Mars In Sagittarius Power

Jan. 27, 2023, 11:37 a.m.

Mars in Sagittarius doesn’t walk. It leaps.

It leaps cleanly over things that other more methodical types tend to sit and fret over. It leaps without looking over a ledger. It leaps into unfamiliar water and prepares itself only by holding its nose gently. It leaps to a conclusion that only the most offensively honest will go to.

It’s hard to follow a Mars in Sagittarius because it moves like an original. You can certainly walk with someone but leaping? Taking a leap of faith? Mars in Sagittarius is not for the fainthearted.

Mars in Sagittarius has taken what other people might call carelessness and recklessness and made it into an art form. I don’t like the words carelessness and recklessness because they are value judgments but there is something about them that does encapsulate a Mars in Sagittarius’s affinity towards big indulgent and almost sloppy shows of absolute faith. Mars in Sagittarius moves big. They give great big sloppy and careless kisses because they don’t see the point of withholding affection from anyone. They go for something as soon as they know it to be true and, this, more careful people might call reckless.

This is a gambler’s Mars. It’s the lone traveler on their way to the gambling den where the devil plays dealer and they can win or lose their life on a single dice’s toss.

It’s in the nature of Mars in Sagittarius to not be completely satisfied with life. It senses that, as soon as you are too satisfied with life, you lose possibility. Mars in Sagittarius aims to be larger than life itself. This is a tough goal but it’s not the toughness of the goal that draws the Mars in Sagittarius in. It’s the bigness of it. Mars in Sagittarius knows that, if you want to get anywhere at all, you must make your vision larger than your circumstances.

Mars in Sagittarius has high expectations.

But it doesn’t push itself step by step, making daily efforts that turn into tedium, towards its vision. That’s just not how Mars in Sagittarius does things. It has a vision—a singular vision—and it wants that exact vision to come true exactly how it is. Mars in Sagittarius isn’t measuring discipline or commitment. It’s interested in measuring the truthfulness of its own perception. Things either come true or they don’t.

The dice rolls again. Mars in Sagittarius holds its breath, getting ready to scream.

It’s funny. This is actually quite a slow Mars. You’d think that, with how big it tends to think, that it would be quite an impatient or urgent Mars placement. It’s not. Mars in Sagittarius sits around philosophizing and doesn’t move. It doesn’t go to the next logical step. It sees the next logical step but it doesn’t take that step because they already know what will happen when they take that step. Mars in Sagittarius isn’t really interested in certainty or in doing things that generate results they already understand. They are interested in learning.

You’re sitting down with a Mars in Sagittarius and talking with them about the principles of their vision. Next thing you know, they’re on the other side of the world.

So, Mars in Sagittarius doesn’t move fast but it does move big. It goes places. This is a traveling Mars. It goes the distance. These movements will seem random because Mars in Sagittarius isn’t guided by a plan. They’re visionaries and this means that they are guided by signs and not lists. They went to the other side of the world not because this is where they will learn how to complete their vision but because this is where they will learn what it all means.

This is also the power of Mars in Sagittarius. It doesn’t need to complete a plan. It is only hungry for knowledge.

There’s a streak of destruction alive in Mars in Sagittarius. You would think that Mars in Sagittarius gravitates towards unthinking faith. It doesn’t do this either. It utilizes doubt. Mars in Sagittarius isn’t interested in proving itself to be right, morally uptight, and a faithful servant of something. It wants to break belief open. It does the opposite of what it believes to be true just to test things out the other way around. It foils itself, knowing deeply that its vision will still come true only if it’s truly prophetic.

Everything that a Mars in Sagittarius says is true. They are completely guileless. They will say the sincere thing and they can only profess love in the sappiest of methods. They will always shoot their shot. Nothing can stop them or pin them down. They’re willing to give it their all because they know that life is for those who want to be alive. Mars in Sagittarius is not easily angered because their first response to disrespect is to usually let you go.

It doesn’t dwell. This is a traveler’s Mars. It keeps going. It runs into the horizon. It rides away. It’s not a dweller.

Mars in Sagittarius is powerful because it never leaves possibility behind. It has never learned how to leave imagination behind in childhood. It keeps its naivete and this naivete is a sharp tool that helps them grow. They grow the fastest out of everyone alive because they are willing to be naive. They are willing to bet big and they are willing to ruin it all. They are willing to let you ruin them. They invite you to do so as a form of seduction. If they are going to suffer a defeat at the hands of a lover, then they’d rather the destruction be big rather than not happen at all.

This is the Mars of big movements. It’s an egoless Mars that lets it all go. It cares little about control. It invites you in. It’s perfectly friendly and also perfectly peregrine. Like any traveling don juan, it is gone before you realize just how greatly Mars in Sagittarius has shaken the world just for you.

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