How Other People See Taurus

March 7, 2023, 9:43 a.m.

It’s funny because I feel like there are so many Taurus stereotypes that are focused on Taurus’s sluggishness. Taurus like to eat. They like to luxuriate. They like to sleep. These are all things usually done either sitting down or laying down. The image that we commonly have of Taurus is a person who is reclining.

From the outside, a Taurus’s presence is noticeable and unavoidable. The thing that I already notice about Taurus is the willingness to hold space. A Taurus will come into your house and make it their home. They’re never shy about getting a glass of water for themselves or about spreading out on the couch with their feet up even if that means that no one can sit there. This is not a sign that hesitates, drawing tighter into their own body or flits around as though they have no place to go.

Taurus plants themselves in a place, in a room, in a scene. They stay there. They make other people go around them. They’re not about to move for anyone else. This is how Taurus looks from the outside.

The thing that I notice about Tauruses is that they never perceive themselves to be as fixed or unchanging as they appear to be from the outside. They are fully aware of all the ways that they change even if other people are not.

For the casual observer, Tauruses are just there. They like to wear the same colors everyday. They have a go to style for their makeup if they wear any. They have a discernible presence and, if they like a certain place, they’ll go there over and over again. Taurus appears very stable and consistent to the casual observer.

But Taurus may not perceive themselves that way. They are aware of just how much they change. They remember the big move that they made a few years ago when they uprooted everything about their lives. They remember giving up a dream that they thought they would construct their life around and all of the ways it dissolved their identity. They remember the friction and they remember themselves as people who, just like everyone else, must learn how to move in the world in order to keep living.

If you ask a Taurus, they’ll probably say that they feel like they change a lot. If you ask a Taurus, they’ll probably say that they tend to make unconventional changes and that they are not so influenced by outside opinion.

Living as a Taurus feels like you have to pick up the majority of yourself and move all of you at once to a new place whenever you make a change. It’s impossible for a Taurus to change without changing all of themselves. This is why they are so impacted by change. They feel the heaviness. They tend to sit on change, thinking it over, and when they are ready to move they do it all at once. They don’t wait or move little by little. If they were to move little by little, other people might notice the gradualness of change and see them as changing creatures. No, Taurus moves all at once. It’s like they are one person today and a new person once they have made up their mind.

So, Taurus is a sign that doesn’t care about conventional opinion. It’s a sign that doesn’t change its mind once it’s made it up. It’s a resolute sign and a determined one.

When we think of an earth sign, we usually think that earth is dirt. Kinda boring. Useful but boring. No, this is not Taurus. Taurus is not boring or common.

Many of the stereotypes that we have around Taurus behavior, that it is static or that it likes to grow towards conventional stability, tend to fall flat. Tauruses are eccentrics. They are really weird people. When other people see a Taurus, they see a really weird person.

When you are willing to go your own way and you don’t change your mind just because people tell you to, what ends up happening is you become a really really really weird person.

And then there is the power of personality thing that Taurus has going on. If you have ever been around a Taurus, you know what I’m talking about. The way that Taurus makes you walk around them, the way that they feel no impulse towards getting out of the way or becoming more flexible to suit their environment is often experienced as a power move. Tauruses feel incredibly powerful. They are unavoidable and their presence is unstoppable.

Taurus isn’t Homer Simpsom. Taurus is Napoleon III. Taurus is Lenin and Ho Chi Minh. Hitler was a Taurus too and so was Saddam Hussein. Okay, there are dictators born under all kinds of zodiac signs. Nothing in your chart will mean that you commit mass atrocities because no one is born to do violence to other people. My point is that there happens to be a lot of heavy power players when you look under the sign of Taurus. My point is that other people, when we are around Taurus, can feel the impact of Taurus’s power quite viscerally.

Let me give you an example. In the show Peaky Blinders, Cillian Murphy plays Tommy Shelby. A lot of people, if you were to guess Tommy Shelby’s sign, might guess another sign that we associate more with power like Scorpio or Leo. Now, look at Cillian Murphy’s chart. He has a stellium in Taurus.

The reason why Tommy Shelby feels so powerful is because he doesn’t react to other people. If someone asks him a question that he doesn’t want to answer, he ignores it. He takes three beats before answering questions that he wants to answer. He calls a bluff and keeps walking his own way knowing that not many people are actually willing to try and stop someone who isn’t willing to be talked out of doing something that they want to do.

This is Taurus. Taurus isn’t living life in service of you. Taurus is doing their own thing. To the Taurus, they just want to live unbothered. This is their definition of peace. To us outside observers, we can feel quite impressed at the Taurus presence.

I really love working with Taurus clients because they are always willing to go slowly. When we go slowly in dialogue, we can get quite deep. I think I’ve had some of my deepest and more earth shattering conversations with Tauruses. This is also why Taurus doesn’t usually see themselves as someone who is resistant to change. They go in deep and they get to the root of something faster than other signs because they are willing to go slow. When they change something, they don’t go for surface level changes. They make root cause changes. This is another reason why Taurus tends to change it all at once instead of little by little. They have to sit there and figure out what the issue is before they know how to change.

When they change, they go big. Everything is dismantled. Nothing survives intact.

Karl Marx was a Taurus. Sometimes we associate Marx with Taurus because he studied production and money. Okay—other signs might care about money too since money is about survival as most of us are interested in our own survival. I think that you see Marx’s Taurus when you consider the fact that he sat for years upon years at the same library chair, studying capitalist production until his feet literally made grooves into the floor below him and he identified the root cause of the issue of oppression.

To the casual observer, he just looks like someone who sits in the same place all day everyday. Oh, what a boring guy. He likes the same thing over and over again. Yes but look at what he’s doing. He’s an activist. He’s studying revolution in books and in people. When he’s ready, he pushes for the biggest change that he can conceive of.

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