Taurus Virgo Relationships

Feb. 15, 2024, 5:54 p.m.

Taurus and Virgo are both romantics. Both of these signs are absolute freaks. They can’t help themselves. But Taurus is where the Moon and Venus go to indulge. Virgo is where Venus and Jupiter go to sleep. They are both romantics but they have completely different styles.

Both Taurus and Virgo are earth signs. Oh, earth signs! You might think that earth signs are practical or at least sensible. Aren’t earth signs those square people who don’t know how to see the strange side of things? No. Earth sides are weird. Think about it. What is even buried inside of the earth? Strange creatures, some treasure, and things that become other things.

Are earth signs realists? I don’t think so. They’re too weird to be realistic. Earth signs are incredibly weird.

Taurus is fixed earth. Taurus plows through the day like an ox working the soil. It is interested primarily in form. Like a rich field, Taurus grows many things of beauty. It’s a creator.

Virgo is mutable earth. Virgo sorts through the seeds and grains in the pantry and exchanges them for other things that we might need. It appraises things. A Virgo always checks things from every single angle. It never misses a detail. It analyzes the situation at hand.

Basically, Taurus is an artist and Virgo is a psychoanalyst. Do you see why the two go so well together?

Taurus falls in love with Virgo not for its mind but for its eyes. It loves the way Virgo goes around looking at the world. Virgo inspects things very closely but it doesn’t see things predictably. Virgo is not just a detail collector, a nitpicker. Virgo construes the details together until they start to make sense. Virgo creates strategy and technique.

In turn, Virgo falls for Taurus not for its beauty but for its courage. Taurus is actually a very peculiar sign and Virgo has the deepest love for peculiar people. It likes to think about them. Taurus has all of these strange habits, its own way of doing things. It won’t justify why it thinks that its own way is the best way. Reasons are not necessary here. Taurus gets things done but does them strangely. Virgo is drawn to that because Taurus is a whole human person with a web of offbeat behaviors that Virgo simply can’t help but look at again and again.

“The most I see you, the more I like you,” Virgo might say to Taurus, analyzing its every move with a sideways glance. How would Taurus respond? Something about devotion probably.

Taurus is a very devoted sign. It is far more devoted than Virgo which isn’t a problem at all. Virgo likes to keep it interesting. It likes to create all of these complicated dynamics, dynamics that move and mystify. Virgo doesn’t talk to any two people the exact same way. That’s why it always asks the right questions.

In the dynamic, Taurus’s devotion is like a rock. Taurus can be poly too but it’s not as interested in shifting dynamics around for fun. Instead, Taurus confesses its feelings confidently and sincerely. It knows what it likes and it will never stop liking what it likes unless it has a very good reason for doing so. This is also why Taurus can be a fanatic. It becomes so devoted that its own devotion overturns the world like a plow turning over the dirt.

You have this steadyfast person (Taurus) who moves at just the right pace for trust. Then, you have this other person who is always looking around and checking the situation out (Virgo). They do very well together because they make the other one feel needed. Virgo needs Taurus’s leisurely pace. Taurus needs Virgo’s vigilance and quick perception.

The most famous Taurus and Virgo couple is Salvador and Gala Dali. To understand this couple, you have to remember that Salvador Dali wasn’t a surrealist until he met Gala. Dali was a formalist.

Gala came from an intellectual family. She grew up writing poetry. She was one of the better known surrealists and despised for it. People called her the “demonic dominatrix.” She fucked all the surrealists. After she married Salvador Dali, she kept a harem of lovers nearby. She turned Dali into a surrealist.

Really, you can’t look at them as an ordinary husband and wife couple. Dali was Gala’s submissive and abuser. She decided who he was and he, maybe in retaliation, made her his muse. They destroyed each other in the end but stayed married until they died. Gala gambled away all of Dali’s money and forged his paintings. Dali broke her ribs.

Earth signs get up to just as much shit as anyone else. This story is a tragic one and we find history littered with stories like this one. Not all relationships between Taurus and Virgo are as unhealthy as Dali and Gala together.

I think that you can look at Dali and Gala and ask—what is success in a relationship? People say that Taurus and Virgo make successful couples. Dali and Gala stayed together until the end. That’s a historic fact. Were they happy together? They were surrealists. They paraded their neurosis in the public eye. They were a power couple in an age of decadence and chaos. Would they have been happier alone? They lived in the time they lived in as the people they were.

Sure. Taurus and Virgoes can make successful couples. They’re fascinated by each other. They make the other one more fascinating. Taurus and Virgo trine one another and they reinforce the qualities that make the other one unique. Couples who find their dynamics captured by trines usually do. They just like each other so much. They want the other person to be even more of themselves. They want each other.

Taurus is a fertile field—rawness encapsulated. Virgo sorts through the rich mud. You can make anything out of clay when you have enough of it and hands ready to work. Why are earth signs so creative? Poop is actually a type of earth and some people say that making art is like excrement. You have to get over the shame at the sensation and then you’ll just do it naturally. Together, Taurus and Virgo are tremendously creative. They can make anything possible. They can make anything up. Nothing can stop them. They’re shameless together and, sometimes, that’s a good thing.

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