The Three Types Of Aries Sun

July 8, 2022, 10:48 a.m.

There’s three types of Aries Suns: Aries who have Mercury in Pisces, Aries who have Mercury in Taurus, and Aries who have Mercury in Aries. Furthermore, Aries with Aries Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust.

Sometimes, you hear people talking about how different March Aries are from April Aries. Not all March Aries have Pisces Mercury and not all April Aries have Taurus Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º from the Sun, it is more likely for a March Aries to be a Pisces Mercury and for an April Aries to be a Taurus Mercury.

Aries with Pisces Mercury: Troll

This is an exalted Sun with a Mercury in fall. The thing about an exalted planet is that they expect to get away with whatever it is that they choose to do. The thing about a planet in fall is that they don’t get away with anything.

Pisces Mercury is a Mercury that pours words like water. It’s an unstifled Mercury and it’s also a Mercury that makes connections between things that don’t mean anything to one another. Aries Sun with Pisces Mercury is that person who invites a bunch of people to a birthday gathering only to realize that none of these people get along and that none of them share any context.

Aries Sun with Pisces Mercury will pretty much just say anything. They’ll say things that they mean and they’ll say things that they don’t mean. They talk shit about someone and they change their mind in a day. They do get caught when their words don’t make sense and when their facts are wrong but, spiritually, they breeze over it. They have absolutely no pride attached in getting it right.

These people are excellent storytellers but they only tell the stories that they themselves want to hear. They are curious about almost everything, are irreligious, but they can really only sustain attention on things that they like. They make their likes and interests apparent and they don’t really give a shit if it’s all very esoteric.

Aries with Aries Mercury: Stand up

There’s three subsets of Aries with Aries Mercury: there’s Aries who have Mercury as morning star, Aries who have Mercury as evening star, and Aries who have Mercury combust.

Aries with Aries Mercury is a blunt tool. This is someone who asks if you wash your ass at the dinner table in front of three other friends. They don’t wait to make intimacy. They don’t follow the rules. Whatever it is that they take notice of they blurt out immediately. They expect that their words will spur a reaction.

These people don’t waste time. They barely need you to hear what they have to say before they have moved on already. They ask all of the questions that the boss doesn’t want anyone to ask. They’re friends with their coworkers and they will almost always advocate for the small.

And they’re funny. This is because they hate to get bored. Aries with Aries Mercury has a great number of children’s games that they are ready to pull out the moment things stand still. They tell tall jokes with canned punchlines and they also tell gnarly stories that they saw on some documentary series last week. Aries with Aries Mercury will always keep you entertained.

The only thing that Aries with Aries Mercury forgets, often, is to plan. These people almost don’t have to plan because they can think and move so quickly that they hardly ever learn the merits of a good plan. If you hang with an Aries with Aries Mercury, don’t plan. Just go with the flow.

When Mercury is a morning star, Aries with Aries Mercury is more adaptable. These people watch and adapt to a new environment and are used to being the odd one out or in a state of confusion. When Mercury is an evening star, Aries with Aries Mercury tends to be quieter and more aware of what other people expect from them. Because they are also resistant to expectations, they may agonize under the pressure to change more than Aries with Aries Mercury as morning star.

Aries with Taurus Mercury: Nude

These people are more likely to be dancers than writers. There is a physicality to the expression of Taurus Mercury that can’t be understated. And Taurus Mercury with an exalted Sun? That’s someone who knows how to move and who also wants to be known for it.

Aries with Taurus Mercury is the one who starts the dancefloor. Well before anyone else is ready to move, while everyone who thinks that they need a drink to have fun stands around on the sidelines waiting cautiously, Aries with Taurus Mercury is moving. And they dance after the party too. They dance while cleaning up and when they do dishes in the nude in their own kitchen.

Armed with a sweet smile, Aries with Taurus Mercury doesn’t seem like they have much to say but they are not gentle. They know what they believe and they’ll only let you know if it feels important to do so.

Aries with Taurus Mercury is an artist. They think and feel in visuals and not words. They may change their medium constantly but they will never change their style.

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