Mars In Aries Power

Nov. 11, 2022, 9:33 a.m.

There are a lot of funny stories that I can tell you about Aries Mars. I know a lot of them which is a different experience than working with people who have a certain placement because you see them in their life. I have to say—Mars in Aries is one of the funniest and most bewildering placements out there.

You know what’s funny about Mars in Aries? It’s domicile and without triplicity.

There is a humor to other placements that have this quality (Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Jupiter in Pisces, and Saturn in Capricorn) but Mars is a bit special in my view because Mars is a planet that thrives when it receives pushback.

Mars in Aries is a placement that doesn’t need you to agree with anything that they are doing in order to get it done. In fact, they might even prefer that you don’t agree with them. If they sense any consensus, they have an instinct of wrecking it.

It’s not that Mars in Aries intentionally causes discord, though it may certainly do that sometimes. It’s just that Mars in Aries doesn’t shy away from conflict and will use it to pull its own head out of the sand and grow. This is important to Mars in Aries. It doesn’t want you to hide anything. It will pull things out of you. It will walk up to you and take the thing that you are hiding out of your hands and make you show it to them.

Mars in Aries doesn’t need anything to validate their decisions for them. It doesn’t need to appear like anyone who is following through on any pretense of civility. It doesn’t try too hard to be a good person, whatever that means. Mars in Aries can’t help but be themselves.

This is the Mars that likes to say the most inappropriate things, make everyone laugh, and not even twinge at what they just unearthed. It’s one of the most horny Mars placements and, when it wants to get off, it will get off. Mars in Aries doesn’t do no nut november. It doesn’t find any entertainment in self denial.

And it can only be self directed. When offered any suggestion by an outside source, Mars in Aries is likely to refuse. “No, I don’t think I’ll be doing that.” “That’s not for me.” “You can do that but I won’t.” It has these intricate or blunt internal systems at work that it follows or breaks and how and why they do that is no one’s business but their own. They may tell you about their decision making processes but they won’t ask for your opinion on it.

This is another thing about Mars in Aries—it allows itself to break its own rules. It’s a domicile planet which means that it keeps its own structure but it’s Mars. Mars likes to break things.

It likes rulebreakers, as a rule. It thinks that everyone should not have to follow rules, as a rule. It feels that they should be allowed to whatever it is that they want, as a rule.

When Mars in Aries has possession of a person’s life, it can cause them to run. Mars in Aries becomes an outlaw. It feels smothered by the rigidity of being in one place and knowing all of the same people as everyone else and it wants to get out. A new place feels safer because there are no rules in the new place. Mars in Aries can finally be itself. It understands how to start fresh and it finds comfort in introducing themselves as someone new.

Sometimes, Mars in Aries is a sign of finding more familiarity in conflict than in peace. Peace is unsettling for Mars in Aries. Peace is a sign of pretense and pretense deserves only to be wrecked.

Mars doesn’t just rule anger. Mars also rules fear. Mars in Aries makes sure that no one can scare them. It knows the condition of fear.

But Mars in Aries does not singularly describe any one person’s life. You are always more than one planet. Mars in Aries will sometimes have to stay in a place and, to do that, it might find that anger has needs that are very different to what it demands. It might find that anger’s protection doesn’t deliver them towards desire.

Mars in Aries is usually obvious in its desire. It wants what it wants and it has no qualms about saying so.

There may be some way of moving that gives Mars a distinctive flair or some uniqueness of voice that ensures that Mars is listened to. But Mars in Aries also doesn’t believe in power and seeks to break it down. When it destroys itself, this is its aim. It attempts to prove itself wrong.

So, Mars in Aries knows how to win. However, it’s not very interested in winning because it doesn’t find winning interesting. If you allow Mars in Aries to win, it will become insulted and demand that you give them the good thrashing that they are asking for from you. What Mars in Aries really wants is a rival who is up to the task of playing. It wants its rival to be just as engaged in learning all of the games in this stupidly beautiful world as they are. It seeks to provoke that rival the way that they, too, want to be challenged.

Mars in Aries power is simple. It can only ask for what it wants. It doesn’t know how to scheme. It can’t stand to be ignored and it rarely operates in secret. It is not bashful and it doesn’t expect you to be bashful about desire around them. It wants you to feel free if only because it knows that, when you feel free, they will finally find in you the equal challenger that they have always hungered for.

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