The Philosophy Of Jupiter In Aries

Nov. 22, 2023, 3:59 p.m.

I always feel like I’m hit in the face when I come across a Jupiter in Aries.

Jupiter in Aries isn’t messing around. This isn’t a Jupiter that’s always about fancy words or elaborate ideologies. Jupiter in Aries is motivated by doing. Basically, it wants to see itself in action. It doesn’t really care about fucking up and making a huge spectacle out of that. It just wants to try.

The humor of a Jupiter in Aries can a bit young. I wouldn’t call it juvenile even though I fully believe that Jupiter in Aries can dissolve into fits of scream-laughter from fart jokes or dick jokes. They’re just slapstick. They laugh at things unashamedly. They don’t need too much finesse. That’s why the world feels so relaxed around them.

Our sense of humor is really an attitude towards life. That attitude is what we sometimes call philosophy. I wanted to start a series about Jupiter in the signs. Let’s start with Jupiter in Aries, I thought. So, here we are.

Jupiter in Aries’s sense of humor is instinctual. That’s also how it approaches ideas. Jupiter in Aries knows a good idea when it sees one and it acts quickly. It acts much faster than Jupiter in any other sign.

The thing that Jupiter in Aries is interested in is newness. It doesn’t want the same old thing. Tesla had Jupiter in Aries. You know what the difference between Tesla and Edison was? Edison stole ideas. Tesla made inventions. Edison also had financial backers for promoting electricity. Tesla did his own thing. He also worked for Edison and was bullied by him, Edison sometimes telling Tesla that he would pay him for things that he later wouldn’t. Tesla was often penniless and only found investors when his ideas started to impress.

Tesla was also a bachelor. He was perfectly polite but preferred being on his own. Jupiter in Aries likes to do things on their own. Why? Because they can move faster that way. You can move faster when you don’t need to explain anything to someone else.

There’s also a side of spectacle with all of this. Tesla liked a spectacle. So does Rihanna who also has Jupiter in Aries. When a Jupiter in Aries starts a new initiative, everyone will hear about it. These people are natural promoters. They know how to get people talking.

There’s actually a kind of life cycle to Jupiter in Aries initiatives. I’ll explain more about this in a moment. Jupiter in Aries has a gut intuition. They have an idea. They’re willing to try it and they’re willing to hurt a little for it. This is a Mars ruled Jupiter. The idea is usually successful. Jupiter in Aries is usually successful and, in fact, they’re known for being quick to find success. Their ideas can very easily blow up. Jupiter is in the sign where the Sun exalts. It’s a blessed Jupiter, a luminous one.

Then what happens? What does Jupiter in Aries do after a new beginning?

Well, that depends on the person. It depends on the rest of the chart. But here is where Jupiter in Aries’s task is done. Other planets or parts of the personality take it from here.

Actually, sometimes Jupiter in Aries can feel very overwhelming from the inside. Jupiter in Aries doesn’t really restrain itself in the beginning, you see. That’s why it has this reputation of being successful. It hits hard and it hits early. It pours everything that it has, every dollar in savings and every ounce of energy, into a project’s inception. And then the idea soars.

And Jupiter in Aries needs help. To receive help, Jupiter in Aries will need to break down its own process. It will need to make its own mind understandable. It will need to communicate.

God! How tedious. No Jupiter in Aries wants to do all that shit. Mostly, it wants a new idea. That’s what it’s most hungry for. It just wants the time and space to make something else impressive happen.

I think that we can actually see this in Rihanna’s business. She started this brand Fenty and everyone was talking about it. Fenty is impressive because it set a lot of standards in beauty and fashion. Why did no one else make inclusive foundation shades? Not sure (definitely racism) but Rihanna did it. Not only did Rihanna do skincare and makeup, she also did off the rack clothing and designer too.

That’s a lot. I don’t know. Most brands take decades to build up to this point. Not Rihanna. She has Jupiter in Aries. She made a ton of money too and now she’s a billionaire?

It’s also really hard to sustain an initiative of this scale. Fenty launched a luxury line really fast after it debuted as a brand. This created some confusion around affordability and who the brand is for. Fenty fashion house also relied on pop up stores instead of actual stores (so Jupiter in Aries) where celebrities were invited but paying customers were kept out. Since then, Fenty has scaled back. It’s doing what made it blow up in the first place which is inclusive makeup and skincare. All of this happened in just a few years.

Regardless of how you feel about beauty, billionaires, and industry (I have a lot of opinions unrelated to the topic of this article about all three), I think that this is a really Jupiter in Aries story. Jupiter in Aries can overshoot but…that’s actually okay. If you overshoot and try a little of everything, chances are that you will find something that really works for you.

Jupiter in Aries is willing to try. It’s willing to try anything. It’s open minded. That’s why it succeeds.

There’s also something about the speed at which Jupiter in Aries prefers to work that makes some things easier than others. Something fast like acrylic painting works for Jupiter in Aries. Something slow like embroidery or stitching may not.

I don’t mean to say that Jupiter in Aries isn’t patient. It is patient and it will hammer at something for a very long time. However, it expects brilliance to pay off like an epiphany. It’s dazzled by ideas for their simplicity. It doesn’t want things to get too complicated. That’s why Jupiter in Aries is so great with kids. Genius, for Jupiter in Aries, is only impressive if you can explain it to a five year old whose brain is growing at rocket ship level speed.

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