Taurus Leo Relationships

Sept. 20, 2023, 4:27 p.m.

There’s a gravity to both of these signs—Taurus and Leo. They’re both fixed signs and fixed signs have a devastating attraction to one another.

I watched a nature documentary recently. A pride of lions were hunting a herd of wildebeests. One group was feline and the other was bovine. The interaction looked like a standstill. Neither group could move. Adult wildebeests weigh four times as much as a single lion. They sometimes kill lion cubs. Standing all together in a herd, the wildebeests were impenetrable. They protected their young and their old by making the herd into a fortress.

The lions waited. They didn’t hide to ambush. They just sat there in full view and waited. Eventually, the wildebeests have to move. These are wandering animals who have to graze on grass. Come nightfall, the lions have better vision and the wildebeests become vulnerable.

Something really miraculous happened. A single wildebeest, one of the larger ones, stepped out of the herd. He started to walk towards the pride of lions. The lions didn’t ambush. A single lioness walked out from her group. She’s much smaller than the horned creature approaching her but she has claws and powerful jaws.

Both animals approached one another and stopped. They regarded one another. It was as though they came to some kind of understanding. The wildebeest was the first to charge. The lioness let him take the lead. Once he did, she pounced.

The pride and the wildebeest fought and the fight was pretty fair. He weighed the same as four lions and he took four of them on. The lions did kill the wildebeest this time but they did so without any hiding or deception. When they caught him, they bit down on the jugular to take him out painlessly. While the wildebeest fought the four lions, the herd ran off unbothered. The wildebeest sacrificed himself to save the herd. If the whole group had run together without the single wildebeest’s sacrifice, then it would have been the young and old that would be eaten.

I’ve never seen such a regal fight. That moment when the lioness and the wildebeest regarded one another was almost conversational. It was as though they knew one another as predator and prey. The lions showed themselves. They don’t do this for just any prey. Often, lions ambush. It was as though they expected a single wildebeest to choose to fight. They didn’t chase the herd. They respected the sacrifice. Maybe they were moved by it too. How could you not be? The cow was truly noble. Both predator and prey clashed without losing their holy respect for life.

I thought about the relationship between Taurus and Leo when I watched this clip. A relationship with such nobility and respect requires two things. Such a dynamic requires that you know yourself and that you know the other person. The big cat knows the cow and understands what it is doing. The cow also understands the big cat and trusts that it will respect the boundaries of the game.

You see, lions also do this. Lions will step out to sacrifice themselves for their pride. The lion and the cow understand each other.

I don’t mean to imply that the cow is always eaten by the lion. Taurus is fixed earth and fixed earth has an advantage that fixed fire doesn’t have. It clings. Earth is solid. I’ve seen videos of wildebeests chasing frightened lions off because they know that the weight of the cow can squash its flexible body.

Both Taurus and Leo are stubborn signs. Taurus is a mountain. It doesn’t move. It doesn’t need to move to do its thing. Sometimes, Taurus will go through drastic transitions that feel almost like landslides. Still, those changes just reveal the integrity of the sign.

Leo is also fixed. Leos tend to have just as many stubborn habits as Taurus. They tend to be just as consistent. They like to frequent the same places and they’re fiercely territorial. The difference? The big cat is flexible. Without moving from its territory, the lion can stretch out. It can paw things in and out. This is very different from Taurus which is like soil. Taurus absorbs while Leo teases. It digests while Leo plays and taunts.

There is a square between Taurus and Leo. A square, in astrology, is thought of as conflict. Squares can be beneficial for relationships because it forces conflicts into visibility. Think about you chatting with a friend about your differences quite frankly. It’s like there’s an avenue for difference to be expressed. That’s conflict when it’s functioning clearly. It’s much better than when your differences are hidden or when you are confused about where you start and someone else begins.

Leo and Taurus are hanging out with a third friend who brings to them some frustrating problem. Leo describes the issue optimistically while Taurus points out the possible pitfalls. This dynamic is beneficial to everyone. Leo and Taurus start a reading group together. Leo brings the raw excitement while Taurus ensures close reading and dedication. Working together, they create conversations of quality

Squares between fixed signs are attractive also because fixed signs have antiscia with one another. They are attracted to each other. If both Taurus and Leo have gravity, then their gravitational pull aligns and they’re compelled to become one big mass.

In a room, Leo is hunting. They eye people they find charming or interesting or funny and then they make a pounce. Taurus is circulating. They gradually move closer to what they desire. Both signs are committed to the process. When Taurus and Leo come together, they become almost unstoppable. Leo likes to travel with an entourage while Taurus loves to herd. Two masses create a pull that not many people can resist.

Putting it simply, Leo and Taurus find the other sign quite sexy. Taurus looks around in life and sees beauty. Leos love to be seen as beautiful because they know that it is true. Leos look around in life and see the goodness in everyone. This brings out Taurus’s innate self assuredness. They’re attracted to each other, seeing the lovely and the good, and they make each other more confident with their own company.

There’s something about Taurus and Leo coming together that just makes both of them glow. They’re more confident together. They know themselves better because they can see clearly where they are different.

If Leo and Taurus have conflict then the conflict is usually group situated. They can fight about friend group related things. Both signs care about loyalty but they have different interpretations of the concept. Remember, lions travel in prides. What do prides do when they encounter another pride? They leave or they defend. Cows, on the other hand, travel in herds. Herds melt into other herds when they meet.

A Leo is more likely to think of their friends as theirs. They’re pickier! Leos are social curators. They think about all of the ways their friends are unique and they express affection by declaring it into being. They make people feel well loved for being just themselves by doing this. They believe in people.

A Taurus is more likely to think in terms of mass movement. There’s actually quite a few famous activists who are Taurus, including Malcolm X, Che Guerra, and Karl Marx. Taurus builds mass. They’re not picky. Their focus is on momentum and on direction. Taurus believes in the group.

Tauruses and Leos don’t have to define friendships or community together to be together. They might bicker about choosing loyalties but, if they’re willing to choose one another, then everything around them benefits from their differences brushing shoulders. Taurus and Leo also don’t have to get along to stay in the same space. Remember that clash between the lion and the wildebeest? Even if your conflict is irreconciliable, such as the conflict between predator and prey, you can meet one another with respect for life. Taurus and Leo respect themselves and one another. They can share the same ecosystem.

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