Aries Sagittarius Relationships

Feb. 26, 2025, 10:09 a.m.

Aries and Sagittarius are both fire signs. This means that both signs are lively, love to dance, and love to be seen dancing. Fire is light. It literally doesn’t weigh anything. Aries and Sagittarius, being fire signs, are also fairly lighthearted. Even when fire signs talk about heavy topics, we are careful to crack a joke every now and then and to never put unfair blame upon those who cannot bear the weight.

I think that lightness is the first thing that people will usually notice when an Aries meets a Sagittarius. Leo is also a fire sign but Leos have a certain gravity because they are represented by the Sun and the Sun is the center of our solar system. Aries and Sagittarius? We like to keep it light.

This is about dancing around, about having a laugh, about not taking things too seriously. Aries and Sagittarius love to discuss everything from world politics to music theory. The reason why this duo can talk about so many things is because they share one very crucial personality trait that not everyone understands—they refuse to take anything too seriously.

Why is it that both Aries and Sagittarius refuse to take things seriously for the most part? Is it because they are both fire signs? For sure, that’s part of the reason why. Fire moves on super quick. It doesn’t linger. If it’s finished with you, then it’s finished with you.

There’s another reason why Aries and Sagittarius are both such jokesters. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter which is the planet of faith. A Sagittarius doesn’t care about your mistakes because they’re not looking for them. A Sagittarius is only interested in people for their potential. That’s the hopefulness and the friendliness too. Sagittarius usually treats people kindly because they know that kindness grows exponentially. These people have a generous spirit and don’t hold a grudge.

Aries, on the other hand, is the exaltation of the Sun. An Aries usually doesn’t ask for permission. Instead, an Aries will do whatever it is that they want to do first and then ask forgiveness later. Aries likes to live life assuming that forgiveness will be granted. If people get mad at Aries, Aries will bark back but move on super fast. Their temper may be hot but they get over things fast. They expect you to too.

Together, how could Aries and Sagittarius possibly ever hold a grudge? They don’t. Neither of them are taking stock. They don’t remember past fights. They barely remember to respond to texts. They call each other spontaneously and never remember to return a phone call. Aries and Sagittarius are the sort to run into each other and chat for hours but also the type to never really make a plan.

These are forgiving people. You don’t have to watch your back with most fire signs but definitely not with either Aries or Sagittarius. Fire likes to reveal. It’s transparent. Aries and Sagittarius will both just tell each other exactly what they are thinking to their faces without worrying about the consequences. Very likely, when together, neither of them give very many consequences to the other one either. Neither hold onto things because fire likes to forget.

But what about differences between Aries and Sagittarius? You might be surprised to find that there exists several.

You might know Sagittarius as the goofball of the zodiac. These people will believe just about anything but they will joke around about anything too. You can never quite tell if they’re being serious or not. They usually are but they’re funny about it too. Sagittarius will believe just about anything and will laugh about anything because their style of life is inclusive. What is the most inclusive method? Belief and humor.

A Sagittarius tends to have a lot of friends. They tend to know a lot of things because they take themselves through a bunch of different experiences. If they’ve heard about anything then they have tried it too. A world view, a place, a transitional style—Sagittarius has seen it all and lived it all. This is a Jupiterian sign and Jupiter is a big planet. Jupiter is room for everything and everyone.

But Aries? Aries is ruled by Mars, that planet of fast paced removal. Aries likes to be seen but Aries doesn’t always include. In fact, Aries prefers to go alone. That’s because Aries prioritizes speed. Y’all can come along later. Aries wants to get moving and they don’t have time to wait around for everyone.

Aries seems like an extraverted sign but you’ll find that Aries tends to spend most of their time alone. These people are happy being alone. They are comfortable with themselves for the most part.

Sagittarius is usually much more social than Aries. You’ve probably seen Sagittarius at a party. They’re playing host, making sure that everyone present has a good time. They’re putting on a show. They’re moving around from group to group to see what everyone is talking about. Aries is usually seen remaining in one corner talking to one or two people at length. Or, Aries is off somewhere doing their own thing.

Aries is much more focused than Sagittarius. You’ve seen Aries when they’ve arrived at what they have self selected as their own destiny. Once Aries sets their mind to something, then nothing can stop them. They’re doing their research. They’re making a plan. They are acting and they plan to finish what they have started. Sagittarius is different. Sagittarius will usually have a vision that they chat with everyone they know about, learning things along the way and enjoying the process more than the result.

Neither signs are the jealous type. Neither expect other people to act like themselves. Both pretty much just have the attitude of “you do you and I’ll do me.”

Aries and Sagittarius are very good at inspiring each other. Aries is the first spark of fire and Sagittarius is the swirling embers dancing in the wind. These two phases of fire have to do with each other because fire has a self starting life cycle. The end is also a beginning. Aries is the beginning of fire and Sagittarius is the end of fire.

Fire, metaphorically, represents transition. We tend to talk about fire when we talk about moving on. “I’ve burned that bridge.” “I’m about to start a fire.” That’s why the beginning and the end of fire tend to feel the same—because stopping something usually gives us the energy that we need to start anew.

Both Aries and Sagittarius seem like they are interested in new ideas. However, that’s not actually true. That’s not what is actually going on. Aries is interested in new ideas but Sagittarius is actually interested in resurrecting old ones. Out of the two, Sagittarius is more likely to study philosophy and pursue teachers. Aries is more motivated by self invention. That’s why Sagittarius can deal with such big ideas while Aries is more interested in action and focus.

Resurrecting old ideas and inventing new ones feels very similar. That’s why Aries and Sagittarius look so much alike from the outside. That’s why they create such brilliance when together. Because they look alike but they’re actually different—Aries and Sagittarius move at very different paces.

Sagittarius is interested in resurrection, in immortal ideas. When they dream, they tend to dream about those big lofty ideals that are timeless, about spiritual matters that transcend just one life. Aries, on the other hand, is interested in achieving something within their lifespan. They want to do something that makes the world feel new again.

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