Aries Venus, ____ Mars

Oct. 25, 2019, 1:25 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Aries. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Aries Venus, Aries Mars: Conqueror

Aries Venus Aries Mars

Attraction and repulsion are instant reflexes for you. You might have a tendency to see yourself as a rugged and romantic hero in all of your sexual adventures. No matter your gender, you might have a streak of machismo, picking up partners through your fast and instant charm one second and dropping them the next. When you like who you see, you fall in love fast and, when you fall in love, you want them right this second. You might not be the best at flirting and, instead, pursue to ask people out who interest you very directly. You don’t see the charm in being coy or beating around the bush when you’re interested in satisfaction. You might have a tendency to only desire those who you cannot get and feel most passionate when love is a competition.

Aries Venus, Taurus Mars: Boss

Aries Venus Taurus Mars

You’re not really here to take orders from anyone. You’re here to do things your way and no one else’s at all. Most people, because of your tenacity, will be too intimidated to try to bend you to their will. They see you as someone who no one can take advantage of, which is why it may be hard for you to win someone’s sympathies, though it is never difficult for you to impress anyone. You seem so self assured and, though many people probably will easily confess to having a crush on you in secret, not as many as brave enough to say it to you directly. You may prefer it this way because you never want to be someone who is won over by other people. You simply want the power to want who you want and have them when you want them.

Aries Venus, Gemini Mars: Gamer

Aries Venus Gemini Mars

You write terrific and witty love poems and are capable of seducing someone through texts only. From the outside, you seem like a person who is swimming with passion. However, when it comes down to it, you may not be the casanova that you pretend to be. You just don’t have that deep of an interest in matters of sex or love to maintain a consistent focus. It is more like you flirt with the idea of being certain types of lovers but you can lose interest just as quickly. When it comes to charm, no one beats you. You can quickly satisfy yourself with the ingenuity you put into convincing someone else of your brilliance but, once you accomplish your goal, may feel like there is nothing else to do but to seek a new game. It’s only when you are truly interested in a person that your charm falters and you feel overwhelmed by a sense of nervousness.

Aries Venus, Cancer Mars: Authentic

Aries Venus Cancer Mars

You only want authentic relationships and strive to impress your crushes with your frank realness. It is never too early for you to feel alright in terms of disclosing details about your romantic or sexual habits that other people may find too abrasive for polite company. You have a way of making sure that people see you for just being you, without pretense and a bit naive. You are not afraid of being taken advantage of and can suffer because you lack an instinct of self protection and preservation. When you fall for someone, you’re not afraid to go all out and jump deep into an affair before figuring out whether your feelings are reciprocated. You want someone to know all of you and expect them to give all of themselves back.

Aries Venus, Leo Mars: Special

Aries Venus Leo Mars

What matters to you, first and foremost, is that no one will ever confuse you for anyone else. You dislike it when people compare you to anyone else, even if it’s meant to be in a flattering light and go at lengths to ensure that you are simply incomparable. You want to feel that every relationship you have is a whole, new one and not repetitive of any of the ones in your past. You don’t want to repeat the same mistakes again. You expect your lover to distinguish you completely from anyone else who they may have dated. Mostly, you want to be seen in a special light by those you love. In turn, you will make them feel as special as they make you feel.

Aries Venus, Virgo Mars: Looking for the right one

Aries Venus Virgo Mars

You can’t help but feel like you’re constantly chasing after that special someone who seems to fill all of your requirements for what makes for an ideal lover. It takes a long time to truly get to know you, even though you express yourself so bluntly, because you simply feel that you must make people earn your attraction to them. Anyone who has not tried to prove themselves to you may not seem worth your time but anyone who tries too hard can feel too accessible. In fact, you may use your wit to purposefully take those who seem too sure of themselves down a notch and ally yourself with anyone who appears completely unassuming. You’re constantly scrutinizing potential partners and figuring out if they truly suit you. Love can sometimes feel like a laborious process in which you commit yourself to figure a person out completely only to find out again and again that they have some flaw which makes them incompatible to you.

Aries Venus, Libra Mars: Social Scientist

Aries Venus Libra Mars

Socializing is like a field of study for you. You want to understand what makes social networks work and what breaks them. If a relationship, for any reason, doesn’t work out then you want to find the reason. Sometimes, you can behave like you’re writing a life long dissertation on the topic of love because you put so much mental energy into studying and understanding it. Your friends may come to you for love advice because you seem to always know how to follow instincts while maintaining a cool distance. In your own love life, however, you may suffer from figuring things out without learning to just experience the process of falling for someone. Because may feel like you know why people are attracted to you when they are, you can feel resistant to accepting affection. Learning to accept that, sometimes, there is no reason in love can make your affairs more enjoyable.

Aries Venus, Scorpio Mars: Hard to get

Aries Venus Scorpio Mars

It isn’t that you play hard to get. It’s that you’re actually hard to get. You are so happy in solitude that you need a very good reason for playing the part of partner for anyone and, because you’re a tireless worker, you may simply not have too much time for indulging with superficial play. You understand exactly how to make your relationships work for you. What you may need is the realization that, sometimes it’s worth it to make a little room in your life for someone who loves you to occupy. Because you’re not going to waste time and energy trying to please anyone who doesn’t interest you in a real way, you will give your time to those who take you seriously. When you do date, you make every effort imaginable.

Aries Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Crazy in love

Aries Venus Sagittarius Mars

You want whirlwind romances and a head over heels type of love. You also see love as a giant buffet and want to try everything at least once. Never, ever, in a million years do you want to hole yourself up with one person and stay there forever. Instead, you prefer to be the great, uncatchable catch. When you are in love, however, you will go all out to demonstrate the power of your emotions. Most of your former lovers might remember you either as the one who got away or the one who ruined their lives. In any case, there’s simply no way that anyone will forget you or say that a relationship with you was inconsequential to who they later became as a person. You leave your footprints all over whoever you’re with.

Aries Venus: Capricorn Mars: In my head

Aries Venus Capricorn Mars

You are extremely specific about how you’re willing to be with. Because your energy is so high, it can be difficult for just anyone to keep up with you. In all affairs, you have certain expectations that you want your partners to fill and, should they fail in doing so, you will most definitely let them know. You might have a tendency to take things which can be brushed off extremely seriously and hang onto issues which deserve to be in the past. When there is an issue, you don’t see the merits of ignoring it and prefer to directly confront the issue. This is why your partners may accuse you of making molehills into mountains. It can be worth it to leave the space of your own head, as interesting as that space is, and carefully observe the complexities of the relationship dynamic at hand. Do not give into the temptation to see everything as a problem waiting to be solved.

Aries Venus, Aquarius Mars: Present but not present

Aries Venus Aquarius Mars

From a distance, you seem incredibly accessible. Only when people see you up close do they realize that there are distinct parts of you that are quite unlike anyone they have ever talked to. Likewise, you seem knowable until someone really tries to get to know you, at which point you suddenly, no matter how much intimacy they encourage, can feel unapproachable. It can be frustrating to fight with you because you don’t stop until you win and because you often ask your sparring partners to look at the facts objectively and never confess to having personal motivations yourself. In fact, those who know you are quite aware that your anger comes from a personal place despite the lengths you may go to repress this.

Aries Venus, Pisces Mars: Casting director

Aries Venus Pisces Mars

While you know exactly how to shape yourself in order to fill what fantasies other people might have of you, it is often difficult for you to feel the press of attraction to anyone you know as a real person. You like to think of your romantic partners as characters in a book or movie, to cast them into enjoyable roles and, doing so, yourself into a dream. It can be easy for you to enjoy a love affair that lives completely in your own head. You are less interested in the banalities of love, things such as who takes out the garbage or does the cooking. This is why you might fall for people who appear to be in dire circumstances, who you feel as if you can save. The person you strive to fall for, over and over again, is always yourself reimagined.

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