Libra Venus, ____ Mars

Jan. 3, 2021, 6:14 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Libra. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Libra Venus, Aries Mars: Empathy as action

Libra Venus Aries Mars

You speak as loudly and forthrightly as if you had no one on your side and you had to campaign for each issue on your own but you actually have an entire ensemble ready to support your every action. This is because you do not just speak for yourself. You speak for everyone you care about, even when those people do not see eye to eye. You only appear to speak for yourself because you find a way to apply the struggles of other people to yourself. This is empathy as action and you know how to deploy it. You value simplicity above all else and you scoff at those who must use elaborate language to make their claims. You speak to all people and find the base denominator not of what we all agree on but what we struggle against.

Libra Venus, Taurus Mars: Unpretentious

Libra Venus Taurus Mars

You don’t brag. It’s just not your style. Instead, you let your actions and your work speak for themselves. This means that you also might not be the first person who comes to mind when others are asked to describe who stands out in a room. It also means that your relationships are long lasting and real. Not a lot of people truly know you and you might prefer to keep it that way. However, those who do know you understand you. When in relationship to others, you prefer to deepen alliances. This makes it so that you often say the wrong things at the wrong time with the expectation that others will listen long and hard before making a judgment. Things do not always happen in this way. When in disagreement, you look to be backed up by those who take your position and, the longer you argue at something, the more stubborn you are about where you begin.

Libra Venus, Gemini Mars: Hall of mirrors

Libra Venus Gemini Mars

You are attracted to those who are very different from you and can hide away your authenticity, as if you are performing yourself rather than acting yourself, for years at a time. In fact, you might have a different personality for each room that you enter in your personal and professional lives. However, these personalities are not always created so that you disappear in a room but created in antagonism to the outside environment so that you stand out apart from everyone else. You are contrarian but you are almost never alone. People see you as interesting and multifaceted. Be careful that you do not reject opportunities for emotional vulnerability by delving into increasingly complicated formulas or trains of thought that make no sense to anyone but you.

Libra Venus, Cancer Mars: Lonely in a crowd

Libra Venus Cancer Mars

You seem more bombastic and social than you are prepared to be. You might make a show of yourself, acting as if you are busy with a new adventure every fortnight but, in actuality, you have a tight inner circle of trusted friends with whom you share everything and have less of a need for a wide circle. You believe that relationships are the best protection and that is why you have practiced making friends with everyone. You don’t take a lot of social risks and prefer to hide away instead, believing that those who have wronged you simply do not deserve your energy. Though you do not need a lot of people, you do need a time of time with people. You enjoy being able to be in the same room as someone else while doing different things.

Libra Venus, Leo Mars: Best boy

Libra Venus Leo Mars

You’re the best at what you do and you don’t need anyone to tell you that. However, you make a lot of room for other people to be at the best at what they do. You believe in variety and that the world has space for everyone to be their best. This is why you are competitive but you only compete with yourself. This pushes you to go farther and wilder than others have gone before. When in a relationship, you do need to be the center of someone’s attention if not their world. You expect the person who you are with to put away their mobile phones when speaking to you and, if this does not happen, you are prepared to command their attention.

Libra Venus, Virgo Mars: Growing into love

Libra Venus Virgo Mars

When dating, you don’t choose people who are necessarily attractive to yourself or even other people. You choose people who you believe will make you the best version of who you are. This is because you understand the importance not of falling in love but of growing into love. You are patient and considerate and you only get frustrated when others are unable to address their own mistakes with a critical eye. You can quickly take on some of the emotional labor involved in growing for those who you care about because you hold the development of ethics so strongly in your own heart. You just want people to be better than they were yesterday. Choose people who are willing to work at self improvement with you, not those who drift away once you start asking hard questions.

Libra Venus, Libra Mars: Relatable

Libra Venus Libra Mars

You know how to appear as though you are exactly what someone else wants you to be without seeming superficial or becoming a different person from moment to moment entirely. This is because you draw out the facets of your real lived experience that actually appeal to those who might challenge you. You have an easy way of working with others and you are always able to get people to receive you because you receive them back. Any trouble comes when you engage in people pleasing due to fear rather than holding your own principles to heart. Another issue that you may have is that, because you are so busy relating to everyone and anyone, you have trouble standing out because you flatten your own spark. This can cause you to embrace outrageous styles in later years if you do not prioritize your own individuality early.

Libra Venus, Scorpio Mars: Devoted

Libra Venus Scorpio Mars

You might find that, when you fall for someone, that you’re prepared to be everything and do everything for that person or those people. When you fall, you fall hard. You become endlessly devoted to a person in a way that can turn them into an ideal. In fact, you might have trouble reckoning with your own imperfections especially when younger because you might have such unfair expectations of self that you strive to become an ideal of a person rather than a real person. You are capable of standing up for yourself when necessary but cannot stand when people do not like you afterwards. You’re well liked but you are sometimes unsatisfied in merely being liked. You want to be worshipped the same way you worship those you idolize.

Libra Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Social butterfly

Libra Venus Sagittarius Mars

While you are socially defined, you do not remain loyal to those who prioritize norms above ethics. You love to be in relationships but you do not stay in relationships unless they are a part of your own experimental process of self growth. This can give you a reputation for dating anyone and everyone. You’re not out to date around for ego needs, however. You are pure in your motives. Love to you is abundant and you seek to spread love as if it were gospel. You may not feel any way about entering a room where five exes wait for you but not everyone shares your same breadth for relational growth. In fact, if you come under fire, it is because past lovers have refused to stand with you because the conflicts not addressed within the relationship have not been resolved.

Libra Venus, Capricorn Mars: Relationship goals

Libra Venus Capricorn Mars

Pleasure is serious for you and, sometimes, pleasure is also business. You prefer to go into pleasure and also business with other people. You like relationships to have a goal, which is why marriage may have been important to you at some point in your life. You seem cool headed when in conflict but, if there is no tangible solution, then you are out the door and the other person may not ever see you anymore. This is because you have such strong control not only over what goes on in your relationships but over how you spend your own time. This style of leaving once there is no visible goal to be achieved with someone may distress and confuse more insecure partners. You are able to share your independence with people when you share your self assurance.

Libra Venus, Aquarius Mars: Fascinating

Libra Venus Aquarius Mars

You don’t talk about yourself. You talk about your theories of the world, about other people in your life, and about history but you don’t talk about who you think you are or who you don’t think you are. This is because you do not wish to be bogged down by the stubbornness of ego and prepare yourself to be ever adaptable to the changes that make the future. However, even if you avoid taking a direct approach on self identity, you might have fixed relationship patterns that make you as stubborn as the self you seek to avoid. You might continually find yourself expanding another person’s mind only to lose interest once whatever it is that was capturing your fascination appears to dwindle. Lose the idea that you have to be fascinating to be worthy of love and learn to see your ability to inspire as a natural process of life. Only then can you fully live in the present.

Libra Venus, Pisces Mars: Role player

Libra Venus Pisces Mars

You like to play with assuming roles in fiction rather than reality—or, rather, reality becomes more interesting for you when you find fictional ways of encountering it. However, you do not only want to play with yourself. You want to appear in the roles that you have scripted for others. You have a tension within you. Sometimes, you feel like no one who understands your fictional world can understand you. Other times, you feel as though you are merely playing a game of pretend when relating and that others must be able to see through your guises in order to understand you. You do not authentically want anyone who is able to play your games with you but someone who is able to empathize with the need to play them while having enough compassion to allow you to relax your defenses.

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