Interview With A Taurus: Sean-Kierre Lyons

July 2, 2019, 12:50 p.m.

When we try to look up celebrities (modern day gods and goddesses) with our astrological Sun sign, most of the people who turn up are white and cis-gendered. However, the signs don't look the same on everyone. They change according to the identities that impact how we experience the world and how the world perceives us. This is why I am interviewing twelve people of color and queer people of each Sun sign.

Sean-Kierre Lyons is an artist from Brooklyn who primarily works in sculpture. Their works are around black folklore, especially of the antebellum period. They make art with a punchline

Once, in conversation, you told me that the only reason why Taurus cares about money is because we live in a capitalist society. You said that, if we didn’t, Tauruses would literally just be gardening all day. As a Taurus, can you talk a little more about how money abstracts some of our primary values?

If we didn’t have to make money we would want abundance. I guess we just thrive on abundance and if we didn’t have to pay for food, then the things that are most important to us like food and clothing, Tauruses would be the mavericks in. Tauruses would also be doing a lot of research on the things that we need for future generations.

That’s one thing people don’t get about Tauruses is that we crave knowledge about everything because if you have knowledge, you can be secure in your beliefs.

In your art work, I see a lot of repetition of form, which makes me think of the Bull, the slowness of nurture, and staying your ground. What is your art making practice like? How long do you spend on a piece, in making it or imagining it? Can you give some advice to fellow Tauruses for being their full creative self?

Well, concepts take me forever. Concepts will take me months and even when I’m in the process of making the work, the concept will change because the concept is still in the process of being formed.

In the show I just finished, which is up at Larrie on 27th Orchard St, we were there at the gallery and I had this whole idea of making this walkway of black eyed peas. I think it was just me trying to get out of the structure of things. That’s something I think is relevent to a lot of Tauruses and that’s being too attached to the structure of things. Removing yourself from the structure and losing control is hard for Taurus but important to the creative process.

Don’t overwork. Take your time. That’s important because there’s so many variable when you’re making work. There’s so many things that can go wrong and you have to figure it out. If you’re a Taurus, there’s a pretty good chance you can figure it out.

I think repetition is great. I think repetition is one of the best things you can do in life. There’s no true growth that doesn’t come out of repetition. Even if you make the same fucking flower over and over again, at some point that flower is going to change. That’s the nature of things.

I see this with you and a lot of Tauruses—you don’t really use filters in your selfies. Can you talk about beauty, the natural, and what it means to you?

I don’t like the way I look in a filter. I like my lazy eye and moles. I feel like when you put a filter on you’re trying to hide something and I feel that pretty heavily especially as a trans person who is slowly becoming a person they want to be. I feel like I should reflect on photos of myself to remind myself that change is happening because sometimes I feel pretty stagnant.

I think lazy beauty is the best. I think both are great. I congratulate people who do themselves up to the nines to look great. I think, for me, it’s about being very raw with my beauty and not about hiding my beauty. But I guess I’m pretty privileged in the way of conventional beauty standards because by conventional beauty standards I’m not an ugly person. But I like crooked teeth. I like scars. I think scars are really hot. I think scars really make a person. There’s more to beauty than just glowing and flawless skin.

It seems like you use nature, flowers and clouds and the sun, a lot in your sculptures and “Red’s Cookout” seems like family gathering with a peaceful setting. Your new installation is called “finding luck with the sound of venus.” This makes me think of Taurus’s reputation as a chill and community oriented sign. Can you talk about the importance of rest, community, and de stress? How can we make time for these things while living in, like we talked about in the first question, a capitalist society?

I make children’s books but I make them real. There’s a character I made called Lu with a backstory. She had so much abundance that her parents had to lock her away because everyone was trying to take from her. She escaped from her parents and wandered into a forest. In the forest she found a podium and when she stood on the podium, she started to bleed. Her blood created the black flower forest, and she birthed her protectors which are rabbits. Abundance and luck can be found in the black flower forest. Anyone who enters the forest may be blessed as long as they don’t try to take anything from her.

I think community for Taurus is important and I think the perfect community for Taurus is one that will leave Taurus alone when we need space and time. A Taurus’s love is always there and will always remain there even if they’re not constantly around you. A Taurus’s love for you will always stay there forever. I think Taurus takes space to depth the relationship because it’s tiring for us to constantly give. We’re givers and that can be taken advantage of a lot. When we talk about rest, it can be good for Taurus to take space away to rest.

Taurus is the queen of materialism but it’s actually hard for Taurus to really take care of themselves. It’s actually pretty hard for Taurus to go out and buy something for themselves. A lot of Tauruses have things that other people gave them. I think that’s what Tauruses treasure the most, the things that people give to them. If you give a Taurus something they’re going to treasure it and even if they don’t really like it, they’re probably still going to keep it around.

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