Astro Advice Column: Twelfth House Profection Year

May 9, 2022, 11:12 a.m.

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any advice for a creative/poet/writer/musician who just entered their 12H jupiter year. my friend said "i see emo album release" and i really hope she's right !!!!!!

—12H year-er

Congrats on your twelfth house year, 12H year-er!! This is a special one. If you’re going through a twelfth house Jupiter year, there’s also a high possibility that your Jupiter year overlaps with a Jupiter return.

I think your friend is right. Emo album release feels so, so twelfth house. There’s the feelings. There’s the nostalgia. There’s the release of something that we’ve been holding onto for far too long.

The last time I had a twelfth house year, I was in bed all the time. I also worked three jobs. When I wasn’t working, I was smoking weed and crying. I remember feeling like “is this all life is? Work and the time you have for drifting is just so negligible?” The thing that I craved the most was freedom—it was having the time to be with myself undictated by any time burdens or constraints.

That’s the twelfth house year. It’s just being with yourself. It’s feeling things inside of you that have needed your attention for far longer than you’ve known. You notice things about yourself that you don’t associate with your personality or identity during a twelfth house year. You notice the strategies and the implicit complexes that don’t quite feel like you.

There’s a lot of embarrassment that comes up during a twelfth house year. I think that we often talk about our defense systems through fear or anger but embarrassment, that feeling of cringe, can also be a sign of what tries to manage our personalities for us. Sometimes, during a twelfth house year, you feel so embarrassed that you don’t want to go outside.

So, emo album release. Practice emotionality. Practice release. Practice embarrassment while you’re at it. Be cringey this year.

I think that, when we become aware of a defense strategy within ourselves—whether that be an embarrassment that tries to manage your need for validation, a fear that tries to manage your need for safety, or a shame that tries to manage your need for pride—we often try to dismiss those defenses. We see those defenses as getting in the way of authenticity or freedom. However, it’s not right to be a completely vulnerable and exposed person. We all deserve some defenses. We need them.

So, in the twelfth house, you’re getting familiar with your shadows and your ghosts. These are ancestral spirits.

It is okay to want and to need boundaries with shadows and ghosts. That’s why we have light, why we can turn on the light. The twelfth house year is about hanging out with your ghosts and getting more familiar with them. When you’re familiar with ghosts, they reveal things about themselves with you. It’s also about practicing defense and boundaries with your ghosts. You learn to trust yourself more when you can able to enter the house of spirits or leave according to what you feel to be most important.

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