Virgo Libra Relationships

March 25, 2024, 1:11 p.m.

Virgo and Libra, in my view, happen to be one of the zodiac’s most controversial couples. No matter how you spin it, there seems to be quite a bit of friction between Virgoes and Libras.

Let’s look at aspects first. Virgo and Libra don’t make an aspect to each other. Virgo is mutable earth which is always ready to problem solve on its own. Libra is cardinal air which is usually ready to take in suggestion or ask for guidance. This is pretty different. Usually, signs with no aspect are pretty different in their expressions.

Virgo likes to get its hands dirty. It likes to sort out the muck and it likes a do it yourself ethos. When it comes down to a question of accepting help or doing it yourself, a Virgo will usually decide to do it themselves. Virgo hates asking for help. It likes to be the one who goes in and helps.

Libra is different. Libra likes a teacher. Libras are willing to accept the expertise of those with more experience. This isn’t because Libras are lazy or that they want someone else to come in and do things for them but because Libras believe in efficiency. Why go through all of the trouble of piecing it together haphazardly when a friend already can do the thing much faster and better? All you have to do is ask.

Let’s look at dignity next. Virgo is where Venus goes to sleep. The sign of Virgo is Venus’s fall. Libra is Venus’s home. Venus loves to be in Libra and feels comfortable there.

This means that Libra is at its best when it’s sorting relationships, connecting to people, or mediating. This also means that Virgo is actually much more divisive than Libra. Virgo likes to complicate ideas and deconstruct existing narratives. Narratives hold groups together. In a way, Libra blends narratives while Virgo questions them.

Let me put it in simpler terms. Libra likes to remind us that all we have is one another while Virgo likes to ask us who really has our back. On top of that, Virgo also dignifies Mercury by domicile and exaltation. Virgo likes to get its point across. Did you know that the fastest way to cause an argument is to make getting your point across a priority?

Let’s look at the issue of contra-antiscia now. Virgo shares antiscia with Aries. Aries and Libra are opposite signs. This means that Virgo’s contra-antiscia point is in Libra and vice versa.

Antiscia means that two signs share sympathy. Contra-anscia means the opposite! Virgo and Libra challenge each other’s point of sympathy. This means that both signs will expect the other one to act more like its opposite sign and feel a way when it falls short. Virgo wants Libra to be more like Aries. Libra wants Virgo to be more like Pisces. Both signs will try to push the other one into being more like its own sister sign.

Let me put this one in plain language too. A Virgo will look at a Libra and ask them why they aren’t rushing out to share their opinion more directly. The Virgo will do this with good intentions. They see that the Libra is intelligent and has fresh thoughts. Virgo wants Libra to share because Virgo wants Libra’s ideas to shine.

At the same time, the Libra is sitting there looking at the Virgo and wondering why Virgo needs to be right all the time. Why can’t Virgo take a more Piscean approach of accepting all the unknown in the world? Why can’t the Virgo be more open to the idea that all of us are quite limited in our scopes of knowledge? Isn’t the Virgo being unaccepting by declaring who is right and who is wrong so loudly? Libra wants Virgo to be more generous because it's worried that Virgo will isolate itself.

Libra puts a hand on Virgo’s shoulder. Chill out, they say. You don’t know everything. Ask more questions. Virgo is aghast. Chill out? What kind of coward is this? I want you to take a stand.

I started with all of the reasons why Virgo and Libra can have trouble getting along not because I’m so against this partnership but because this is one of those classic “do not do” couples in astrology. Now, I want to make a case for why all of the reasons why Virgo and Libra have friction can also be cause for fantastic relationships.

Libras like to ask for help. Virgos like to help. Why wouldn’t these signs get along? Virgo can help Libra whenever Libra asks. Both asking for help and doing it yourself are great ways to learn. Libra wants a teacher and Virgo wants a self taught student. Virgo can push Libra to be more self-reliant while Libra can remind Virgo that trusting an opinion for now doesn’t mean that you don’t get to doubt it later.

Libras like to be in groups while Virgo likes to stand apart. Virgo is the hermit and Libra is the clown. Why can’t these two get along? Did you know that people are most shy when they care about what a group thinks of them and if they can fit in? That’s why Libra is often more shy and reclusive than Virgo. When it comes down to be, Libras are usually the ones who sit on the sidelines of a group. Virgo, who is also there by choice, can make Libra feel relieved that they don’t need to give all of themselves to fit in. Virgos can teach Libras the value of withholding energy.

Virgos like people who stand for their ideas. Libras like people who accept their own limits. Why can’t Virgo and Libra get along? Virgo speaks its mind and Libra asks the right questions. Libra has genuine curiosity and the desire to learn more. It asks such good questions that Virgo finds its own mind changing mid conversation. This satisfies Libra who likes to change people’s minds.

Both Virgo and Libra are very subtle signs. Virgo cares about precision but it’s Libra who truly has an eye for detail. Detail isn’t just about whether someone uses the precisely right word but about whether someone uses the right word at the right time with the right people. Virgo cares about craft but Libra understands context. Virgo understands how to complicate its own narrative. It knows how to craft an exacting story. Libra knows who to tell stories to.

If you watch a Libra, you’ll find that Libras are extremely rigorous but show no work. Libras edit their text messages several times over just so that they appear with an attitude of casualness at all times. Libras lightheartedly laugh things off precisely when they are most hurt. Libras put years of practicing an artistic style that looks like no effort at all. Libras can say a lot by saying almost nothing at all.

In contrast, Virgo talks a lot. Virgo likes mazes and mysteries with a lot of obvious complications. Virgos will write very long text messages when they are most worked up or upset. Virgos edit not to achieve brevity but to write essays in your inbox.

When you are convinced of something by a Virgo, it takes a while. You know when a Virgo is trying to inform you of something. They tell you that they are trying to talk you into something. They argue by pulling from books, by giving evidence, and by talking a lot. Before you are convinced of anything by a Virgo, you have debated and talked and listened your ears off.

When a Libra convinces you of something, you don’t know. Libras, like cats, are able to plant brainworms in us that make us do things that the Libra wants us to do without us even being aware of how or why. This Libra superpower is one of the reasons why Libras don’t like to be so forthright about what they think. Being too direct messes up a Libra’s game. It’s not cowardice. It’s subtlety and strategy.

In a relationship between Virgo and Libra, the Libra shapes the dynamic more even when the Virgo is the one who offers Libra more suggestions of what to do and what not to do. A hidden opinion always shapes a transparent opinion more. A transparent opinion is already out there. It can be debated. A hidden opinion can’t be. It can only influence. Libras have hidden opinions and Virgos have transparent opinions. Virgo explains. Libra doesn’t. If Libra is allowed to go its own way unchallenged too often, the dynamic between Virgo and Libra can too quickly devolve into Virgo explaining Libra’s actions for itself. I think that this partnership is more cohesive when Libra answers Virgo’s call for transparent communication.

The most famous Virgo Libra couple is probably Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. I’m not sure of all of the ins and outs of their relationship and haven’t kept up with the celebrity news but I do know that most people thought that Jada was the one who initiated their open marriage. Later, the couple revealed that Jada wasn’t the one who brought up the idea and that Will had struggled with infidelity even very early in their relationship. Jada is more outspoken. Will seems to like his privacy more. Jada is a Virgo and Will is a Libra.

Virgo and Libra are an interesting couple. The two signs can love each other fiercely and challenge each other in many ways. There is a certain amount of friction. Friction is good. Challenge is good. This is one of the couples infamous for clashing in astrology but that doesn’t mean that Virgos and Libras are figuring out ways to love each other all around us.

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