Loving Venus In Libra

March 29, 2022, 8:24 a.m.

This is another one of those big and powerful Venuses. Libra Venus is a domicile Venus, which is a Venus that knows itself, a Venus that can hold its own, and a Venus that doesn’t settle.

Domicile planets are planets that feel as though they don’t just belong to ourselves. They’re planets that feel as though they belong to a long lineage of participants. Domicile planets are planets that belong within something. They have the protection of generational memory.

Loving Venus in Libra is loving a Venus that knows exactly how to camouflage its own appearance. Venus is a hunter, a soldier, and sometimes a diplomat. Venus in Libra is sometimes a politician’s Venus and, other times, it’s a hunter’s Venus. Venus in Libra is a good hunter.

Good hunters know when to lay in wait. They’re patient and plan for duration and attack with confidence. They know when to disappear and they exactly when to materialize, without warning, and always with the intention to move the world exactly where they know it needs to go. Venus in Libra is a strategist. Loving Venus in Libra is loving a master strategist.

An object that I like to metaphorize Venus in Libra with sometimes is thread. Thread has a certain pattern and it tends to work best through strategic patterning. There’s all types of thread. The strongest types of thread tend to be the thinnest types, the long strings that appear to almost disappear when you pull tight on them. These are the threads that hold a piece of clothing or even something huge, like a blanket, together without you even being aware of it. But these threads are powerful. It’s almost impossible to figure out how to get them to loosen their grip.

And there are decorative threads as well. Threads that make themselves into pretty flowers or spirals. This is Venus in Libra when it wants to be known. But, Venus in Libra doesn’t always need to be known to be felt.

Loving Venus in Libra, sometimes, is loving a Venus that, invisibly but surely, holds a room, a family, or even an entire organization together. It’s loving a Venus that is powerful even when it is not acknowledged as such. It’s loving a Venus that knows what you know and what someone else might know about you.

It takes an entire lineage of memory to build a proper strategy. It takes experience, tradition, experimentation, and stories.

Venus in Libra knows almost everything and everyone but they might not let you know that they know. What is the point? Venus in Libra is an open book but they prefer to have a purpose in sharing.

Sometimes, like thread stretched too thin, Venus in Libra gets very weary and tired from holding everything, everyone, and everyone’s minute differences in perspective together. They get tired of knowing and they get especially tired at knowing what to look for especially when it appears as though no one else gets it. This is the nature of a domicile planet. It’s a planet that sometimes gets tired. It doesn’t want to be perfect all of the time.

Loving a Venus in Libra is sometimes loving a Venus that knows the rigor and the exhaustion of holding it together for too many people who undervalue and diminish their work. It’s loving a Venus that is looking for the sanctuary of the place where games of pretend feel less like work and more like pleasure.

This is the Venus of a thousand different faces. It wants you to admire its faces, wants you to sit down with its case and to discuss the meanings and impacts of each face. This is a Venus that loves worship and enjoys participation. Venus in Libra loves a good accomplice. However, it demands that said accomplice be intelligent, daring, and competent. Again, Venus in Libra does not settle.

This is a Venus that chooses its prey. This is a Venus that takes its time in choosing its prey. Loving a Venus in Libra is never the experience of being hunted down, because they’re too subtle to be noticed, but the experience of being chosen. Sometimes, loving a Venus in Libra means that you must accept more love than you expected, always measured and always consistent—just enough to overwhelm you all of the time.

Loving Venus in Libra is loving someone who is competent in the art of relationship making. It’s loving someone who plans for the necessity and the luxury of bonding. It’s loving a Venus that takes its sweet time because it always has larger plans that grow larger by the day. It’s loving a Venus that has big plans for you and itself.

Being a domicile Venus, Venus in Libra is a big Venus even when it carefully selects what it shows and what it tells. It’s a Venus with big thoughts, big dreams, and big visions. It’s a Venus that knows that the methodical sewing of those plans takes practical patience and infinite wisdom. Loving a Venus in Libra is loving a Venus that knows every step of the way and simply prefers not to hold your hand all of the time as you go there together.

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