Leo Scorpio Relationships

July 30, 2024, 9:04 a.m.

Both Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs which means that they share a certain gravity. All fixed signs have a strong sense of connection to other fixed signs. This innate connection isn’t in the cardinal signs or the mutable signs. Only fixed signs tend to gravitate together in a peculiar way. Why? Because fixed signs either have antiscia or contra antiscia to other fixed signs.

The fixed signs like to cluster together and form little groups. I remember one friend group made up almost entirely of people with Sun in the fixed signs from school. That friend group was known as the fashion kids. They were all really into fashion. They always hung out with each other and they sometimes fought amongst themselves but they would still stick by each other.

Leo and Scorpio happen to have contra antiscia. The fixed signs that really stick by each other have antiscia. Leo and Scorpio have contra antiscia. They are both fixed. Leo is fixed fire and Scorpio is fixed water. This means that Leo and Scorpio will look for certain traits from each other and they will also interrupt each other.

Leos are lovers of loyalty. Leos will go out of their way to stick up for their friends. They’ll go under attack themselves especially when the person they are sticking up for is younger, more naive, or has less power. A Leo will do this even in a losing battle because they don’t really care about winning. They just care about protecting people.

Scorpios love loyalty just as much as Leos but they’re quieter about it. A Scorpio is not likely to make an issue into a public spectacle but it will take the time to actually check in with someone who needs them to ask that person what they need. A Scorpio will bail you out. They will never tell anyone just how much effort they put into helping those around them but they will always come through for you.

Both Leos and Scorpios look for loyalty from their friends. Both give it. Leos and Scorpios will look at each other and think to themselves, “That’s a good person. They stick up for their friends.”

Loyalty is the first test for any Leo or Scorpio. Leos and Scorpios pass each other’s tests. However, loyalty alone can’t define any relationship. Leos and Scorpios also have their differences.

When Leo is with their friends, they completely relax. Leos are actually the least dramatic people when they are happy. A Leo isn’t going to go out of their way to stir up anything. They like the feeling of being around people who they know and love too much. This is usually a great thing. Leos like to keep the peace as long as there is plenty of love to go around. They like to keep an friendly atmosphere and to make sure that everyone feels good around them.

A Scorpio is completely different. Scorpios like to investigate. Some people say that Scorpios like to stir shit up but I disagree. A Scorpio likes an intellectual challenge. Their idea of a good time isn’t everyone sitting around smiling at each other. Their idea of a good time is to read a really difficult book together and to ask each other psychologically deep questions. That’s not stirring shit up. That’s just being inquisitive.

A Scorpio expects intellectual challenge in their relationships. Even if you meet a Scorpio for the first time, they might try to provoke you into some kind of complex conversation about trauma theory. That’s just what talking with a water sign is like. They like to go all deep into things.

A fire sign is completely different. Fire signs like to joke around and laugh. Fire signs don’t take anything too seriously. We like to keep people laughing—not weeping.

A Scorpio will try to challenge a Leo intellectually just like they do with anyone else. Scorpios like to ask all kinds of barely appropriate questions. “Why do you think this way? Who taught you this?” They’re always sitting around and trying to observe people. A Leo won’t necessarily take the classic Scorpio inquisition personally—Leos are quite sturdy and transparent with their ideas. The sign of the Sun has nothing to hide. However, a Leo’s expectations about friendship might be different from a Scorpio’s expectations. Leos primarily want to have fun with their friends.

I think the basic dynamic of a Leo and Scorpio relationship comes down to this question—does the Leo involved feel like they can have fun with the Scorpio?

The thing is, Scorpios are funny but in a really weird way. You have to pay attention to them to really appreciate their sense of humor. They won’t tell you when to laugh. A Leo will tell you when to laugh. They laugh the loudest at their own jokes. If you laugh with them, you’re in. If you don’t, they either try to make you laugh more or think that you’re no fun at all. A Scorpio will laugh when they want to laugh and not a moment before.

Honestly, I think that the basic tension between Leo and Scorpio isn’t a big deal. A Leo might get a little huffy because Scorpio doesn’t always play along but they’ll mostly just play elsewhere and then come back. A Scorpio loves to debate and they can’t stand anyone who can’t admit when they are wrong. A Leo hates to be wrong and a Scorpio will mock Leo for this. But a debate between a Leo and a Scorpio never has to finish. Both signs can debate about something for years, using verbal sparring as flirtation. I don’t see this being too much of a problem. Leo and Scorpio share very similar relationship principles. They will come through for each other in times of strife even if they’re currently in a debate.

Have you ever met one of those old couples who just love to fight about some tiny issue for years and years? That old couple loves to fight because arguing keeps them sharp and connected. That old couple probably has strong placements in Leo and Scorpio.

I actually think that the main thing to watch out for with Leo and Scorpio relationships, and possibly with any relationships between two fixed signs, isn’t tension but too much collaboration. Both Leo and Scorpio are stubborn. They like to stick with their positions and with each other.

Leos and Scorpios can very, very easily like the same people and dislike the same people. That’s the drawback of being too loyal. Leos and Scorpios need their loyalty to be based on their principles and not their pre-existing connections. If both people in a relationship base their loyalty on who they already like, then the relationship they have with each other can quickly become way too insular. If Leo and Scorpio base their loyalty on their principles, then they can actually use their love of loyalty to challenge each other to grow.

The risk for any Leo Scorpio partnership is for either sign to fall in love with their own idea of loyalty rather than with the other person. What initially draws Leos and Scorpios together can also make the dynamic feel a bit stuck.

All relationships need to be perpetually changing in order to stay alive. Fixed signs have this special connection to each other because they tend to stick by their friends. With fixed sign pairings, I would actually say that more tension is better. You have to do something really catastrophic to make a fixed sign person say that they no longer want to be friends with you. What can make a fixed sign relationship go sour isn’t tension but too much stasis. If you expect the other person to stay the same, then the relationship can’t grow.

Leos and Scorpio have a special connection. They might argue. This is a good thing. If you are in a Leo Scorpio relationship, then make sure that you both speak up about important tensions. Make your debates fun. Both of you are quite devoted and both of you are strong in personality. Your relationship can handle a lot of disagreement.

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