Taurus North Node, Scorpio South Node

Feb. 23, 2021, 8:02 p.m.

The second nodal axis that I want to talk to you about is Scorpio south node and Taurus north node. Most of the clients that I have had with this nodal axis are born between the years 1984 and 1986. Because the nodes look very different for different generations, I want you to know that this article is written based on observations mostly of that one age group. There are folks born in the 60s and early 2000s with this nodal axis but I just have less experience with those clients.

I actually believe that Taurus and Scorpio nodes are the hardest nodes. This is because these are the Moon’s nodes and Taurus and Scorpio are the exaltations and falls of the Moon. The lunar nodes are about fear and survival. When the nodes are the Taurus and Scorpio, fear and survival are often felt through the anticipation of scarcity.

Assumptions about Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node

A lot of assumptions about this nodal axis have to do with what I like to call Scorpio stigma. The sign of Scorpio itself is often assumed to be much more scary than it actually is. This has to do with slut shaming and the conflation of Scorpio with uncontrollable sexuality.

There are conflations with Scorpio south node and abuse that are often unhelpful even for those with Scorpio south node who have experienced childhood abuse—ideas around Scorpio south node as being codependent or attracted to crisis. This is not helpful because there is no placement that signifies abuse in a chart. When you talk about a placement as more likely to make someone grow up in a chaotic environment or even a violent one, you naturalize abuse.

There are Scorpio south node people who have histories of abuse but abuse can show up for anyone with any kind of chart. We talk about abuse when we talk about survival issues but we do not talk about any placement as more likely to be abused than others.

The other assumption with Scorpio south node has to do with the other side of Scorpio stigma, which is the assumption that Scorpio is power hungry. There is an idea of Scorpio that is almost like a cartoon villain. I’ve never met a Scorpio who acts this way and I have never met a Scorpio south node person who is power hungry. Power is not an archetype. Power is a set of social relations and can be described by many archetypes.

Security Issues

People with Scorpio south node often feel as though they are expected to explain everything and, yet, that they are unable to explain anything. This leads to the feeling of being totally misunderstood. I’ve heard Scorpio south node people describe themselves as being very cut off or emotionally distant from everyone else. They can feel like they have to do everything themselves or that things will be left undone.

A lot of the time, Scorpio south node people are afraid of being misunderstood and, in being afraid of misunderstanding, are incredibly afraid of change. This works in a funny way because Scorpio south node people often change so much. They have often made huge changes in life that completely uproot who they are.

The reason why Scorpio south node people have a fear of change is because they have had the experience of changing before they are ready. Sometimes, change has less to do with identifying certain patterns that you want to break and breaking them and more about escapism. Sometimes, even change that looks hard or brave on the surface can actually be about a fear of confronting an issue that seems scary but won’t go away until it is confronted.

The reason why Scorpio south node people have a fear of being misunderstood is because they have a fear of not being trusted. The reason why they have a fear of not being trusted is not because they cannot earn trust because, very often, these people are great at building trust in their relationships, but because they have a hard time trusting their own motives for making life decisions.

Scorpio is the fall of the Moon. A lot of the time, Scorpio south node people have a hard time forgiving themselves for survival strategies that made sense at the time but no longer do. They have a hard time accepting that their survival can hurt other people and they hang onto guilt. They might overly identify with their survival and end up identifying as a toxic person that they don’t trust. This can lead them to choose people who are not great for them or make decisions that they have already outgrown.

Scorpio south node people are incredibly afraid of trying to do good—of enacting their principles in a way that builds self esteem. This is because, when they try to act from a place of self value, they feel that they have something to lose. They fear that someone will call them out for not being a good person. They fear that everyone who sees their goodness is not seeing their true being. They fear that they are not a good person, after all, but a bad person who is pretending to be good.


What Taurus north node people fear most of all is the idea that they might be worthy of love or affection or just existence without having to earn it first. They fear being self value because they fear that they could possibly lose self value should they disappoint themselves again.

Sometimes, this shows up through beauty standards. Other times, this shows up through self esteem. Often, this shows up through love.

Taurus north node people prefer to identify as ugly because they are afraid of beauty. They prefer to identify as unworthy because they are afraid of worthiness. They choose to identify as impossible to love because they are terrified of love.

Taurus north node people are afraid that, should other people see them as beautiful or worthy or loveable, that these people will become envious and want to take them down a peg. Most of the time, this is not true because Taurus north node people are wise with intimacy and have people who support them during their highs as well as their lows. However, the fear that people will abandon them if they start to thrive is still there. Sometimes, Taurus north node people think that they are only worthy of attention when they are in crisis. This is because Taurus north node people think that they are meant to exist as projects for other people to solve.

Sometimes, the inability to see the self as worthy, loveable, and beautiful can mean that Taurus north node people experience a lot of anger directed at those who they see as taking up too much love. Often, this anger is just. Due to race supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy, there are people who are seen as more worthy of love than others.

However, Taurus north node can use the experience of envy to justify why no one deserves good things rather than simply seeing themselves as loveable. Taurus north node people go through these extreme mind games that they play with themselves in order to keep believing that they are valueless because, again, they are terrified of disappointment. They are terrified of gaining self value because they do not want to lose what they don’t have already. They believe that it is safer to simply exist while believing in their own undesirability.

Healing and Growth

Healing happens for Taurus north node people when they accept that they have inherent value which no one can take away. Growth happens when they accept that disappointment is a part of life and happens more when they try to protect themselves unsuccessfully with feelings of worthlessness rather than accepting that they have value.

Scorpio south node people must accept that they are not bad people trying to pretend to be good people. This means that they must drop all the pretenses that they try to hide their unworthiness behind because that unworthiness does not actually exist.

Taurus north node people have to do things that make them feel beautiful, loved, and worthy even if there are moments in which they do not feel beautiful, loved, or worthy. This means that they may feel embarrassed sometimes since they’re always anticipating the ways that people will see through their disguise. However, Taurus north node people do not get the cruel responses that they anticipate from other people. Taurus north node people are much better than anyone who is around them at tearing themselves down.

A lot of the time, Taurus north node people really do not like staying in one place. They fear that staying in one place will mean that too many people will know them for who they are. Because they’re afraid of accepting themselves, they’re also afraid of being accepted by other people. A lot of the time, healing and growth for Taurus north node people is slow because it depends on them staying in one place instead of moving.

What Scorpio south node people are afraid of is being trapped by who they are. That’s why they might move so much—because they have to learn how to trust who they are. They have to trust that the ways that they have enacted their values are not pretense but behavior that builds into a pattern. They have to accept that they cannot earn self love with good actions and that good and bad do not exist in a binary—that they can neither earn love by being good people who do good things nor being a bad person who good people save. Taurus north node people must understand that they’re just people—that they are loved, valued, and accepted for being and not acting.

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