Aries Sun, ____ Moon

Dec. 9, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’ll be posting a paragraph on each Sun-Moon combo, starting today with Aries.

If you’re an Aries, look up your Moon sign and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.

Aries Sun, Aries Moon: Authentic

Aries Sun Aries Moon

There’s something a little old school about you, simply because you refuse to participate in the trends of the times. Most of the time, you prefer to live in your head. The way you see the world is psychoanalytical and action oriented. You may see the world as overly violent, because the different sides of a situation are split starkly into black and white. Any small situation turns turn into a larger symbolic matter for you. Denied one day off and you will reach for the Communist Manifesto you carry in your back pocket. You have a passion to represent the down trodden, the little man that the elites step over. Your energies will do well when engaged in a fight against injustice.

Aries Sun, Taurus Moon: Resourceful

Aries Sun Taurus Moon

When you want something, you also know how to get it. When there’s a problem, you instinctively know what decisions must be made to dissolve it. There’s a streak of being overly fixated on doing things your own way and you are disinclined to rely on the help of others in your own pursuits. You’d rather rely on yourself every step of the way than join a team or partnership. Because you like to work alone, you reap your own rewards too and dislike sharing your gains. Financial security has an emotional component for you and can often be the reason you decide against undertaking a project. You may often have the feeling of being blocked by your own needs.

Aries Sun, Gemini Moon: Stereotype

Aries Sun Gemini Moon

You’re not interested in self glorification—you’re interested in almost clownish representation. An early method of survival for you might have been to play an exaggerated version of a stereotype while internally laughing at those who believe your performance. You’re an illusionist and to be a successful one, you must always make sure that you are smarter than your audience. In reality, you are not emotionally invested in the opinions of anyone other than yourself, though you are interested in what and how other people see you. This is why your performances tend to be better when they are disingenuous. You like to watch others just as much as you like to perform, because the different versions of yourself you play are but imitations of ephemeral pieces of public opinion.

Aries Sun, Cancer Moon: Raw

Aries Sun Cancer Moon

You often feel that you have no skin, that there is nothing shielding your most immediate and authentic reactions to those around you. Because you often feel so exposed, you often need to draw back somewhere private. You are comfortable with being underestimated, so much so that you may resort to playing the victim in order to get your need for attention met. You often expect those around you to read your mind, because you feel that your heart is out on your sleeve for all to see. Your instincts are very good. They come fast, sharp, and are often right on the money. Though you can be decisive when needed, it is often hard for you to leave your comfort zone and do what is necessary. Once you commit to action, however, there is little chance of dissuading you because you have weighed the pros and cons carefully.

Aries Sun, Leo Moon: White Knight

Aries Sun Leo Moon

You act much younger than your actual age. There’s a fearless quality to you. You won’t flinch from a night experimenting with dangerous drugs and you’re not scared of tense situations. You can be slightly intimidating to others because it’s easy to tell that you won’t put up with anyone’s bullshit for very long. In humor, you may be directly confrontational. You enjoy a good spar of wits and constantly seek your intellectual match. When pressed, you can be bossy and your instinct is not to take the advice of other people. You expect that others cater to you and are naturally the center of attention. You like playing risky games and have a mischievous sense of fun. When faced with injustice, you will take the side of the underdog.

Aries Sun, Virgo Moon: Model Minority

Aries Sun Virgo Moon

You’re overly aware of every worry, every impulse, and every anxiety that goes through your head. You execute big ideas, then spend years on the first step. Sometimes, it can feel impossible for you to get out of your own head. You have a taste for perfection, which you are unable to communicate to the outside world and this can mean that you take on every responsibility associated with a project too big for one person. One thing you must realize is that you cannot play the role of your own skeptic. You must learn to believe others when they take care of joint affairs in their own way. The opinions of others can quickly become overwhelming and you must learn to choose whose opinions you care to listen to.

Aries Sun, Libra Moon: Flirt

Aries Sun Libra Moon

You’re the Shane of the group. Everyone’s either slept with you or thought about what it would be like to sleep with you. The reason for this is the accessible way you present yourself. You have a natural self knowledge and smooth social charm. Though you like to proclaim that you don’t know how to flirt, you can be attractive without seeming to try to present yourself as such. Though you seem very independent, in actuality you are seldom without a partner. You may get a reputation as a serial monogamist. Every time you fall for someone, your feelings are authentic, even if it is just a fling. You have a sense of romance that’s just too good to waste. It’s easy for you to leave a trail of broken hearts behind you wherever you go.

Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon: Superstar

Aries Sun Scorpio Moon

You are your own star, marketing director, and manager all in one. Your incredible self knowledge and self control makes you learn act of identity creation a propaganda machine. Because you have innate hunches about what people want to see that turn out to be true, you know how to direct that into brief moments of jarring spectacle. Anything you do becomes symbolic of a social era with you at the center. Your energy can become so laser focused that it’s important for you to learn to take a step back. Whatever the case, you can be sure that you hold a lot of social power in the way you move through the world.

Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Academic

Aries Sun Sagittarius Moon

You have a knack for taking big and complex ideas, and turning them into simple actions. Your ability to minimize a concept while retaining all its meaning gives you an abstract mind. Sometimes, it will be hard for other people to understand where you are coming from. Others may see you as an example of someone who leads an experimental life, one that they want to watch but not emulate. You must always be learning something new because you are so easily bored. It is easy for you to entrust practical matters to other people, either overburdening them or risking the chance that you will be swindled. There is a gullible air about you, since you’d rather consider lofty truths than what is leaving your bank account.

Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon: Businesswoman

Aries Sun Capricorn Moon

You are prepared to go through great extents, even suffer through long stints of pain, to get what you want. You prefer to never complain and look down upon those who do, though you secretly enjoy those with a softer side. Like a dandelion, you feel that you should be able to bloom wherever you are. To reach your goals, you ruthlessly network. You form clans of peers with similar goals and prefer to be the one in charge. When you smell an opportunity, you will do all you can to impress the right people. You are attracted to those with a higher professional standing than yourself, but dislike feeling disempowered and want to be nurtured. There will be times where you feel that you are not able to have it all despite wanting it all.

Aries Sun, Aquarius Moon: Redditor

Aries Sun Aquarius Moon

You have a particular way of doing things and don’t see why you should change it. Your perpetual sarcasm has you doubt any form of authenticity or vulnerability. You prefer to stay in social groups that agree with your ideas and applaud your thought innovations. At best, you are goofy and satirical. At worst, you can be arrogant. There’s a subreddit called Am I the Asshole that was made for you because, in your most dire of times, you honestly did not realize that your insensitivity could hurt another person. A habit of chalking social slips up to an awkward personality will lead to social alienation. It’s better for you to approach things directly and allow yourself the vulnerability to ask for clarity and feedback in real time.

Aries Sun, Pisces Moon: Impressionist

Aries Sun Pisces Moon

At any moment, at any time, you are able to conjure an emotionally poignant scene. There are people who say that you are a perpetual liar but it will not be because you are intentionally hiding anything, just that you are always forgetting what you said as soon as you said it. This will give the impression that people are not getting the truth from you, but it will be impossible to know what the truth is. You may be a master image maker but you have no patience for maintaining a carefully crafted one. In financial affairs, you take fantastically huge risks because you believe that either luck is on your side or it isn’t. You’re willing to put almost everything into the hands of fate. Thus, you give the impression of being a conquered and victim all in one.

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