Aries Scorpio Relationships

Sept. 27, 2024, 9:15 a.m.

I think that relationships between Aries and Scorpio are very funny. I am an Aries and I think that Scorpios are funny. I can’t say if Scorpios also think that Aries are funny but I think that Aries-Scorpio couples are, more than anything else, entertaining. I’ll get into why at the end of this article.

This is what I observe about Scorpios—Scorpios are one of the only signs that actually do the things that they say they will do.

Aries and Scorpio don’t aspect one another. What I mean is that Aries is cardinal fire and Scorpio is fixed water. Fire and water don’t mix. The two signs also don’t share modality. For this reason, astrologers will usually say that Aries and Scorpio don’t “see” each other or that they don’t witness each other. However, Aries and Scorpio share a ruler. They are both governed or directed by the movements of Mars and Mars is the planet of action.

Both Aries and Scorpio take action. If we say that we will do something, we will do it. There’s no wishy washiness. We’re not going to make a long and convoluted plan and never take the first step. We’re not going to get stuck on step one. We’re just going to get the thing done. I appreciate this quality about Scorpios as an Aries. Why?

Mars ruled people are called all kinds of names—aggressive, combative, difficult. Whatever. Do you know what Mars is about? Mars is about stepping up to bat even when no one else is willing. Mars is about taking sacrifices for the team often at great personal cost. Say what you want about Aries being selfish. Aries is willing to speak first and we are willing to say things at moments when speaking can be very costly. We will still speak when we know what we have to say is the truth.

Scorpios have this same trait. They will speak truth even at great personal cost. They will endure the backlash.

Aries and Scorpio will get obsessed with things even when no one else is very interested. We’re not looking around at what everyone else is doing or even that aware of the trends. Aries is trying to be ourselves and Scorpio is trying to investigate their very core. We are willing to take unpopular positions. We are willing to do unpopular tasks. Mars cares about what is necessary. As long as something is necessary, Mars will get it done.

But do you know what the biggest difference between Aries and Scorpio is?

The difference is this: Aries live our lives under the delusion that everyone loves us and Scorpios aren’t so sure.

Aries are incredibly naive people. Even when we know that we live in an oppressive world, we often still assume the best about everyone we meet. Sure, society sucks but everyone we know is great! That’s why Aries can take on such big risks. We live under the delusion that, no matter how much we fuck up, people will always forgive us because they truly love us. And if they don’t? That person is dead to us. They don’t exist in our heads anymore so what they think no longer matters. Everyone else still loves us. If someone isn’t as great as we thought they were? We still hope that they are, even if we are a bit disappointed. We get over small disappointments pretty easily.

Scorpio is much more cautious about people. The Scorpios I know tend to check people out. They remember things too. When a Scorpio has decided to love you, they don’t do so after having put you on a pedestal thinking that you can do no wrong. They do so because they know all of your contradictions and they accept them right there with you.

I think that makes Scorpio pretty brave. Aries is impressed with Scorpio courage. Aries is a sign that likes to be impressed. As soon as someone impresses us, we start to cheer them on and sing their praises. Scorpio is not a reckless sign. They are brave when they need to be even when the danger is great. That quality of Scorpio impresses every single Aries and endears us to our Scorpio friends no matter our other differences.

Aries and Scorpio have a lot of differences too. Aries is fast. Scorpio is slow. Aries likes to keep the mood light. Scorpio likes to get all deep and heavy. Aries cares most about what happens next. Scorpio cares more about what led up to this moment.

Those differences don’t matter, not to two people who will stand up for each other. We can settle differences of habit or lifestyle. The main philosophy between the two signs is the same. We want to make a difference—an actual difference. We want to do something. We believe that most of the work is showing up and we know that most people don’t take that one step.

Mars people can often feel lonely even when we are with people we know. Mars people feel lonely when we feel like we become the battering ram of our friend groups and like no one else is willing to step in to protect us. Aries and Scorpio don’t feel lonely together.

I think that communication between Aries and Scorpio is often a bit off. I remember my Scorpio friend asking me what an Aries man meant in a text. “I think he means exactly what he says?” I remember myself saying. She wasn’t having it. He had to have meant something more. I couldn’t think of anything that this man could have meant. If he’s the type of Aries I am, we will just say exactly what we are thinking. I’ve run into incidents where my Scorpio friends will insist that I meant to say something that I didn’t mean just because they are trying to read between the lines.

Aries texts fast. Our messages are often full of typos because of our speed of communication. We don’t edit. I don’t edit these articles that I write here. Scorpios text slow. They think before they speak. I’ve had Scorpio friends tell me that they need to sit on something before communicating about it. That’s fine. When a Scorpio does that, the Aries may sometimes forget before the Scorpio is preparing to return.

Aries Scorpio couples can really thrive as long as the Scorpio can sustain their interest in the Aries. Remember—Aries is a straightforward guy. Scorpio is actually quite interested in mystery. Aries delivers complete transparency. In a partnership with an Aries, Scorpio needs some way to keep their erotic curiosity entertained. Now, Aries is not a boring sign but we don’t use mystery to entertain ourselves. Scorpio does.

What can Aries do to keep Scorpio interested? Aries is best at teasing and provoking. I think that Aries is one of the only signs who can mock a Scorpio and get away with it. We can make Scorpios laugh. We can take teasing too because we have a little masochism.

Aries and Scorpio are one of the most entertaining couples. We aren’t always funny but we are entertaining. Both signs are jocks and our idea of eros is to slap each other on the ass every now and then now and then. We like to bite our lovers and we want them to tease us. We feel that this is a fun and spicy dynamic. That’s the chemistry side. The deeper relationship is built on mutual protection. Aries and Scorpio are willing to protect each other. Sure, there may be a couple of communication issues but, at the end of the day, Aries and Scorpio can settle those differences with a good sparring match.

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