Reflections On My Cat

Jan. 16, 2021, 10:34 a.m.

I don’t know the placements or, really, anything about one of the closest creatures in my life—namely, my cat.

My cat found me on black Friday when I was walking from a park back home after having spent Thanksgiving quarantined with roommates. That was a hard week. We had two COVID scares and then immediately went into closed quarantine when my roommate found out he had COVID.

When my cat saw me walking on Linden between Central and Wilson with headphones on, she stopped me looking woeful and wide eyed. When I crouched down, she got into my lap immediately. We’ve been inseparable ever since. She rarely leaves the three foot radius around my physical body. She follows me when I go downstairs and follows me when I go upstairs.

I’ve often speculated on what her zodiac sign is. I’ll never know. She acts like a Venus figure—she’s always lounging or grooming herself and her responses are never hurried or degraded. She’s got a lot of style and a lot of poise. She’s also very good looking. I wonder if she’s a Libra, Taurus, or Pisces.

My cat

But she’s not codependent. Her boundaries are firm and she communicates them well. When she’s done being petted, she tells me so with a firm paw against my hand. She has never scratched me and her soft bites are more of a communication tactic than aggression. I barely feel them but they get the message across. She also survived on the streets for at least a year, since my partner saw her around the same block a year ago. She must have a strong Saturn somewhere.

My cat

Does Saturn even matter for cats? They rarely live a full Saturn cycle. Is Saturn one of those planets, like Uranus or Neptune or Pluto for humans, that matter more in the context of describing social change than personal choice?

My friend guesses that she is a Virgo. She is exceptionally clean and a capable hunter. I’ve seen her kill a fly right out of the air and bite its wings off so that it cannot fly away. Cats must seem so cruel to their prey. But I doubt her Virgo status. She has never made me feel judged or too big and awkward. She accepts me as I am.

My cat

She doesn’t force me awake in the morning like some cats do. Instead, she waits until I am already awake and she encourages me to rise. Even when I sleep in, her patience is like an ocean. But she’s smart about things. She knows that I don’t like it when she touches things on my altar and she only fiddles around on it when she’s trying to demand that I get up already. Is this a Venus thing? Or is her Mars in a tricky placement?

My cat

She’s only three years old according to the vet who checked out her teeth. That’s three full solar cycles, 36 lunar ones, and 1.5 Mars cycles. Does Mars affect cats? Did she master her hunting when Mars made it a full cycle around her chart? My guess for her Mars would be Capricorn. She doesn’t waste a lot of energy moving around the way I see debilitated Mars placements do. She believes in patience, in stalking, and in position. She will only lunge when she is in the best place to succeed.

A Venus in Pisces perhaps? With an exalted Mars? How did I get so lucky to find such a heavenly cat who saw me and wanted to come into my life? I would guess that her Moon is exalted as well but maybe I am falling into the overly romantic usage of essential dignities solely because I am in love with my cat.

My cat

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