Aquarius North Node, Leo South Node

Oct. 4, 2021, 8:37 a.m.

There is something about people who have Aquarius north node Leo south node that is just incredibly inspired. Maybe it’s because a lot of them, at least the ones who are in their early thirties now, have Jupiter in Cancer. Maybe it’s the dazzle of Leo.

There is an inverse relationship with millennials who have Aquarius north node Leo south node and those who have Scorpio north node Taurus south node. Many Aquarius north node people have Jupiter copresent with the south node while many Scorpio north node people have Jupiter copresent with the north node. In my experience, friendships between people of these ages (people who are around 26 or 30 at the time of the writing of this article) tend to be pretty complicated. They don’t believe in the same things.

Most of my clients with Aquarius north node Leo south node were born around 1990 and 1991. I’ve talked with older gen x people who are a part of the Pluto in Virgo generation with this nodal axis too but definitely not enough to have any real insight about the challenges of that generation.

So, because of that, I’m missing a very real picture of how Aquarius north node Leo south node looks as people get older, as they get a couple nodal returns in them. I’ve heard many a story about what the first nodal return and second nodal reversal looks like, enough to feel like I have a grasp of the nodes themselves, but I haven’t seen how people mature these nodes in real life and real time.

I am almost always impressed with people who have Aquarius north node Leo south node. But I’ve realized that this is not always a good thing. The reason, simply put, is that there are a lot of overachievers who have Aquarius north node Leo south node. There are a lot of first generation college goers who got PhDs at a young age, people who finished high school early, and people who do everything and anything for their families and communities. There are people who work multiple jobs that all require a high level of sophistication. There are people who believe that they need to mean everything to a lover to remain worthwhile.

I used to believe that an astrology reading would be a good place for people with Aquarius north node Leo south node to receive the affirmation that they are looking for. Then, I saw a lot of the people who have this nodal axis go through their Saturn returns when Saturn entered Capricorn and I realized, with them, that any validation that I have to offer is completely meaningless.

Assumptions about Aquarius north node Leo south node

The main assumption about Leo south node that I have never seen to be true is that Leo south node expects to be treated like a king.

This never happens. There are no Leo south nodes strutting around expecting to own the world and, if there are, this probably has less to do with an astrological placement than several other factors that might make someone more entitled than the next person. I don’t see the “me first” attitude that I see sometimes described in my actual clients very often at all.

What Leo south node is about is the expectation that one will always be treated like a child. And no one knows, exactly, how to treat a child. We place a lot of our own shit onto children—our own aspirations and hopes and political utopias—but we have no idea how to treat them.

When working with Leo south node, it is very important to get to know what kind of role they were expected to play as a child. This is different for everyone. There are children who were expected to take care of all of their siblings, children who were expected to succeed in things that their parents weren’t able to achieve, and children who are encouraged to remain helpless enough to always thirst after a parent’s validation. Usually, Leo south node people have a definitive role that they played during childhood—one that they understand now that they were playing. They were children who had to mean something to their families.

There are a fair amount of artists with Aquarius north node Leo south node. This, I have found to be true. Because there is a yearning to be a good child, there is also a yearning to be a good artist. A lot of the stereotypes we have around children look like the stereotypes we have around artists. We expect artists to be naive about money, to be always inspired enough to uplight other people, and to always have enough time and energy to show everyone else how to have a good time.

I also like to ask Aquarius north node Leo south node people what their relationships are like with their fathers. This is a tricky question because fathering, just like mothering, is a nebulous and hard to define thing. There are people who find the concept useful and people who do not. Both are fine but, sometimes, I like to throw a question about fathering out there just in case someone finds it useful.

Security Issues: Leo South Node

Leo south node is used to trying to be a good kid. It is used to thinking that, if they could only be a good enough kid, that they would be safe. Leo south node might do all of the extracurricular activities to impress their teachers or parents because they thought that if only they could prove that they are talented, that they would find the affirmation that they need. They might be that perfect older sibling who always has their shit together because they assumed that their parents could not love them if they weren’t good enough role models for their kid siblings. They might be that person who once thought that, if only they could start their own business empire and girlboss themselves into wealth, that they would win the hearts of those closest to them.

These are a couple examples of what Leo south node might look like but Leo south node doesn’t need to look like any of that. Leo south node is a case of wandering heart syndrome. They’re bighearted people who are afraid that they will be overlooked if they are anything less than completely exceptional.

There are many things that stand for validation—there’s the wish for fame, for visibility, the wish for a romantic partner who rescues you from distress, and there’s the tricky and tortured need to please your boss. Leo south node has a tortured relationship with daddy—not their biological father necessarily but the concept of daddy, who can be anyone or anything with authority. Leo south node has a classic case of wanting senpai to notice.

Part of wanting validation from daddy has also to do with having an incredible rage against daddy. Leo south node buckles under authority. They get fired. A lot. They get doxxed for saying provocative things loudly. They might have wanted the big charismatic leaders to notice them but they are just as often screeching and pushing against those same leaders.

This happens because Leo south node has gotten much too used to validating the authority of other people. They are grown used to bosses who want validation from employees, teachers who want validation from students, and parents who want validation from children. They understand the flimsiness of daddy. They understand that they have created daddy.

Fear: Aquarius North Node

Basically, what Aquarius north node is terrified of is Saturn. Many people who I have talked to with Aquarius north node have a domicile Saturn.

Saturn is the story of a son and father. It is the story of someone who usurped his father only to be usurped by his very own son. It’s the story of rebellion repeated, of looking yourself in the mirror only to find a parent’s face staring back, and it’s a story about what happens with pain when it takes seven generations to break.

The thing about Saturn is that it has to do with change that you are unable to see within your own lifespan. There are things that can’t be healed for seven generations and there are large oppressive structures that can’t be changed by one person. Saturn is the antithesis of the Sun, which has to do with personal future making and aspiration. Saturn is anti-aspirational because Saturn knows that there are things that you cannot overcome through achievement.

There are a lot of hopes and expectations placed onto the backs of children that are too heavy for them to wear. There are a lot of things that have to do with cycles that several generations must work together to change. Children are thought of as the future but children are not the future. Children live in the here and now.

We often place the burden of joy onto children. We hope that they will be able to be happy about the things that we were never happy about, that they will be happy with things that we never taught them joy on.

Because Aquarius north node is used to embodying an aspirational future, it takes a lot for them to realize that they cannot change the world all of their own. It takes the realization that they can’t outsmart or succeed their way out of oppression.

Aquarius north node can’t succeed their way out of oppression. Remember—people with this nodal axis tend to be very exceptional, to be very impressive, and to be very successful. They tend to be people who are used to wearing the burden of success. The reason why success feels heavy to Aquarius north node people is because their ideas around success and the familial expectations around success that they have inherited from their parents are often responses to traumatic encounters that they cannot change.

Healing and Growth

A lot of the time, the Saturn returns that I have witnessed for folks with Aquarius north node have to do with the startling realization that they are just a normal person, that they only have to be a normal person, and that they don’t have to be a golden and brilliant and shiny person to deserve to be loved.

And I think that this has also to do with the hunch the Aquarius north node Leo south node people carrying, which is a hunch on their own strangeness. They are people who feel like strangers to their environments. They are so used to embodying all of the projected aspirations of their environments that they have given themselves very little room to be strange.

I often meet Aquarius north node Leo south node people who just didn’t have a teenaged rebellion period. They were either too busy for it or they felt like they weren’t allowed. A lot of the time, they spent their adulthoods doing things that they wished they could have done when they were teenagers.

The thing about teenagers, which is very different from children, is that teenagers are allowed to be unexceptionally strange. You hope that a child might grow up to change the world but teenagers are meant to develop their powers of cynicism. It is okay if a teenager is not working on their talents at all hours of the day. You are just happy that they are alive and keeping it together. This is what Aquarius north node finds healing—that they do not have to be exceptional, that they don’t have to be superman, and that they don’t have to grow into their childhood superheroes. They just have to stay alive.

Staying alive is an art form. Survival is an art form. Survival takes takes pissing some people off, which is something that Aquarius north node Leo south node can benefit from. Aquarius north node Leo south node knows how to make other people happy. They know how to handle the burden of joy. But they are learning how to give less of a shit, to curse out what they need to curse out, and to realize that they are still left alive at the end of it all.

After all, staying alive is the most hopeful thing that anyone can aspire to do. Staying alive is not about solving things in the moment, all at once, but about knowing that a commitment to life itself means always welcoming in the potential for change.

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