, and limits your curiosity. When you feel like you already know it all, you stop learning.

Put yourself in the position of being wrong more often. You are a student of life.

Midheaven in Capricorn:

You were always expected to be the strong one, the one that other people lean on, or the one who does the work in any given situation. You learned to shoulder your burdens without expecting others to give you pity or care. Because others see you as the strongest person in the group, they put responsibilities and pressures that more vulnerable characters are not able to take on you.

Don't confuse pity with care, or ask for pity at all. Avoid internalizing your need for care into a subconscious fantasy or alter ego. You will need to learn that strength comes from giving and receiving care in order to be actually strong and not brittle.

Take care of yourself. Exercise time for self care everyday. Find ways of communicating your vulnerability to those who love you. Learn to depend on others, as you are depended on, knowing that it gives nothing away but adds to your strength in character.

Midheaven in Aquarius:

It's hard for you to be social. You'd rather shut yourself away in your own castle and lock the door. The older you grew, you more you have felt left out of cliques or other social groups. You were made to feel different than others, and as a result have disassociated yourself from any group setting. The more misunderstood you felt, the more you reaffirmed your own strangeness by appearing distant and contrarian. You embrace and arm yourself by declaring yourself a stranger without letting others get to know you.

Inside of your cool facade, you want to be loved. You want to feel acceptance from other people. You want to trust yourself and other people.

Give generously and avoid stringiness. Ask for people to notice you and give you time and eye contact. The more you give, the more other people and the universe gives back to you. The tighter you are with love, time, and resources, the tighter your circumstances become.

Midheaven in Pisces:

You feel like you can be anyone, as long as you spend enough time learning certain words or practicing in the mirror. You were taught that, in order to seem like the ultimate genius, to never show your work or your effort. You strive to give a glamorous image of self, one that can never do any wrong or suffer any criticism. In fact, this glamorous image has everything to do with your daily self criticism and constant picking at the self, which can deflate your idealism and sense of purpose.

You need to learn how to fuck up, or what happens when you're known as a person who has fucked up. Your critical voice is powerful, when it's well aimed. Stop aiming it at only yourself, believing that overly strong self critique will invoke the pity of others. Instead, learn to love your imperfect self.

You will need to be attached to a deep sense of failure before you realize that, in reality, you can do little wrong. You can learning to be more significant in your outlook. When you are generous with yourself, your are generous with the world.

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