Kim Taehyung Natal Chart Analysis: Unflinching

May 30, 2022, 2:01 p.m.

What’s funny about Taehyung’s chart is that his chart ruler is domicile and in the first house. And this domicile chart ruler leans away from its own home at 29º of Sagittarius.

Taehyung is a Jupiter person who matures in real time, vulnerably and transparently. Younger Taehyung is a completely different person than current day Taehyung. In his Vogue interview, he talks about how he’s changed. He’s become an introvert. He’s started meditating. He’s become stoic and sullen.

When you read older interviews with Taehyung, he talks about how he always wanted to live a good life. He wanted to eat in fancy restaurants and wear fancy clothes. He was a popular kid in school and he found comfort in that popularity. Taehyung was born with Jupiter just under his eastern horizon in Sagittarius. He knows how to wear dignity in style.

But, then, there’s the Capricorn. That heavy Saturn gut with a ruler in the fourth house. Taehyung has learned how to grow through loss.

There’s the peregrine Sun and Moon, neither able to prove existence and wondering where on earth this person who inhabits them both came from.

And there’s the Moon, weighed on its own south node, ruled by an exalted Mars.

Taehyung is one of two night charts in BTS. Jimin is also a night chart. Everyone else was born during the day, at least according to the birth time that I have. Saturn is heavier for Taehyung and Jimin both but only Taehyung, between the two, has an angular Saturn.

We have to realize that, for several of the years of BTS’s activity, we have witnessed Taehyung in a state of grief. When BTS won their first award for Blood, Sweat, and Tears, it had only been slightly over a month after Taehyung’s grandmother passed away. Taehyung was raised by his grandparents. This was a deep attachment—one of those bereavements that define a lifetime. Taehyung was twenty-one. He barely took a break. He kept on working. This was BTS’s busiest time.

Let’s take a look at the chart of Kim Taehyung.

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Domicile Chart Ruler

The thing is, Tata is the leader of BT21. In all descriptions about him, he is described first as a prince. Tata is a character who is born to do something. He runs away to Earth and he is the one who recruits the other members of BT21.

People who have domicile chart rulers are burdened with the task of responsibility. Usually, domicile chart ruler people are also people who are known for something. They’re people who sometimes feel as though they cannot do things their own way because they have to model it for other people. They’re older sibling type planets who sometimes have trouble accepting help, sometimes have trouble making mistakes, and sometimes have trouble letting go of control. It just so happens that Taehyung is the oldest kid in his family.

Domicile chart ruler people are often people who are expected to do something notable within their own families. It’s the first generation college student kind of placement, the breadwinner—the provider. I’m not sure whether Taehyung is the provider for his family or not. We know that he comes from a family of farmers. Apparently, farmers in Korea are either very poor or very rich. We don’t know Taehyung’s class background.

We do know that Taehyung moves with a plan. He knows exactly what he will do once BTS comes to a standstill. He has his own acting career. He networks where he is most likely to succeed.

Jupiter is often associated with luck and Taehyung’s debut story, the one where he accompanies a friend to his audition and gets chosen despite not being too prepared, is a story of luck. However, a domicile planet is a planet that is equipped with a strategy. It’s a planet that knows exactly how it is shaped and who it is.

Taehyung knows who he is. He’s always been able to describe himself. He talks about needing three months to start a process or about his youthful impatience. He knows exactly who the person he is describing is.

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Heechul, of Super Junior, is another person who has domicile Jupiter in Sagittarius ruling the first house in the first. Heechul, as we all know, is a very happy go lucky person. He was blessed with the face he has. He always got in trouble and he always got away with it because of his looks.

And Taehyung knows what he looks like. He knows his own beauty. I think, because Taehyung is so beautiful, that there is a feeling that he was blessed with beauty. That he can look beautiful no matter what he wears. But Taehyung has a specific style. He likes brown and he likes sharp lines. He knows what he looks good in.

Unlike Heechul, Taehyung isn't always happy go lucky. Taehyung is a Capricorn.

Peregrine Sun and Moon, Aries Moon conjunct South Node

The other thing about Tata is that he is an alien. The other members of BT21 are cookies and animals. Tata, however, doesn’t come from Earth.

When the Sun and the Moon are both peregrine in a chart, this is someone who, for one reason or another, feels as though they don’t really fit in with their own family. We know that Taehyung was raised by his grandparents and on a farm. We know that he was parented by people who have a wide generational gap with him.

BTS is full of city kids. They’re all from Seoul or Gwangju or Busan or Daegu. Taehyung, however, is from the countryside. He lives a city life now but the city isn’t where he came into being.

There’s something about Taehyung that feels a little different from his industry. His voice is not flowy. His voice is heavy and jarring. He has this perfect idol look but, then, he says things that make you look twice in his direction. People talk about Taehyung’s 4D personality. People call him an alien.

Peregrine planets feel like aliens. They sometimes feel as though they were kept apart from other members of the family. They have unique upbringings. Taehyung speaks in his own tongue. He says “I purple you” and now purple means love. It’s not that he says anything noticeably off. It’s just that he seems to react offbeat somehow and not in the way that you expect him to.

Taehyung’s Moon in Aries is also conjunct a south node in Aries. People with south node in Aries deal with this inherited sense of loneliness. They seek availability. Taehyung, being Jimin’s same age, shared this nodal axis with Jimin. However, Taehyung’s south node is weighed down by his Moon.

This is someone who spends a lot of time by himself—someone who moves first to pushing another person away before they’re able to protect and cultivate availability. This is someone whose exceptionalism could have, in some cases, protected them. This is someone who is unsure of how they fit in and, awkward, has to try and try again anyway.

Saturn in Fourth House, Mars in Capricorn

It’s interesting to note that Tata, Taehyung’s character in BT21, has a strict father. Fafa, Tata’s father, loves his children deep down but you get the sense that it is hard for him to show affection. For some reason, Tata also runs away from his world.

The majority of Taehyung’s planets are ruled by a Pisces Saturn in the fourth house. Taehyung likes the Godfather movies, which is a Saturnian story about how a son must inherit a father’s debt and succeed his legacy. Taehyung likes things that are a little old school, things that come from before his time. Sometimes, when Taehyung wears his blazers and suits, you get a sense of someone who takes the task of growing up as seriously as a soldier takes on a mission.

We don’t know much about BTS’s family backgrounds and it's not our job to speculate. We can only talk about their images as idols. With Taehyung, he gives the impression that he is growing up. He’s not tasked with leadership like Namjoon or with production like Yoongi or Hobi. We see him physically fill out into his body until he becomes sturdy with age.

The thing about Taehyung is that his beauty, structured into his face, isn't smooth or airbrushed. Taehyung has face scars. Whether it’s because he ran around a lot as a kid or other things, his history shows on his skin. He lets his history show on his skin. Taehyung doesn’t use anything on his skin except Aveeno.

Mars in Capricorn is active. These are people who like to travel, to run, and to fall. They’re people who are unafraid to stumble and fall all over the place. Mars in Capricorn exalts. Taehyung’s movements are clean and abrupt. Even in Singularity, which is a flowy and buttery song, he moves in a script and precise way. Taehyung moves as though he has complete control over his own body.

Taehyung fights online too. He games and he goes off when the gossip mongers speculate on his love life. He says things that no one else in BTS would say. You can tell when Taehyung is pissed off. It's like he can't hide it. It's that Capricorn Mars.

Mars in Capricorn gets angry and then over its anger just like that. We see Taehyung fight not only with Jin but also with Jimin. When Taehyung fights with Jimin, it is about whether or not everyone should wait 30 minutes for him to eat before they practice. When Taehyung fights with Jin, who has a Cancer Mars, he tells Jin that Jin must simply move faster. Jin pushes back, saying that it is impossible for him to move faster. Taehyung, having an exalted Mars, doesn’t understand this. Mars in Capricorn is fast and, if they cannot move fast enough, then they train themselves to move faster.

And, yet, Taehyung appears the closest to Jin and to Jimin. Mars in Capricorn fights and then they begin to trust. If Taehyung, north node in Libra and both luminaries peregrine, is looking for acceptance, then he can only find it in his own way. If he needs to push back, then he needs relationships where his defenses are honored. Only when your defenses are honored can you able to dream of more availability than you had previously assumed to be possible.

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Non-western astrology

I put this section in here because Taehyung's grandfather is someone who knows how to read Bazi. I believe and remember hearing that he chose a name for Taehyung that helps him with his bazi chart.

In bazi, you're looking at different energy flows rather than at a circular diagram that represents the sky. Taehyung's day master in bazi is wood. Most of his chart is also wood. He also has some water, which strengthens the wood.

Taehyung is extremely, extremely exurberant wood. Ridiculously strong wood.

Jungkook has something similar going on with his chart but in fire and not as intense. Taehyung is just so strongly wood. His day master is so strong. Nothing can stop him once he's made up his mind about something.

Too much wood will drain water and it'll encourage wildfire. There's something uncontrollable with Taehyung which I think we see in his western chart as well. He's that domicile chart ruler, exalted Mars Capricorn who'll never hide what he's really thinking or feeling. He is just exactly who he says he is. He walks through life, unbothered, and he doesn't try to play nice with the press. He behaves maybe not quite like royalty but like a well rooted tree who knows for a fact that no one can push him around.

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