The Three Types Of Virgo Sun

March 8, 2021, 9:08 a.m.

There’s three types of Virgo Suns: Virgos who have Mercury in Leo, Virgos who have Mercury in Libra, and Virgos who have Mercury in Virgo. Furthermore, Virgo with Virgo Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust.

Sometimes, you hear people talking about how different August Virgo are from September Virgos. Not all August Virgos have Leo Mercury and not all September Virgos have Libra Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º from the Sun, it is more likely for an August Virgo to be a Leo Mercury and for a September Virgo to be a Libra Mercury.

Virgo with Leo Mercury: Selected family

These people are interested in growing through their relationships with family, whether that family is ancestral, biological, or chosen. Because there is reception (without aspects) between the Sun and Mercury, which just means that these planets are in signs that are ruled by one another.

Virgos with Leo Mercuries are interested in what brought them to this world and about figuring out exactly how they place themselves in their environments. Sometimes, that means that Virgos with Leo Mercuries are very influenced by a parent. Sometimes that means that they are attracted to a mentor. Sometimes, it means that they bring a group of people together.

Virgos with Leo Mercuries are creative but they don’t feel the need to show everything that they make right away. They can spend years on a single project or drawing. It’s just important for them to make the time for it. When they do show someone their creativity, it’s not because they want to impress anyone but because they’ve selected that person to be family.

Virgo with Virgo Mercury: I'm not that cool

There’s three subsets of Virgos with Virgo Mercury: there’s Virgos who have Mercury as morning star, Virgos who have Mercury as evening star, and Virgos who have Mercury combust.

When Virgo Mercury is combust, a lot of the normal anxieties that Virgo deals with—what do people think, is everything going to go perfectly, what happens if things fail—get hidden under an expectation of being relaxed or cool. A lot of the time, people who have Virgo Mercury combust can seem casual or relaxed on the surface but, inside, their mind is whirring a mile a minute.

This can lead combust Virgo Mercury people to feel misunderstood. They can feel as though, not only do they have to do everything perfectly, but also that they have to appear as if all of their effort is no work at all. This doubles their expectations that they set for themselves. Healthy failure allows combust Virgo Mercury people to trust that they will not be judged and that they will always learn when they fail.

Virgos who have Virgo Mercury as a morning star are a little more self reliant, expecting perfection to come from themselves. Virgos who have Virgo Mercury as an evening star can experience disappointment more through their relationships, especially when other people let them down.

Virgo with Libra Mercury: Socially Overwhelmed

Often, Virgos with Libra Mercury feel very overwhelmed by all of the different expectations that the people in their lives have for them. They feel like they have to be everything to everyone and like there just isn’t enough time in the day for everyone they care about and themselves.

This is actually because Virgos with Libra Mercuries try to control how they are perceived. Because they try to meet the needs of other people, they try to become who that person needs them to be in that moment. This means that they have a multitude of personalities for every social environment that they find themselves in.

Integrating all their different personas means that Virgos with Libra Mercuries have to trust that other people will still value and accept them when they’re not meeting someone else’s needs. It will mean that they let go of the idea that they can control what other people think of them. When Virgos with Libra Mercuries let go of social control, they find that they are able to change with other people.

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