Loving Venus In Gemini

March 7, 2022, 10:07 a.m.

All planets are peregrine. Planets are wanderers, without home. Only when a planet is able to find some dignity does it appear to solve its peregrine condition.

Gemini Venus is mostly a peregrine Venus (unless it appears between 12º and 17º in which it enjoys dignity by term). In most cases, Gemini Venus will be an awkward Venus—a Venus without inclusion and without belonging.

Loving Gemini Venus is loving a Venus that feels as though it has nowhere to go. Loving Gemini Venus is loving a Venus that remembers what it’s like to have no people, to be the odd one out who no one “gets”, and to simply not look like anyone else who is in the same room as them.

There’s a lot out there that laments the avoidance of peregrine Venus placements. We complain that Gemini Venus is flighty, that it likes to distance using humor, and that it sometimes finds more comfort with the acquaintance than the friend. But that’s not how Gemini Venus always behaves.

Gemini Venus is a Venus that must be taught intimacy with slowness and compassion. It’s a Venus that questions the purpose of relationship. It’s a Venus that is deeply curious about relationships, so curious that it freaks out, excited, about all of the new feelings and meanings involved in them.

Gemini Venus is like a teenager in love. There’s just so much to explore and learn. When they learn that being around people you love changes your oxytocin levels, they simply can’t believe it. They study different relationship structures, anarchist relationships, and play with definitions. When they learn new things through love, they can’t wait to share it with you.

And Gemini Venus does this because they can’t believe that relationships can exist. They have no predispositions towards this thing. They assume, first, that they will be very awkward and that they will most likely do the wrong thing and they go from there. Everything else is a learning curve. If they forget to respond to something, it’s likely that they forgot that they need other people in the first place.

Loving Gemini Venus is loving a student of intimacy. Loving a student of intimacy means that you must walk in with no assumptions about how things must be done or about how they need to be done. Why must people eat on dates? Or kiss each other on the mouths? Why can we not kiss each other on the toes in greeting? Why must we marry our lovers? Why can’t we marry a friend and then fuck an enemy on the first Thursday of every month?

These are Gemini Venus questions. Tell them anything about how relationships are supposed to go and they will sit there and look at you mouth agape, wondering how on earth you got where you did. And they will ask you to deconstruct your experience. And you will learn something new with them.

Gemini Venus isn’t just interested in relationship anarchy. They’re interested in relationship deconstruction. Only after the deconstruction is complete can they play with the pieces.

And, so, loving Gemini Venus means feeling as though a relationship is perpetually on the verge of both decline and emergency at the same time.

Gemini Venus never pretends to understand what it does not understand. It will ask you questions. It doesn’t try to build you up into an illusion of a being. It will ask you so many questions that you sometimes start to question whether you exist in the way you assume you do at all.

When Gemini Venus falls for you, it’s like they can hardly believe that you exist in the way you do at all. They can’t believe that you’re here and with them. They can’t wrap their mind around what on earth that could possibly mean.

For Gemini Venus, curiosity is intimacy. Gemini Venus is a Venus that doesn’t date, doesn’t flirt, and doesn’t fuck with a goal. It doesn’t believe in outcome or climax. It’s simply interested in the multiplicity of sensation. It understands that there is magic in allowing yourself a space to just mess around.

When it comes down to it. Gemini Venus understands that, if life is to be interesting, then it must be made to be interesting. It is impatient when it feels as though it is expected to be compliant with boredom. Life is a series of changes and, when things stop changing, they die. Gemini Venus doesn’t want love to die and, so, it expects love to change. Sometimes, this involves taking a risk in the relationship structure. Other times, it means moving into the same bedroom.

Loving Gemini Venus means that you must learn to love change, to accept that life will always bring change, and that relationships that change will be relationships that remain alive.

Gemini Venus is not your manic pixie dream girl. Gemini Venus is serious about change. Gemini Venus isn’t satisfied taking things as they are. Gemini Venus is deeply provocative.

Loving Gemini Venus is like loving an alien. It’s loving a Venus that wants to go somewhere and, if it feels like it, invites you to go with them. You cannot love a Gemini Venus in the same place as you started. Loving a Gemini Venus means that you love their incredulity and that you love while entertaining the possibility that none of us are here in the way we say we are at all.

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