June 2024 Horoscopes

May 30, 2024, 3:03 p.m.

Mercury isn’t really neutral. It’s just nonbinary.

Just because you disagree with someone, you’re not necessarily wrong. The person with whom you disagree may not be wrong either. Sometimes, you disagree with people you cross fences with.

We all come out of different experiences. Some of us from lineages on one side of a cold war line may define anti imperialism one way and someone else raised by the resistance erupting from another line may see things differently. Our ideas and vocabularies are shaped by our circumstances, by the things that we know to be true. We all define a people’s power by different means because we all produce different histories for life’s meandering continuation.

Jupiter is actually a planet who really likes to be right. Jupiter cares about The Truth. When Jupiter is in Gemini, it is humbled because it’s not allowed to be right. Why is that? Because Gemini has too many ideas. Gemini likes to cross fences.

I went to the river at the beginning of this Gemini season. The water of the river was sparkling because it held so much pollen, bugs, and little pieces of plants. The air was also sparkling because of the bugs and pollen swirling around. Gemini season is for the pollinators, the ones who bring ideas from one place to another.

In June, Mercury runs quickly through Gemini. Mercury moves very fast in Gemini because it’s currently between retrogrades. While Mercury is in Gemini in June, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter will all also transit Gemini. In astrology, Mercury is a realm crosser. Mercury transgresses the boundaries between disciplines. When Mercury offers a prophecy, you don’t know if it’s telling the truth or telling a lie. Mercury may very well be just trying to tell one version of the truth. Mercury isn’t really neutral. It’s just nonbinary.

Mercury doesn’t try to build consensus either. You don’t need to agree with everyone around you to make a decision. You don’t need a single truth to guide you into action. Instead of the one truth, Mercury gives you the power to hold a more complicated story.

The reason why Jupiter is concerned about The Truth is because it’s concerned about morality. Sometimes, Jupiter acts as though good or bad are things that people can be. None of us can be good or bad. We can feel good or bad depending on our actions and our circumstances. A lot of us sacrifice big things to try to be good when our circumstances ask for a human cost for expressing our goodness. This doesn’t make us the good guys. Everyone also has the potential to inflict harm and that doesn’t make us the bad guys either. As people, we can’t become our moralities. We can only study ethics.

What does Mercury try to promote with its complicated narratives? Gemini season turns into Cancer season in June. Mercury and Venus move into Cancer on the same day this year. Mercury doesn’t give you curiosity, that capacity to hold more stories, because it wants to confuse you. Mercury makes you curious because it wants to promote intimacy.

Cancer is the sign of intimacy. Cancer is the sign of deep knowingness, of feeling so understood that you are bared. Cancer never tries to pretend to be someone they are not. Cancer wants to be known as itself.

This June, let Mercury remind you that there are people close to you who you want to understand. There are people whose languages you don’t speak, whose dialects you can’t decipher, who you want to know more deeply. The desire for intimacy lives in you. This is why you are so deeply curious, why you want to know more than you know. This June, I want you to never allow the pressure to be right keep you from listening to the world around you using your innate curiosity.


In June, I want you to remember that a word can’t define you. Words are just clues. They’re these arrows that we shoot in the dark abyss of imagination and, once we shoot them, we have to figure out where they landed. We have to figure out what our words mean, really mean. We have to put them into sentences and those sentences into contexts.

A single word can never define you. An English word can’t defend you. A word isn’t the same thing as a principle. We don’t live for words or by our words. Words are just tools and tools can be given new uses. We are not defined by single words (confident, fearful, good, or bad).

If words can never define you, then get creative about who you get to be. You were always yourself, created by a mixture of actions and sentiments and people. If your words have life, then it’s because you breathed life into them. Find the life in the words that you choose. Never hold a word sacred. Remember that they only have power when you give it to them.

Questions for Gemini for June 2024:
What words give you hope?
What words make you suspicious?
What is one sentence you can make with hopeful and suspicious words?


There’s a lot of freedom in privacy. Declarative and public statement making is actually very rare when it comes to resistance. A lot of resilience building happens in private. You don’t have to be decipherable to the state when you communicate with people around you.

In June, I want you to give yourself the power of privacy. You don’t have to share everything. Relationships that ask you to share everything all the time aren’t always sustainable and may need some rebuilding before they can be. You don’t have to offer all of yourself up to be connected to other people. In fact, long connections take negotiation.

Nurture your privacy. Nourish it. Allow your inner world growth. Examine your fantasies and record your dreams. You’re not the just parts of yourself that you share with other people. You don’t have to be defined by what you share because you’re not a public resource. You have a self that you keep to yourself too. You even have a self that you keep from yourself.

Questions for Cancer for June 2024:
When do you feel most private?
What do you feel private about?
What work is best practiced in privacy?


In June, I want you to think about friendship like an anarchist. Your friends don’t have to agree with each other for them to be your friends. They don’t even have to agree with you. They don’t have to share the same righteousness or talk about their principles using the same words. If they did, then a group of people starts to feel less like a group of friends and more like a group of social control.

A lot of the time, we don’t have to agree about everything to be friends with someone. A lot of the time, what is most important is that our friends are curious about our perspectives and our lives. Someone can agree with you but have absolutely no curiosity about you. Someone might speak a completely different language than you but, if you are curious enough about each other, you’ll still find a way to talk and be friends.

Some of our most challenging friendships are with people who are curious about us, with people who want to know more about us and what makes us tick. We want our friends to challenge us. We want difference and play. What makes a friendship work is not complete alignment but interest in people. In June, I want you to think about who you are interested in and I want you to be with people who are interested in you.

Questions for Leo for June 2023:
Who is curious about you?
Who are you curious about?
What are you and your friends curious about together?


June has the best astrology for making a plan. The art of making a plan is a delicate one. We can’t predict the future so we really don’t know what we are planning for. That’s why we need bombastic hope and reasonable skepticism when we make our plans. Something else that we need? We need self knowing.

Let’s say that you plan to become a party promoter because you’re really good at talking with people. Then, you find that you actually get burned out because you are relying on what you are already good at even though there is a deep desire to work with your hands inside of you. Your plan to become a party promoter wouldn’t be a wrong one but it might be an incomplete one because it attended to the person you are now instead of the person you are growing into. The good news is that life is flexible and your plans can change.

June is about sowing seeds of desire for the future. Sow seeds using your desire based on what you want more of, not on what you are already accomplished in. Base your confidence on your potential. You have a future that you already want. At any beginning, wanting is just enough.

Questions for Virgo for June 2024:
What are you hopeful for?
What are you skeptical about?
What do you know about what you want?


In June, I want you to give your own imagination the respect that it deserves. Your imagination, that capacity for dreaming, is not fed by hope but by habit. It is fed by information which is something that you procure and absorb. Your imagination is also shaped by the information you procure. Information is not random. You get information when you research.

I want you to attend to imagination, to nurture it like a hungry fire. Your research is a sacred practice. You don’t have to be an academic to take your ideas seriously. You don’t have to be an expert to read or to teach. All you need is a desire to know something better. The best thing that any teacher brings to a room is just their desire to know something better.

In June, I want you to take your education seriously. Maybe education isn’t the right word. I want you to take your own intelligence seriously. I want you to nurture it with discipline, not with fanciful hopes that feel like something but never turns into rigor. You have your own way of thinking. Take that brain seriously. No one else in the whole world thinks precisely the same way you do.

Questions for Libra for June 2024:
What information nourishes your imagination?
When does information feel actionable to you?
When does information make you feel more free?


All your life, you have shared resources with people who think differently from you. You would share a sandwich with someone who thinks differently. You share education with people whose ideas confuse you. You share a river with hundreds of different species. Just because you share a resource with someone doesn’t mean that you need to give them everything. You also don’t need to withhold everything.

Just because someone gives you a compliment doesn’t mean that they get to tell you who you are. Same with someone who gives you an insult. You can hold your own in relationships and this means that you get to decide what you take and what you refuse.

Mercury moves through your eighth house in June. Here are some words about sharing—giving, receiving, taking, and accepting. Refusing, withholding, keeping, and hiding. These are all words that have to do with the question of sharing. Each word is just the name that we give to a multitude of practices.

Question for Scorpio for June 2024:
What do you want to give?
What do you want to withhold?
What do you want to take?


There will always be people around you who don’t believe in the same things that you do. The reason why they don’t believe in your dreams may not be because they’re trying to get you. They might believe in their own dreams, in dreams that are different from your own.

Each dream is just a potential for something greater. Each dream is a wish, a wanting, and a desire. You have your desires. You want to eat certain foods, to be intellectually fierce, and to be around people you love. The people who you love have desires too. If their dreams are different from your own, that doesn’t mean that yours are less real.

Dreams are not proven through belief alone but through habit. If you have your own dream, then practice it. Another person’s practice of their dream can only interrupt your own practice helpfully. Let every interruption bring you greater insight. Let every fallen belief give you greater potential to dream more honestly.

Questions for Sagittarius for June 2024:
What habits renew your sense of purpose?
What conflicts renew your sense of purpose?
What analysis renews your sense of purpose?


In June, I want you to go to the library. Go to the library and stake out a table for the day. Go through all of the shelves and find every single book that you are interested in. Open them up and start reading. Read until you’re tired of a book and then move onto the next book. Turn off your phone when you do this. Use a notebook to take notes instead.

Give yourself time to learn. You know that feeling when your emotions are all charged up and the world feels like a puzzle to you? I get that feeling a lot when I’m learning a new motor skill. New skills take a lot of time to learn. We understand how to judge something before we learn how to do it. That’s why we get frustrated with ourselves when we are in the middle of learning something new. Frustration is a sign that we’re doing a bit of growing.

Mercury conjoins Jupiter in your sixth house. You have plenty of time. Give it to yourself. Maybe you’re learning how to make a camera or maybe you’re learning how to use one. Get lost in the process. Let yourself make mistakes. Create the right environment for learning and enjoy yourself as you do it. Your mind can learn anything as long as you give yourself enough time.

Questions for Capricorn for June 2024:
When was the last time you went to the library?
What did you learn while you were there?
When will be the next time you can go to the library?


I think that real life ethics is always rooted in our philosophies on how we treat children. We can debate all we want about how we should treat people or how we want to treat people but, at the end of the day, how we actually treat people is what matters.

Children are people who are growing. Children need protection and guidance. They need experimentation and safety. Children need to feel connected to adults and children live in a world where they usually can’t make decisions for themselves. Children are people who are not defined by their past but by their potential.

How were you taught to treat children? You don’t have to be raising children to just live around kids and build relationships with young people. How do you treat people who have less experience but a lot of potential? How do you light a person’s potential on fire with gentle encouragement and sincere enthusiasm? How do you protect someone while also letting them take on risk? Talk to someone who is wrong a lot of the time but growing all the time?

And how do your answers to these questions apply to the way you treat yourself, a person who may not be a child but a person who also has a lot of potential?

Questions for Aquarius for June 2024:
How do you treat a person in order to nurture that person’s potential?
How do you treat yourself in order to nurture your own potential?
What does nurturing your own potential make you understand about your future?


We live in an era of historical revisionism. Most of our histories are revised. Our digital infrastructure saves selectively. Entire canons get erased. Do you even store your own family photos? When you look back to tell your kids what went down, what do you have as reference?

More and more, our thoughts and fancies and ideas are digital. Who owns the digital spaces that we put work into creating? A platform might tell you that you own your own information but, unless you store that information yourself, a simple change in policy is all it takes to turn the tables.

In June, I want you to do some archiving. Store things not in a cloud but in something that you keep. Copy down notes and references in ink. Collect important objects. Make a record of who said what. Archiving is a skill. Your history doesn’t belong to an algorithm. Your history belongs to you.

Questions for Pisces for June 2024:
Who stores your information?
What archives taught you about history?
What archival practices do you practice?


In June, I want you to find at least one experience when you feel yourself speaking in your own voice.

We all have ruptures with language. A lot of us don’t want to be speaking in English or writing in English. We lose languages and dialects. And then, we might find that we speak in a particular cadence specifically because of a language that we thought we lost.

What would it be like to speak in your language? What would it be like to sound like yourself when you speak, not like a friend of yours or someone you admire but like yourself? How does your mother speak? Your sibling? How does your grandmother speak?

All of my family speaks different dialects. My grandparents speak rural Henanese dialects while my parents speak a more urban Zhengzhou dialect. The language that you speak may not be the one most familiar in your bones. What would it be like to sound like yourself and what would it be like to understand yourself?

Questions for Aries for June 2024:
What dialects do you speak?
What dialects do you understand?
What do you sound like when you’re not trying to be anyone?


In all of the astrology of 2024, June is the best time for you to make a budget.

Make a budget with all of your resources in mind. Make a cabbage budget, a water budget, a time budget. Make an attention budget. How much attention will you give to your job, to your books, and to your children?

When you look over all of your many resources and budget them, I want you to look for potential. Look over your resources not just with the intention of use but with the intention of growth and protection. Grow your own cabbages by putting the stems in water. Research your closest river and advocate for that river’s right to flow. How do you grow food, water, and attention? How do you nourish your attention so that you have more of it? How do you protect it?

I feel like there’s a lot of financial budget advice out there. Since I’m a financially illiterate astrologer, I won’t attempt to advise you there. June is about taking care of your resources, about planning with potential in mind. With resources such as water and attention, worry less about using them up and more about freedom in circulation.

Questions for Taurus for June 2024:
What resources are important to you?
What resources do you know how to grow?
What resources do you know how to protect?

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