The Three Types Of Aquarius Sun

Jan. 4, 2023, 10:44 a.m.

There’s three types of Aquarius Suns: Aquarius who have Mercury in Capricorn, Aquarius who have Mercury in Pisces, and Aquarius who have Mercury in Aquarius. Furthermore, Aquarius with Aquarius Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust.

Sometimes, you hear people talking about how different January Aquarius are from February Aquarius. Not all January Aquarius have Capricorn Mercury and not all February Aquarius have Pisces Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º from the Sun, it is more likely for a January Aquarius to be a Capricorn Mercury and for a February Aquarius to be a Pisces Mercury.

Aquarius with Capricorn Mercury: Detached

This is the Aquarius that is more prone to long moments of silence. You might think that Aquariuses with Mercuries in Capricorn, with a Saturnian Sun and Saturnian Mercury, are tightly wound up or controlled. Not so.

Aquarius Suns with Capricorn Mercury tend to blurt things out. They’ll just blurt things out that feel incredibly out of the blue. They’ll navigate a conversation by changing the topic abruptly without warning as though they had been deep in thought contemplating something else all along. But, they’ll do all of this in a quiet voice. Their suddenness takes the form of subtlety. They’ll say the strangest thing in the most monotone of voices.

This is actually the key to understanding how Saturn plays a role in Aquarius with Capricorn Mercury. They’re not afraid to push buttons. However, they may not want to show their emotional engagement. They’re willing to say anything as long as it sounds like they are detached enough. This is also why Aquariuses with Capricorn Mercuries tend to prefer talking about far out things like space worms or the Earth’s shadow over what they’ve been eating as of late.

This can be rather painful—this impulse towards performing detachment when one is most worked up. What it’s really about is performing the rejection of something that seems threatening. What is means is that Aquarius with Capricorn Mercury just needs time to come back to how they feel. They can’t be pushed into their feelings or they will rebel by pushing back or turning into stone.

Aquarius with Aquarius Mercury: Idea driven

There’s three subsets of Aquarius with Aquarius Mercury: there’s Aquarius who have Mercury as morning star, Aquarius who have Mercury as evening star, and Aquarius who have Mercury combust.

Aquarius Suns with Aquarius Mercury will create groups. They’ll create a working group on some initiative. They’ll create an union in the workplace. They’ll gather a network of other producers. They like to work in groups. They expect it. This is why a lot of them are filmmakers, because film is a medium that takes a team to pull together.

Aquarius Sun with Aquarius Mercury also expects that the group follow an idea. They are a leader but not in the Leo way where everyone is gathered like a family but in the Aquarius way where the group is expected to support an idea. Sometimes, when an Aquarius gets too strongly identified with an idea, this is why. They are part of some group that they want to move forward into something and they don’t want the group to abandon them.

This is why ideas feel so incredibly personal to Aquarius Suns with Mercury in Aquarius. The idea is their role, their attachment, and their acceptance into a group. It’s what they stand for. The idea is how they love other people. Sometimes, when an Aquraius with Aquarius Mercury is talking about an idea, they are really talking about themselves.

When an Aquarius has Aquarius Mercury in its morning star phase natally, this Aquarius will tend to be more outwardly charismatic. They will try to embody the idea that is personal to them by enacting it through performance. They might dress or behave in ways that show the idea as aesthetic. If the idea is about moving carefree, then they might dress or behave in punk ways and be known as that kind of person in a group.

When an Aquarius has Aquarius Mercury in its evening star phase, they look for the idea in groups instead of trying to bring it to a group that they form. If the idea is about moving carefree, then they might look for a roller derby team. It is less important for them to stand out as someone who is more carefree than other people because they seek to express the idea through the group itself.

Aquarius with Pisces Mercury: Worldbuilder

Aquarius Suns with Pisces Mercury are really fantastic at systems thinking. They are able to break something down into pieces but also able to visualize the entire system in its totality while keeping track of every piece. They are fantastic world builders, might be interested in the philosophy of physics, or good mathematicians.

They also tend to work through giant systems. It’s impossible for them to contain their thoughts to one thread. They don’t think linearly. They think spatially. Many threads sprawl out into different tangents or deviations and they don’t get stressed about this. They just get more imaginative. A huge amount of information is not overwhelming to Aquariuses with Pisces Mercury because they can just build a mind map.

I meet a lot of electronic musicians with this combo as well but that may be just the people who tend to come work with me. Once I did readings at a party with all electronic musicians and they all happened to be Aquariuses with Pisces Mercuries. I think there is something to it. With electronic music, you are sampling different references and textures but building a larger world using the different threads of sounds that are all happening. That’s Aquarius with Pisces Mercury—the ability to build a space instead of an argument.

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