Cancer Venus, ____ Mars

April 7, 2020, 9:10 a.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Cancer. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Cancer Venus, Aries Mars: Brat

Cancer Venus Aries Mars

You have a rebellious air around you because you like to complain loudly about things when you don’t get your way. However, you are also prone to putting yourself into the exact situations where another person’s rules are forced unto you because you seek a type of guidance that you can rebel against. In other words, you do not like to accept that other people have expectations of you but you do not like it when other people do not expect anything of you. You prefer it when authority figures attempt to force you to submit but prove unsuccessful. Though you play up a bad boy persona, you may not actually be up to anything truly bad. The reason that you can often act like a brat is due to your intense need to feel accepted, which clashes with your need to differentiate yourself from anyone who accepts you.

Cancer Venus, Taurus Mars: Eternal

Cancer Venus Taurus Mars

You want to prove that you love someone by suffering for them and you wish for those who love you to prove their devotion in the same way. You stand by the concept of love as a waiting game and are prepared to wait eternally for someone. Sometimes, you might seek out feelings of romance which are overwhelmingly sad or fall in love with the idea that love is all about pining and waiting and not much more. You might fall in love with the idea that love is suffering more than the actual person that you seek. In fact, if this does happen, it happens because you love the way pining makes you feel and might seek out states of yearning in order to enwrap yourself with a romantic beauty. You may even feel prepared to sacrifice your feelings of self worth in order to stay within a romantic dream just a while longer.

Cancer Venus, Gemini Mars: Trap

Cancer Venus Gemini Mars

If you want to deceive someone, then there’s nothing in the world that can stop you. It’s not so much that you’re a good liar as much as it is that you’re incredibly gifted at painting an impression of yourself and revising the way you tell your entire life story in order to back that impression up until there’s no other version of yourself that remains. You do not need to lie when you can simply become someone anew. The reason that you might create all of these different layers of self is because you hate to be pinned down. When you feel like someone has gotten to know all of you, then the fun and games have left the conversation. Instead, flirting with you is a long winding game in which you play to continually trap those you seek to catch inside positions that you want to see them in.

Cancer Venus, Cancer Mars: Taken for Granted

Cancer Venus Cancer Mars

It’s not that you strive to be taken for granted—it’s that you don’t necessarily seek any special applause or grand displays of affection. Rather, you prefer to demonstrate the strength of your emotions by mundane means and by sticking to someone no matter the context. When a person treats you poorly, you can sometimes feel that it is a good opportunity to prove your devotion. Rather than assuring people that you will be there for them through thick or thin, this can often lead to the dissolving of boundaries and the assumption that you do not want others to treat you well. Since you find it almost impossible to leave someone once you love them and even more subservient to the everyday habits that develop within a relationship, it can become easy to play the same role in a relationship despite growing quietly tired and frustrated. Communication will make your boundaries firmer and your relationships more mature.

Cancer Venus, Leo Mars: Only Child

Cancer Venus Leo Mars

What might seem like an insatiable need for attention to the people who don’t know you well is actually only a need to belong within a family like group. You want to be the center of whatever dynamic holds your social life together because you strive to feel needed. This can mean that you might do things that get you bad attention when you’re younger, such as inciting drama between yourself and people who seem to challenge you when you are threatened. When people prove that they’re loyal to you, you become fiercely protective over them as well and will give up your own reputation in order to cuss an attacker out for them. You don’t mind being known as someone hot headed as long as your closest friends never leave your side and allow you to become the center of your chosen family.

Cancer Venus, Virgo Mars: Crafty

Cancer Venus Virgo Mars

You always have a plan or strategy in place, especially when you feel insecure about how a particular dynamic or conversation will go. It is like you to rehearse important conversations before they occur and it is impossible for someone else to hide anything from you. If you seem polished or slick, it is due to your overwhelming effort to cover up any awkwardness that might arise between yourself and another person. Sometimes, your anxiety around how people might perceive you can lead you to pause in your decision making, unable to begin again until the moment passes. Since you like to rethink your interactions, you may experience feeling of embarrassment quite often and wish that you had responded differently at certain moments.

Cancer Venus, Libra Mars: Quirky

Cancer Venus Libra Mars

You are good at balancing your authentic side with your socially fluid side. Even if you seem like the weird person in all of the groups that you interact with, you don’t have the danger of not fitting in due to your weirdness. Rather, your strangeness endears other people to you and does not disturb the balance of the group. It makes you into a type of underdog figure that people always appreciate having around without still ensuring that you stand out from the background. Since people feel comfortable in your presence, they’re always ready to open up to you and they might feel surprised when you are more willing to reflect their vulnerability back to them rather than open up your chest of secrets.

Cancer Venus, Scorpio Mars: Snarky

Cancer Venus Scorpio Mars

You’re the type to stand in a corner of the room while everyone else is up to some ridiculous task and make snide comments either in your head, if you are new to the situation, or out loud, if you’re feeling comfortable. Basically, you are an acquired taste since you don’t seek to get along with just anyone but only the people who are able to handle your sense of dark humor. It’s not that you go out of your way to be mean—it’s just that you don’t see the point in pretending to be sunshine and daisies at any point in time. You are so authentic in your feelings that it is impossible for you to pretend to enjoy someone if you dislike them and your snarkiness actually hides a rather tender heart. When you decide to commit to someone, you are in for the long haul and take it in stride if there are valleys and slopes in the development of the relationship.

Cancer Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Goofy

Cancer Venus Sagittarius Mars

You seem to live in your own little bubble and, inside of this bubble, things seem whimsical, multi-colored, and always fun. When you build relationships, it is almost as if you’re a generous host inviting other people into your headspace and whether they’re allowed to visit as a short term or long term guest is entirely up to you. You can seem magical also because you disappear quite frequently, only to reappear at your usual hangout spots. Because you might be used to deflecting more attention than seeking it out, you might pretend to not know the people you develop crushes on. Even when you do like someone, you can seem unattainable to them. People who grow close to you are often surprised when they find out just how separately you live your life from them because you foster a feeling of intimacy in the time you do spend with someone.

Cancer Venus, Capricorn Mars: Wretched

Cancer Venus Capricorn Mars

A lot of the time, you can seem severely repressed not just in sexual terms but also in terms of direct displays of sadness and anger. This can lead you to live inside an everyday melancholy without expressing your tensions outright. Actually, there are people who find this melancholic aura quite attractive in a poetic way. However, it is better if you avoid those who are only attracted to you due to your perceived sadness as that will force you to hide your emotions in order to remain an enigmatic personality. If you have feelings around fathers and repression, it is better for you to confront these emotions rather than escape in an endless regression towards childhood and give up worldly responsibilities. Do not continue to punish yourself in the way you think that your father would and, instead, attempt to love yourself in the way you wish your father loved you.

Cancer Venus, Aquarius Mars: Casual

Cancer Venus Aquarius Mars

Everyday routines are a work in reining in chaos with you. You’re the type to fall over your feet when you walk to the bus and drop your phone when you try to hold a cup of coffee and talk at the same time. Many people find your sprawling messiness endearing and watching it can make people want to help you. However, you’re not someone who needs to be helped even if you seem like it. Your messy chaos means that you are completely absorbed inside of your own process and you do not want other hands on deck to influence you too much. Because of the way you work, you prefer to stumble into relationships and almost never feel the desire to label something just to make it more formal. You are warm hearted and even the longest relationships with you feel casual not due to lack of love but because you may not have the demeanor to shape things in a conclusive manner.

Cancer Venus, Pisces Mars: Angsty

Cancer Venus Pisces Mars

You’re a whirlwind of deep and intricate emotions. Often, you might feel like a force of nature acting on another person’s life. You’re able to sit down and dissect feelings that other people strive to safely put away in some layered detail that you spin entire worlds upon themselves. You are well versed in the emotions of pity and horror. Because the intensity of your existence feels so strong, you may wish to simply drop from the face of the earth or use toxins to numb yourself. There is a self destructive side to you that you need to exercise discipline in order to control. In order to avoid complete self disintegration, remember that love does not need to hurt in order to be real. Do not fall in love with the notion of living an abject lifestyle and, instead, understand that you're simply a dreamer who can’t help but feel pain alongside everyone who lives in your world.

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