Taurus Sagittarius Relationships

Feb. 19, 2025, 11:31 a.m.

Interestingly enough, Taurus and Sagittarius together is not that bad. I know, I know. Taurus is fixed earth, stubborn as hell and pragmatic to a fault. Sagittarius is mutable fire. It’s an idealist and highly opinionated. How could Taurus and Sagittarius come together and not clash?

If you were to go by the usual rules dealing with astrological synastry, Taurus and Sagittarius would be a bit weird. Signs tend to be the most different from the signs that are adjacent to the signs that they directly oppose. For Sagittarius, that would be Taurus and Cancer. Neither Taurus or Cancer share an element or modality with Sagittarius. Taurus is stability seeking and Cancer is security seeking. Sagittarius is neither.

However! Consider this: Taurus exalts the Moon. It is a lover of good taste and beauty. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s home, making it superbly generous. Sagittarius knows how to give and Taurus knows how to store.

These two signs are optimists. They both look up. Taurus will notice all of the beauty in the world even during the bleakest times. Sagittarius believes in people.

Both Taurus and Sagittarius are really independent. Taurus doesn’t like to be influenced by other people. Sagittarius does and Sagittarius also likes to teach or influence in turn. When Sagittarius encounters a Taurus, it encounters someone who can’t be moved by words. Taurus has to see it to believe it.

However, Sagittarius is a bit careless about material things. Unlike Taurus who likes to keep and store a bunch of stuff, Sagittarius barely remembers what furniture in the shared house belongs to them and where their clothes might be kept. A Sagittarius is always on the go. That means that they’re always willing to discard everything they have to move on.

So, Sagittarius is someone who loves to give—they love to give their things away and they love to share their opinions. Taurus is someone who loves to keep—they love to keep their thoughts to themselves and to store more and more stuff. What do you see happening with this dynamic?

That’s right! Sagittarius ends up giving Taurus a lot of stuff. They give Taurus books and musical instruments. They let Taurus have it. They also give Taurus a lot of new ideas to ponder over and information. Sagittarius is just such a transparent sign. I have seen this kind of thing happen. I’ve lived in shared housing with people with strong Sagittarius and Taurus placements and have seen Taurus take in all of the things that Sagittarius just loves to shed.

But I do have to say—Taurus and Sagittarius seem to get along really well when they have a bit of established distance between them. Distance is really cool. Not all relationships need closeness all the time. You might even have some areas of life where you feel distant with a close partner and that distance can help the two of you work better together.

Both Taurus and Sagittarius can handle a lot of distance. Taurus likes its own space. Sagittarius likes to wander off and come back again.

Both signs need their own independence to be strong when in a relationship. When Sagittarius doesn’t feel like it gets to have its independence, then I think it starts to read Taurus as overly bull headed and stubborn. “These people just want to be right all the time!” Sagittarius complains. They’re right but Sagittairus also likes to be right. That’s actually a trait that they share with Taurus.

This is why—I think that I hear the most complaints about Taurus and Sagittarius relationships when it comes to parental dynamics. Sagittarius complains that Taurus parents are too controlling. Taurus tends to complain that Sagittarius is too silly. If a Taurus has a Sagittarius parent, Taurus usually complains that the parent failed to take them seriously.

When it comes to relationships that have established equality and a bit of necessary distance, I think that Taurus and Sagittarius can work really well. I’m talking about coworkers, friends, and even romantic partnerships. However, for the relationship dynamic to really take off, a couple things have to be true: both signs must retain a lot of independence, both signs must enjoy playful arguing, and both signs must be invested in honesty.

Taurus and Sagittarius will argue. Both can be argumentative and like to be right. Sagittarius tends to find a lot of enjoyment in debate because they see it as a sport. Taurus, less so. So, they must both enjoy bickering with each other enough to tolerate each other.

Second, both signs must retain independence. Sagittarius will wander off sometimes and Taurus will try to claim any shared space. This, too, must be tolerable to both people. I think that there is a good potential for this to be fine. Taurus can’t keep up with Sagittarius but they don’t need to and won’t want to. Sagittarius will never envy someone for their things and won’t try to claim them. This is an area where both signs are just different but don’t really actively clash. Taurus and Sagittarius relationships can make both people feel idiosyncratically like themselves.

The third one is pretty big. Both signs have to be invested in honesty. I say this because both Taurus and Sagittarius are signs that are obsessed with honesty. However, how they go about honesty is pretty different. Sagittarius is always chasing the truth down. Taurus is skeptical and won’t tolerate fakeness.

Taurus just wants you to tell them the truth. They think that the truth should be apparent and that, unless you are trying to hide something, then telling the truth is easy. Sagittarius not so. For them, the truth is always changing based on context. How can they say that they want A right now when they might want B tomorrow? Isn’t it more honest to say that they don’t know what they want right now?

Sagittarius is frank. They’re honest from moment to moment but their truth is always changing. Taurus looks for stability in logic.

I think that this is the main point of contention for Taurus and Sagittarius when in relationship to each other. What is the truth? What does it mean to be honest with each other about what you want from the other person? This is also where the final condition of Taurus and Sagittarius compatibility comes into play—they must both love to argue.

The thing is, Taurus and Sagittarius will argue over what the truth is. Neither of them really know what the truth is. That’s why Taurus is so endlessly fascinated by our information rich world. They want to parse through it all because they want to make a realistic assessment of reality. Sagittarius, too, is fascinated by the ever changing world. They swim in it.

I want us to return back to that first point of similarity between Taurus the beautiful and Sagittarius the faithful. Both signs are optimistic. They both seek to make things better than they are. Why are they both so interested in truth?

Because they both want to change something about the world. By reading the world as it is, they hope to overcome the challenges. Taurus and Sagittarius aren’t that compatible. It’s true. However, the most incompatible pairings are the ones that we change the most in.

Both signs are obsessed with reality because they want to change it. Taurus and Sagittarius work well together when both of them want to change the world, when they want to change themselves as a part of this world. Taurus and Sagittarius aren’t considered a conventionally compatible pairing—that’s why Taurus and Sagittarius get together when they are looking for big personal change.

They want something from each other. Compatibility is overrated. You’re never compatible with anyone 100%. As long as you want each other, then you can build a real relationship even if you both love to bicker.

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