Taurus Cancer Relationships

Aug. 16, 2023, 8:14 p.m.

God, these two. Taurus and Cancer? This is the domicile and the exaltation of the Moon. It’s the ship that many great love stories have been based upon. But do you really know what’s going on between a Taurus and a Cancer? Neither of these two signs are enthusiastically expressive. They both like to keep at least some veil of privacy over their intimate affairs.

Let’s start with their differences since Taurus and Cancer have so many similarities between them. Taurus prefers luxury. They like nice things. They actually work really hard for nice things and cultivate something for a long time until it’s become high in quality. Cancer doesn’t really give a shit. Cancer prefers familiar things. They’ll prefer the ratty old blanket that they’ve had for ten years to a nice new one because they’re used to the smell.

Taurus cares about smell too but they’re more experimental while Cancer is more nostalgic. Taurus will love a good perfume but they’ll also appreciate their lover’s smelly armpit. This is the kind of shit that Taurus and Cancer do with each other by the way. They lay around in a messy bed smelling each other’s armpits and giggling. No wonder they don’t really want to talk about it outside.

In terms of adventure and familiarity, I’ve actually seen the opposite be true in terms of food. While Taurus likes a lot of different smells, I think that they really just like the same food over and over again. I’ve even seen strong Taurus placements who have a set dish that they order at their favorite restaurant every single week. They don’t feel the need to change that around. They know what they like.

Cancer basically likes the same smells around them and they’ll not want to change their laundry detergent because of this. However, Cancer tends to get bored of eating the same meals again and again. It’s not that Cancer will need a recipe to really make a good meal. They prefer to use their intuition, twisting an expected flavor into an unexpected one on a whim.

None of this upsets the Taurus or the Cancer. A Taurus isn’t going to be mad at a Cancer who gives them a novel dish that tastes really good. A Cancer isn’t going to be mad at a Taurus that gives them things far nicer than what they would buy for themselves. These are differences, because Taurus and Cancer sextile one another, that compliment each other.

These are signs that feed and glorify each other that also sextile each other. What more could you ask for?

The other thing that makes Taurus and Cancer so shippable is that both of the signs care about staying power. This is a slow burn. Both signs need time to walk into a relationship, to deepen one, and to enter into a conflict. Both signs tend to erupt in emotion if they’ve dodged an issue for too long but even this doesn’t usually tend to bother the other too much. Taurus mostly cares that people are being real with them while Cancer mostly cares that their friends show them an authentic emotional response.

In a relationship, Cancer will usually be the one who is faster with words. Cancer gets chattier when they are comfortable with someone and they’ll become more and more chatty the closer they grow to a Taurus. They’ll bring up all kinds of whimsical fantasies and ask the Taurus all kinds of interesting questions about their fantasy life. Taurus won’t be intimidated by this. They’ll take time to deliberate and Cancer will enjoy the tease of waiting.

Taurus changes when they get close to someone too. They don’t become chattier. They just start showing you things that they like. Look at this cool rock I found. Taurus gives you a stone. Look at this song. Doesn’t it remind you of us? Hey, look! I made this drawing. Do you like the colors? I’ve never used these markers before.

All of these Taurus offerings will go into a Cancer’s collection. Cancer likes to collect things. They’re like a hermit crab in this respect. Taurus enjoys this aspect of Cancer because they are proud of the things that they show their Cancer.

Both of these signs like to accumulate, by the way. If a Taurus and a Cancer live together, their space can get laughably full and even quite messy. That’s fine. Neither of these signs are really that clean. They prefer a full home, one that feels like a full heart, and they want their home to smell like themselves.

I think that the dynamic between a Taurus and a Cancer will easily fall into one where the Cancer displays a lot of excitable and encouraging support for the Taurus. Cancer loves to praise. I know that Cancer is often known for its snark because it likes to keep its praise, like its true heart, private but Cancer does love to praise. It loves to build something or someone up and make them glow in self knowledge and appreciation.

Cancer likes to do with Taurus. A Cancer’s encouragement can make Taurus feel almost childlike. It’s like Cancer has this ability to see directly into your soul and uplift the things that are most important to your core, the things that you have always hid due to fear. The way that Cancer encourages and nurtures is ready. They don’t even really need to think about it.

What Taurus does for Cancer is something that is really unique. Taurus is a rock. They’re steadfast. Cancer is actually an excitable and moveable sign. They flit around in life, charging at one thing and healing themselves when they get hurt. Taurus doesn’t quite move like this and they become like one of those cool rocks that they like to give to people so much. When a Cancer is down, they can always come back to their Taurus.

Sometimes it’s just a wise word here or there. Taurus doesn’t really need to try hard to be there for Cancer. Their resoluteness is enough. Often, what Taurus offers to Cancer is the simplicity of a still shoulder that you can lean on—an unwavering and patient gaze.

This is something that Cancer appreciates beyond all measure—what Cancer really wants is something that is worth coming back to. Cancer can come back to Taurus. This means that Cancer can be themselves with Taurus.

While the things that people offer us can be important in relationships, I think that being accepted for what we are here to offer is also meaningful. It’s embarrassing to offer yourself and to be told that you’re not quite right and exciting when what you want to give is taken without hesitation. A Cancer loves the way that Taurus enjoys their nurture. A Taurus thrills in the way a Cancer appreciates their presence and deems them to be enough as they are.

Cancer and Taurus want to give to each other. They like to receive too but what is most important is that the eagerness with which they give to each other is met with willing acceptance. They value what the other can offer. They take what is offered and they show their joy, basking in appreciation and gratitude. This is so romantic. One of the most precious things you can give another person is your own willingness to take what they want to give you.

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