Long & Messy Horoscopes For 2019

Dec. 27, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I’m sitting down to write these horoscopes for 2019 with a messy bedroom, the sun disappearing at 4 PM and leaving me with a small bug of anxiety that keeps on telling me that I’m not doing enough, that I’m never doing enough, that I could always be doing more.

Saturn in Capricorn has me beat. I keep feeling like there’s more work I should do in the day. I keep feeling like I’m not doing enough for people around me. It has me believing the lie that I’m not a compassionate person because I don’t have the emotional capacity to be on all the time and answer to every call for empathy that shows up in my inbox.

The past year of Saturn in Capricorn has also taught me boundaries and to own my own emotions. I’m ready for more of that in 2019. Last January, even though I seemed to be managing very well on the surface, I was very angry at everything inside. The anger came from past traumas that I wasn’t inside of anymore, but to which I was still reacting as if I had never left them. They caused me to hoard my emotions to myself and push potential allies away from me.

I’m ready to rebuild trust again, with Saturn approaching Pluto. I understand that building trust starts with trusting yourself, with trusting your own instincts, reactions, and fears.

I’m questioning why, as an astrologer, I tend to over focus on Saturn and sometimes even forget about Jupiter. Maybe I’m a pessimist at heart because I have a deep distrust of abundance. I tend to think that abundance is something that will take care of itself when that’s not actually true. Abundance will not take care of itself. Abundance needs daily and active participation in order to work.

I published my first book as Jupiter returned to its home sign of Sagittarius and I feel good about that. There’s still fear about my thoughts being exposed, incredulity that there are literal people out there reading ideas I’ve managed to put together in the late night hours of dreaming while trying to sleep, and disappointment that I can never seem to express everything I want to express and still have it come out a succinct paragraph style comprehensible sort of way. I’ve redone my website too, and given myself a platform to share more outside of social media.

This year, Mars will not retrograde. I’m looking forward to that. It felt hard to get things started this last year, especially all summer, as I kept reconsidering every decision I was making. But I also appreciated the way things came back for me with all the retrogrades. I learned to rebuild a burned bridge this year, which is a skill that will last me a lifetime. Now, I can be less afraid of shattering friendships because I know that I possess the emotional tools to repair and renegotiate.

I’m thankful for Chiron in Aries as well, because I’m less likely to dwell in my problems and commit to doing action to solve them. While Chiron in Pisces let me see the bigger picture of where my pain was coming from, Chiron in Aries has been asking me to heal by actually doing something about it. It’s made me more willing to be uncomfortable.

With 2019 approaching, I feel things getting more serious. We all have more at stake but the hard part is taking ourselves as seriously as we’d like others to.

I’ve been rethinking my role models, with Saturn approaching Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn are the things we told in esteem, the milestones we look to so that we can finally tell ourselves that we’ve made it. They’re the role models we try to emulate, not realizing that behind all those people are sufferers just trying to figure it out one day at a time just like the rest of us.

I tend to idolize wise cracking academic women who overwhelmingly tend towards being white and disappointing. I look to sarcastic, feminist women with a healthy (or sometimes unhealthy) sense of self deprecation. I also look to women who seemed to have learned how to live very well in this patriarchal society without bruising. I love the women who show their bruises but only as a side joke, as if they’re afraid to ask when that got there in the first place. They’re imperfect women, women whose strategies for dealing with things are eating themselves.

I’m thinking of the cousin who tells me to not worry about family expectations about getting married because working a job and starting a business, trying to fit into a masculine centered labor market, is more reliable than trying to sell your femmeness as a product that can be owned. I’m thinking of academics who have since left the institutions that validated their ideas, like Sara Ahmed and Adrian Piper, who have come out stronger for it but who wouldn’t be so famous if they weren’t in our universities and museums. I’m thinking of my mom, who tells me to play dumb and to let people think that they can take advantage of you in order to protect your real motives.

And I’m realizing that none of these strategies for survival are perfect. There is no guide for surviving as me. It’s up to me to create my own guide, while remaining compassionate about my own pain.

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces


Aries 2019 Horoscopes

I’m seeing a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the tenth house, and Chiron in early Aries, with Taurus leaving the sign. I’m seeing all this intensity that has to do with setting and working relentlessly to meet higher and higher goals and I’m wondering what the right “horoscope,” what the right recommendation is.

Does having the planet of endurance and planet of empowerment in the house of trying to prove yourself against all odds of failure mean that it is simply time for Aries to work and work and work more? What if there are outside factors, such as late stage capitalism, that prevent Aries from achieving all that they want to achieve?

Should the advice be to take a step back and let yourself have your time too during this next year? That, when put under so much stress, it’s more important to prioritize daily rest so that you don’t stress out your own body?

I’m watching the Aries rising in my life reconsider what they're been striving for and describing their prior goals as no longer being aligned with their passion. They want to give everything up and start over. They want to keep working hard but on new and different goals. And they want it done yesterday.

Aries has been going through immense changes in the last seven years, with Uranus in the sign but, in 2019, will have to learn to live without the constant and rapid cycling of immense change. They’ll have to learn to nurture and grow what is already in their life already, instead of relying on a perpetual resurfacing of the new to recharge their ambition.

Some of this is healing. The constant search for new and more exciting changes had Aries unable to mediate on past shames and past guilts. A fight or flight instinct, which fueled the inclination towards constant change, was developed. Chiron in Aries asks Aries to lick their wounds. It asks Aries to set an example to the rest of the world that healing can be a movement, can be full of decisive action. It is not a static thing but one that propels you into thinking and doing.

So, my recommendation for Aries is to create your goals but to always act with the need to heal past traumas. If you’re aligning your ambitions with your shame, then you’ll still be stuck no matter how many moves you make. The only way to move forward, with time, is to intentionally set goals that challenge your sense of shame, to face them directly with that courage y’all are so well known for. And these are the types of goals that late stage capitalism cannot take apart so easily, because they answer to a need that comes only from yourself.


Taurus 2019 Horoscopes

For Taurus, things are getting a little heated up, a little staticky. They have these minds that are just whirring away and around, consuming dense blocks of information all at once and making Taurus jump from one type of thinking to another. Uranus in Taurus makes Taurus lose their minds to the possibilities of the void, to considering things molecularly one moment, theoretically another, and then emotionally.

Taurus is jumping around and they won’t walk away from this the same. They’re literally becoming new people.
 A Jupiter in the eighth house means that Taurus can see their social capital grow this year. They’re becoming better known and a more influential friend in their circle. That's happening because they’re outspoken about issues that affect their intimates. Taurus becomes someone we can lean on to come up with the right ideas and lead us towards undiscovered paths this year.

The main thing Taurus struggles against this year in the institution. With Saturn and Pluto in their ninth house, they’ve got these two contradictory impulses towards the institution. Saturn wants to work for someone else, wants to put a tremendous amount of effort towards something. It is easy to make use of Saturn, if not take advantage of it. Pluto, however, wants to destroy the institution from the ground up.

I’m seeing institutional power struggles in Taurus’s 2019. I’m thinking that these power struggles will come from a cultural complex of needing institutional validation to feel that our ideas have any credibility at all. The question for Taurus this year will be whether they want to fit in, whether they want to be too cool for school, and whether the too cool for school look that they can play is actually very easily absorbed into the institution. They’ll face the complex of whether the critical thinking they are doing around the institution is completely encouraged by its framework and becomes swallowed by the status quo by way of ritualized and commodified critique.

This becomes larger question for Taurus, of not only who are you standing up or in for but on whose cultural territory and according to whose language. It’s going to ask them whether representation leads to good politics and according to whom.

Obviously, I have no answers for these questions. I'm looking for Taurus to live through these problems so that they can give us all some truth after they’ve gone through it all. I’m seeing that Taurus will need some social support as they navigate a difficult position in this next year and it’s up to us, the friends of Tauruses to be there for them, to validate their discomfort and challenge them to continue to explore.


Gemini 2019 Horoscopes

The things that Gemini will deal with in 2019 are of an interpersonal nature, of those one on one relationships that make up the fabric of society. Gemini is figuring things like, what does it mean to be emotionally available and how can we handle normative conflicts in our daily lives better? They may live their these struggles through their romantic lives, as many of us do, or it can take the form of platonic friendships and work relationships.

Whatever relationships Gemini experiences this year, they’re learning and turning their relatable personal experiences into political platforms.

Saturn and Pluto collide in Gemini’s eighth house, which is not only sex but anything that they share with society. It’s their sense of social responsibility. Gemini is able to see the trapping of social labels as well as the power associated with identity politics this year. They will be working on identity as vehicle and trap.

I’m seeing Geminis become more active in holding space for collectivity, become more active in pushing social problems to the forefront of the public imagination, and bring up social problems that are under-discussed. I’m seeing Geminis do this in solidarity with those around them.

It’s difficult to share our personhood, our bodies and our time, with other people in a socially imperfect world. Gemini will learn what it needs to happen when a boundary is broken. What steps can we take to mend our relationships? When it is time to take time apart?

The hardest thing of all for Gemini to learn may just be that it is impossible to keep someone in your life when you’re not actively working on being better towards one another. There’s no such thing as keeping something your friend did that bothered you a secret from them, but airing your grievances to anyone else who will listen. It is far harder, but more responsible, to take up your pain inside the relationship it exists in directly.

The question that I can’t answer, and the one I’m hoping Gemini will be public with what they glean in 2019 about, is the one about whether it’s right to cut someone off for hurting you, or whether it’s more socially responsible to put more work in a relationship that’s less than ideal. On one hand, all our relationships are less than ideal and they take real work. On the other hand, shouldn’t our first responsibilities be our own well being? If a friend is being hurtful, is the right thing to do to give them more or less time?


Cancer 2019 Horoscopes

Cancer is learning to keep their integrity intact. So often, this sign doesn’t care where they get love from, they’re so busy trying to get it from anyone and everyone who will give some to them. This year, Cancer realizes that they don’t need, or even want, love from everyone, that there are some types of love they cannot accept.

It’s the old friends who bring this out for Cancer. It’s the exes who you’ve left way back when you were listening to music that you find nostalgic now and wearing clothes you had forgotten about in the back of the closet. Those former shells, for Cancer, come back a little. This time, they’re not full fleshed and dangerous but animated ghosts repeating some old mantra that just won’t die.

Really, when looking through a closet of leftovers from exes and former friendships, Cancer is looking for their past self and learning to show that past self a little more compassion and accountability.

There’s a little knapsack full of self-blame, shame, and guilt that we all carry around. 2019 for Cancer is about having a full enough heart to part with that little knapsack once and for all. It’s a difficult choice because we identify with the knapsack and its weight makes our feel more secure. But there comes a time when we realize that we don’t have room for that little bag of mixed emotions anymore and that it doesn’t quite go with the outfit we are wearing right now.

Cancer, think back to things that you’re a little afraid to dwell on. On one hand, you’re going to go back through the situations in which you’ve been focused on blaming external circumstances within and think back through them without denying your own power. You’re going to understand that you had reasons for choosing the things that you did and the people that you did, that these choices don’t make you crazy but just thee regular ole mix of insecure/learning/immaturity that afflicts all of us.

Then, you have to show a little compassion for yourself. You have to realize that those choices created the version of you that exists today, and that the people you desire are no longer the same due to those experiences. Your resilience comes from your ability to change the very thing that makes your heart beat a little faster because of the things you’ve gone through. This is a very big thing.

Don’t look for the hero of the romantic fantasies of your younger self anymore. You don’t want that person anymore. You’ve outgrown that person.

It’s up to you, Cancer, to build new desire. I’m not sure what that will look like for you, or what you’ll find along the way.


Leo 2019 Horoscopes

You’re in love with yourself this year, Leo, and like all fixed signs, you might be experiencing a slight head buzz from an Uranus-Sun square that gives you all sorts of crazy and new ideas you want to put into action ASAP. 2019 is a year for adventure and living life to the fullest, just the way you like to do it.

You’re thinking of new things you want to try, new people that you want to get to know, and new places that you’ve never been before. The thing that seems to just get in the way every time is the difficult task of figuring out when and how you will get to do these things.

That’s because Saturn and Pluto are in your sixth house. Leo, you’re realizing that you only have as much love as you have time for, that you have to prioritize people in your life and that doesn’t make relationships worse. It improves them.

You’re also learning that you absolutely cannot do any job that you do not have the heart for. When you don’t have the heart for something, then that’s when you really just can’t find the time for it no matter where you look. Your challenge this year is about turning the things that you love into full time commitments that support you financially and physically.

Physical support is not just a matter of knowing when to work but knowing when to rest. Rest itself can be exhausting if you don’t know what you need. Stop treating your body as the thing that gets in the way of your dreams and you’ll find that your dreams nourish you more in daily life.

You’re getting a rush of courage this year and it’s like the universe is conspiring to give you the license you want to represent yourself. In order to figure out how to do that, you have to first learn to be slightly pickier about who you allow your own validation to come from.

If you’re getting validation from your boss, you’ll become who they want you to be. If you get validation from your family, you become their golden child all over again. When you receive validation from your partner, you become the image of you they have in their heads. When you are validated by your friends, you become these momentary glimpses of yourself they see of you when you allow them to.

When you receive validation from yourself, that’s when you finally allow yourself the pleasure of truly and authentically accepting these other forms of validation, without needing them or depending on them. In 2019, this is the validation that you will give yourself.


Virgo 2019 Horoscopes

There’s a lot of relief happening on the home front. There’s liberation, because the people who you thought would never understand you may still not be quite understanding you but are putting in the effort in trying. This is because you’re putting work there too. There’s reciprocation happening between you and your family and even when things aren’t perfect, they’re moving.

You’re less captive than ever to the whims of the authority figures you held in high esteem in your childhood. You may experience this as disillusionment, when you realize that no one is perfect and you are let down by hero after hero. This is ultimately a deep sigh of relief because it gives you the gift of seeing your own idealism end in failure.

This liberation, from the expectations of your family, authority figures, and your past self, gives you the courage to be imperfect this year. You’re not supposed to be so self critical. You’re supposed to be alive.

When you’re free from self critique, you have to experience the overwhelming nature of having desire.

What you do want, Virgo? There are a great number of things that you want, but it’s easy to find these desires problematic, economically unfeasible, or unrealistic. That’s your inner pessimism speaking. In 2019, you don’t have room for this pessimism anymore. Your desires are huge and there’s big stakes that you want to play involved.

Give into your desire, because that’s the thing keeping you alive. There’s no way to perfect desire because it either is or isn’t. You are allowed to be the one that wants and wants and wants. In romantic pursuits, you are allowed to be the aggressor, the one who is easily made a fool of, the one who is rejected and deal with it.

This isn’t an easy role to take. There’s so much risk involved that the faint hearted can easily become daunted. The one who desires is more vulnerable and crass than anyone else out there, so be free with your fear, Virgo. Let yourself have it and don’t hide it behind any pride.


Libra 2019 Horoscopes

It’s time to face your fear of judgment. It is far too comfortable for you to be the uncomfortable one in the room who feels out what is socially acceptable to say and what isn’t and abides by the unspoken rules. This has led to a leaden weight of self containment and a graveyard of repressed sentiments, impulses, and dreams.

You’re freer with your language than ever before. I’m thinking that Saturn and Pluto in your fourth house of roots, repressions, and ground means that you’ve been getting the ground knocked out from under your for quite some time. You’re a balancing act thrown into the winds and it’s hard for your scales to stop moving because you’re slipped upside-down again and again.

Chiron in your eighth house means that your wounds that deal with social appearances, keeping face, and being compared to the neighbor’s kid need to be healed. Chiron in Aries means that this healing in happening in a rude way. It means that you need to stop seeing yourself as nice and empower yourself.

These are large shifts. You’re pissing off your family and you’re pissing off your friends. You’re finding your own truth through alienation. You may not want to stay where you are now but have no idea where and how to move.

Think of it this way. If you desire to move to a place where you don’t know anyone, it may be because the things people in your present circumstance project onto you are too heavy to take. The things you mirror and the way you mirror them may be too exhausting of an endeavor.

You can’t fix this by going somewhere foreign where your face is unknown. You have to fix the mentality that makes you fear alienation. Once you do that, your friends and family will look more like strangers to you, in a way that gives you the relief of greater self agency and freedom.

Communicate these shifts early. Simply leaving is a bad strategy because it will hide you from who you are. Allow yourself the luxury of self exploration. Your ruling planet is rising in the morning in the early part of the year, allowing you to appreciate yourself consciously early. Getting the work of establishing good communication habits out of the way early in the year gives you the room you need for unconscious forms of growth later.


Scorpio 2019 Horoscopes

I’m seeing Jupiter in your second house and seeing you grow in terms of self value and self acceptance this year, Scorpio. I’m also seeing Saturn and Pluto in your third house and seeing challenges with communication. Reading that together, I’m thinking that communicating your self value to those who have trouble accepting it may be an useful hurdle to go through in 2019.

But what stumps me is the question of whether self value can be communicated in a capitalist society. What does our feelings of what we deserve have to do with the endurance and exploitation models of capitalism? Is it just me or is there immense pressure to derive pride from the ways we exploit ourselves?

Work is painful. It is painful and depersonalizing to market yourself. There are so many gazes through which we can see ourselves. We can see ourselves as white men do, as white women do, as our parents do, and as our politicians do. We see ourselves as victims, as objects, as investments, and as demographics.

All these mentalities mean our social performances become like a funhouse mirror. What kind of orchestrated performance makes you trust yourself more, Scorpio? What selection of identities and control over the perception of ourselves through the eyes of others makes you love yourself more?

The quest seems antithetical to the pursuit. How can we love ourselves through the marketing of our loves, our values, our habits, and our personalities on a resume, cover letter, or job interview? We will never learn love through our labor. That’s what 2019 wants you to know, Scorpio.

Love yourself enough to find a way to support yourself. Love yourself enough to not take any job too seriously. It seems so contradictory. Love yourself enough to show yourself. Love yourself enough to hide yourself.

The thing is, good communication skills will never be enough if people don’t want to understand you, Scorpio. You can use all the empathy in the world to create a trusting and lasting dialogue but not everyone wants to listen or express themselves. Not every employer cares about supporting you, making sure you are fed and not sick, or that you feel satisfied with the job.

The world is far bigger than we ever thought, Scorpio, and that means it’s both a tower of babel and full of soulmates that don’t speak your language. You’re learning how to view yourself through misunderstanding, and sometimes it’s okay that you don’t get an answer back.


Sagittarius 2019 Horoscopes

What do you deserve? Capitalism wants you to feel like you deserve a new outfit, new types of snacks, new shoes, and a new car too. It wants you to base your self valuation on an entitlement to consume new, newer, and avant garde things.

It wants you to base your esteem on your financial responsibility, on what you have in the bank, on your credit score, and on your investment portfolio. It wants consumerism but demands austerity.

What do you think you deserve?

We obsess over money because we have no social networks of security. As social security becomes less funded, more and more of us rely on dreams of becoming millionaires in that great fantasy world of someday to feel at ease. And that’s just in a governmental sense. There’s cultural norms of individualism, of cutting people off immediately for taking advantage of us, of constant suspicion that alienate us further.

Your ruling planet is home all year, Sagittarius, and you’re remaking yourself from the ground up. However, with Saturn and Pluto in your second house, no concept of liberation that relies on throwing off social responsibility will make you thrive this year.

What do you feel like you deserve?

Safety is a construct and so is love. The question that comes up for me is the great question of what can we feel like we deserve without that being the thing that makes it so easy for others to take advantage of us? Of false protectors who do no protecting and promisers who steal everything we’ve built for ourselves?

When we feel taken advantage of, it’s a sign that someone wasn’t supporting us the way we want and that we do feel that we deserve something after all. Low self esteem has plagued your life long enough, Sagittarius. Let yourself feel taken advantage of and register that feeling so it shows up on the books. It is only evidence that you are worthy and nothing more.


Capricorn 2019 Horoscopes

Don’t be a afraid to be alone, Capricorn. There’s no one out there judging you for it. And the best thing is, there’s no right or wrong way to be alone. There’s no right or wrong reason for it and you’re allowed to just let it happen.

It is incredibly hard for you to feel supported right now. There’s conscious pain in your fourth house of family, there’s Uranus confusing the hell out of what you think love is, and there’s Saturn and Pluto reconstructing and destroying your ego.

Let yourself and watch yourself lose it all, because truth be told, you never had it all in the first place.

We enter the world with both hands empty. We leave the world with both hands empty. We are born alone and we die alone. All that matters in life is an experience.

Let yourself have your near death experience. Stop dwelling on consequences because we don’t know if there are consequences post life. What do you have once you lose all the fucks that you give?

Imagine this: there’s a person out there who has wanted to become a concert pianist since they were small. They trained for hours every day and gave up normal rites of passage to chase this dream. They invested in schooling and they’ve based on their relationships around this goal. One day, they wake up for realize that they no longer want this thing they’ve wanted for what has seemed an entire lifetime.

Is this realization a loss or a gain?

Let yourself have your own experiences, Capricorn, just the way you remember them because no one else has your memories. Let yourself have your choices and let yourself realize that there is no strategy in this entire world that will stand the currents of time.

I’m afraid to say that there will be loss for someone in a horoscope. However, I don’t think that loss is bad. Whether it’s a life’s work you’re losing, or a person you’ve orchestrated your entire personality around, or even a place that you’ve fiercely adapted yourself into, stop worrying. The loss of that very thing you thought you couldn’t lose and be okay will prove to you just how okay you have been all this time in the first place.

So, be that person who is able to let go. Everything rots, even dreams. There’s no gain in holding onto rotten dreams tightly just because you’re afraid of being empty handed.


Aquarius 2019 Horoscopes

Because Capricorn takes the twelfth house place for you, this means that there are forms of institutional validation and social acceptance that you base your whole personality around not wanting because you’re so scared of what wanting those things can mean. It’s hard for you to want to play any role because you’re so busy making fun of it.

In 2019, watch out for how making fun of these social roles can actually mean that you’re making fun of your own desires for acceptance.

What does respect look like when it doesn’t automatically translate into respectability? Is it really true that we have to prove ourselves to our grandmother’s generation in order to be respectable members of society?

And if being mature doesn’t mean having a career trajectory or a retirement account or a house at all anymore, than what does it mean? Aquarius, there’s nothing wrong with your Capricorn side. It’s okay to want to feel in control of some things. It just means that, if you do things a little differently, that you need to define what those things are to yourself.

With Jupiter in your eleventh house, there’s no way you won’t have friends that push you into realizing how you stage your own self sabotaging manifestos in real time. You’ll have friends that call you out on your bullshit and leave you no room for relaxing into the same cycle of self doubt that you find so comfortable.

You see, you’ll have people on your side who expect something of you. That may be a daunting prospect because you are too ready to expect nothing of yourself. You’ll have younger friends, who look onto you as a role model perhaps or older friends who warn you about the mistakes they made when walking a similar path. You will no longer choose envious people, who you cannot trust to share your ambitions with.

Your tendency towards self defeat can cause you to feel resentful of the friends who want to climb to high places and expect you to keep right along because they can see that you have the willpower, guts, and agility to do it. And, if you insist on keeping yourself in the same rut, you’ll see them leave you behind.

And I don’t mean to say that you’ll base all your self worth on outward achievements, Aquarius, because that’s one thing you’re super good at not doing. I’m saying that you want to move on, that the people you choose in your life want you to move on, but that you can’t move on without facing your own shame of wanting success. Irony will protect you no longer.

There are an infinite number of summits in the world. When you choose to climb one of them, that doesn’t have to discredit the other ones. When you put all your strength into movement, you earn yourself the possibility of looking at things from another vantage point. And that’s the thing you need the most in 2019.


Pisces 2019 Horoscopes

There’s a huge abundance happening in your tenth house of things you want to prove and worldly manifestations. Your ruling planet goes home on the high point of your chart. Life wants you to trust that good things can happen and that abundance in your achievements is possible after all. This can be one of the hardest things to believe.

If you’re far more comfortable with being the underdog who everyone pities and supports with equal parts resentment and compassion, then you’re going to miss the opportunities you receive in 2019.

You fear that your friends will try to knock you down for selling out. You fear that your friends will judge you for being bigger and better than you’ve even been, that you’ll never be able to receive comfortable pity anymore, and that with every public achievement you accept, you have twice as many whispers behind your back.

When you believe that there is never quite enough abundance to go around, when you don’t trust yourself to help your friends achieve, when you are habitually giving into schadenfreude in your daily life, you’ll have this fear.

You’re not this person, Pisces. You help your friends. You understand that true power is not power over someone else, but power with someone else. You have already seen your friends and allies grow more powerful as you grow more powerful.

Choosing to take scary opportunities and become more successful will put you in positions where you are tokenized, where you are the only person who looks like you in a room and people talk over you. This is another reason why you are so afraid to alienate yourself from your current community by potentially leaving them behind.

But this is a myth promoted by a scarcity mindset. The truth is, you will never be happy hiding from the world and your dream of it because you’re afraid of the consequences of your choices.

And I realize that we’re all held captive by a scarcity mindset. I realize that there may be friends who may not support you when they see you risking more than ever before and gaining because of it. I don’t know what to tell you about how to handle those relationships where someone else may be projecting onto you from a place of self hate. Maybe compassion helps, but maybe the scarcity mindset is stronger than compassion and we’re kidding ourselves when we think we can overcome it with only a little love.

Don’t limit your own prosperity because you’re afraid of the jealousy from those who don’t have the same things as you. Don't give into the scarcity mindset. Realize that they have other things, and that’s not necessarily better or worse than the things you have. Stop containing your ambitions and sabotaging your opportunities because you think that your friends can’t do any better than they are doing now, and that you’ll leave them behind because being blessed means you’ll move faster than them. The truth is that they’re moving just as fast in all directions and thinking this way will only make you left behind.

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