Jeon Jungkook Natal Chart Analysis: Secret Honor Student

May 5, 2021, 10:37 a.m.

Jungkook’s chart is very similar to Yoongi’s. However, it’s the mirror opposite. Jungkook also has Mercury cazimi in the twelfth house and Venus in the first house but, unlike Yoongi, Jungkook’s Mercury is exalted and thus cancels out the cazimi. His Venus in the first house is also domicile.

Venus is not Jungkook’s only angular placement. He has this fallen Saturn in the seventh house that just so happens to be exactly opposite Jimin’s Sun at 19º Aries. Having a domicile chart ruler in the first house gives Jungkook a lot of independence. You see him grow through his hyungs, emulating them now and again, but you also see him grow independent.

You see, a lot of Jungkook’s decisions don’t make that much sense to the outside observer and, with a chart ruler that defines itself without needing anyone else’s feedback opposite a fallen Saturn that doesn’t have a lot of trust in existing structures, he doesn’t need them to make sense to anyone but himself.

Jungkook joined BTS as a child after losing but gaining a lot of popularity during a competitive reality show. He was recruited by BigHit and other smaller companies at the time but he was also recruited by YG Entertainment. And the reason why Jungkook chose BigHit over larger companies that would have put more resources at his disposal is nebulous at best. He says that it was simply because he thought that Namjoon was really cool.

Exalted Mercury Baby

Jeon Jungkook BTS natal chart

Jungkook doesn’t explain himself to anyone. He chooses to go sing in public parks, he likes niche anime, and he gets a bunch of tattoos with unknown meanings all without explaining himself. He makes life changing decisions without ever explaining why he chose the things that he did.

But Jungkook is a researcher. He’s interested in astrology and mystical things (he had a secret Twitter that has been deleted where he would tweet astrology related things). When he learns how to shoot and edit videos, he looks at all the tutorials and he asks all of the editors and videographers at his disposal. Jungkook, just as much as Jimin, is a perfectionist. Out of all of the smaller companies that courted Jungkook, BigHit was likely to be the most promising one. Bang PD had worked for major labels and he had connections in the industry. A smaller company means that the company would be placing all its bets on BTS and this gives BTS attention that groups that debut at larger companies often don’t get.

You see, Jungkook is a Virgo Sun with a Virgo Mercury. He doesn’t make silly decisions. He makes well informed ones even when he doesn’t explain to anyone why it is that he made a decision.

Jungkook is also good at everything. He’s good at dancing, good at singing, and he figures out how to skin a fish while Jin could only struggle on the first try. The exalted Mercury in his chart means that, when Jungkook is faced with a problem, he finds a solution. He uses all of the tools and information at his disposal to find a solution. And he doesn’t waste time wringing his hands over whether or not he can find a solution before he jumps right in and just does it.

Three Domicile Planets

Jeon Jungkook BTS natal chart

The other things about Jungkook is that he has three planets that are in their domicile or home placement. He has Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio, and Mercury in Virgo. While there is confusion on whether Jungkook is a Leo or Virgo Moon, I believe him to be a Leo Moon. However, whether or not his Moon is in Leo or Virgo, it deposits to Mercury. His Jupiter and Saturn deposit to Mars and his Venus stands alone.

Jungkook has all these different parts of himself that he has yet to reconcile with one another. He’s good at writing, he’s strong, and he’s also pretty. These things don’t form a coherent identity on their own and it’s up to him to reconcile all of them. However, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio are all signs that are adjacent to one another. That means that it is hard for all of the different parts of Jungkook to integrate together.

If you watch him, it’s like he almost dismisses the domicile placements that he has. He’s extremely intelligent and so Jungkook acts like a himbo. He’s very cute and so Jungkook dresses down. He’s very strong and so Jungkook covers up with loose clothing whenever he chooses his own.

Before these contradicting and domicile planets are integrated, you see Jungkook explore what they can look like through other people. He looked up to his writer hyungs, Namjoon and Yoongi, because they showed him one direction he could take. He bonded with Jimin, the other Scorpio Mars in the group, because he could keep up. Jungkook, with all his domicile placements, has the ability to become different people in different places.

The person who throws Jungkook off the most is Jin. This is because Jin, like Jungkook, moves primarily through how he responds to other people. You see their confusion with one another sometimes. Jin wants to cook for everyone but he can’t find his only cooking knife. Jungkook, trying to anticipate Jin’s needs, has taken it outdoors for sharpening. Jin says that Jungkook is the person who he understands the least.

Jungkook is defined by other people, but that doesn’t mean that he aims to please. Rather, Jungkook aims to constantly set himself apart from the perspectives and paths of the people around himself. His Saturn in Aries is cynical and doesn’t want to do anything unless it hasn’t been done before. His too cool for school Jupiter in Aquarius doesn’t want to move with the crowd. His domicile Mars tells him that he can do anything and his exalted Mercury tells him that he can learn anything. His domicile chart ruler tells him that he needs to make his own way, that no one will teach him how to be himself.

If you look at photos they take of themselves, Jungkook takes the least. He shows up when pictured with other people sometimes but he prefers to be behind the camera rather than in front. He prefers to do the looking.

Jungkook doesn’t want to be the cute and sexy one, like Jimin. He doesn’t want to be the Confucian masculine one, like Namjoon. He dosesn’t want to be millennial emo like Yoongi. He knows he’s not royalty like Jin and he doesn’t want to be Hobi or Taehyung either. Jungkook wants to be himself, which is something that is very different than other people. The only thing is, he has yet to figure out what that self looks and feels like.


Jeon Jungkook BTS natal chart

I think that Jungkook is as disappointed as he is elated. Obviously, BTS has achieved a success that no one had expected them to and has set more records than anyone expected them to. I don’t think Jungkook is disappointed at all about his career—however, I do think that he has experienced some feelings of disappointment around what he felt that celebrity would give him. Jungkook has Saturn in fall in an angular house. He has his Sun in the same sign as his north node. When the Sun is close to the north node, when you are born just before an eclipse like Jungkook, you have this sense of having your life being written for you and this feeling like you have to disappoint someone else’s expectations before you can figure out just how the hell you are.

I’m not sure if Jungkook’s Sun figure is his actual father. He’s an idol so we really don’t know a lot about his background. But let’s pretend it’s not and let’s pretend it’s the older members of the group, the ones who raised him since he joined BTS as a child. With the Sun conjunct north node, Jungkook is going to experience some kind of disillusionment from a father figure before he can really grow.

Bang PD’s idea of BTS was very different from how it ended up. He wanted to create this group of self writing idols—idols who were branded as being songwriters and artists in addition to being idols. When they formed BTS, they recruited “artist types” and “idols types.” Jungkook was one of the idol types. But he looked up to the “artist types.”

I believe that Jungkook looked to BTS to change something about the industry that it found itself in. And I believe that Jungkook wanted to find himself as an artist through BTS. Unfortunately, Jungkook was born right before an eclipse. He can’t find himself through merging with another person’s identity.

Jungkook is an artist but he was raised on mimicry over originality. Namjoon even once said that he believed that mimicry is what they do best. This idea of mimicry over originality is something that is circulated in East Asian creative circles—this idea that East Asians are good at mimicking what the West originates but that it lacks initiative.

Jungkook’s Jupiter is in Aquarius in the fifth house. Jupiter in Aquarius is an original Jupiter but it doesn’t create by starting from a blank slate. Jupiter in Aquarius creates new things by merging already existing things together.

Before Jungkook has experienced his first adult Jupiter return, he’s in this questioning period where he feels like he’s stuck imitating his hyungs, imitating other artists, and imitating what has already been done. You see him do this—he talks about seeing other people get manicures and wanting one himself. You see him adopt some of Yoongi’s mannerisms and you see him try out different versions of cosmopolitan sexy.

Jungkook is only twenty-three. He’s yet to define himself and he has yet to figure out just how wacky his Jupiter in Aquarius turns the things that he accepts in others through the thing that is his own lived experience. I’m not worried about how much celebrity has influenced him or not. He has a domicile chart ruler and a strong personality. He doesn’t spend that much time worrying over how his actions look from the outside. He just doesn’t quite know who he is yet but, as he struggles to define himself against what is around him, he gets a bit clearer everyday.

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