Saturn Opposite Chiron

May 16, 2020, 2:02 p.m.

The other placement that I see a lot in my clients is Saturn opposite Chiron. A lot of the people who come to me have this placement. It’s not an usual or unusual transit but I’ve gone weeks where every single client I have will have this placement. I don’t usually track Chiron too much, since it has no rulership, and only keep track of its sign, house, and relation to Saturn. When Saturn is opposite Chiron in the natal chart, I’ve found that people tend to shoulder the traumas and issues of their family. They tend to feel that they are solely responsible for healing the family’s inherited trauma.

Sometimes, people with the Saturn in opposition to Chiron will literally take on debts from the family. They might make decisions to play certain roles in the world, going to school or choosing certain professions, as a reaction to ancestral trauma. Maybe their ancestors had their knowledge stolen from them—the person with Saturn opposite Chiron will feel an intense feel to excel academically. Maybe their ancestors starved—Saturn opposite Chiron might be compulsive about saving or have questions around what is the right amount for a person to consume. Saturn opposite Chiron issues are like that.

When a person has Saturn opposite Chiron, it’s important for them to understand that, like with all Saturn issues, you don’t solve ancestral problems on your own. Your ancestors don’t want you to replay exactly what it is that they went through and suffer the same way. They want you to take your own existence seriously.

Sometimes, for Saturn opposite Chiron people, families only represent pain. It’s hard for them to conceive of a family that embodies pleasure, love, or safety. They might grow attached to certain family structures because it’s supposed to shield them against some kind of pain while perpetuating another kind. Because families are defined by pain for Saturn opposite Chiron people, they can forget that imagining joy is a part of healing. They tend to see healing only as the removal of pain.

It’s easy for Saturn opposite Chiron people to get trapped at home, working to pay off their family’s debt or redeem their family’s purpose. They can do this while also feeling very alienated from the family. They often take on the role of not fitting in with the family but having a singular sort of responsibility to solve the problematic impulses that everyone else is just acting out.

While Saturn indicates where the issues tend to come out, Chiron in the opposition indicates where the actual pain is located. Someone with Saturn in Capricorn opposite Chiron in Cancer might feel like they’re constantly being made responsible for things that aren’t under their control but the Chiron position indicates that they might put themselves in these situations where they’re masochistically worrying about everyone because they need to feel needed. Saturn in Aquarius might always feel like they’re left out of things and like they’re left behind or disposable but Chiron in Leo indicates that they too often assume that being alone equals safety and that wanting acceptance and love is too big of a risk for them to take.

Anytime someone has Saturn opposite Chiron, there’s a wound. As with all wounds, trying to force the wound to release itself will do nothing. When someone has a wound, you have to be gentle with it. Being gentle around the wound, while indicating that you know it’s there, encourages people to release the wound on their own. Telling them that their reactions are wrong or that their mindset is toxic makes them hang onto the wound adamantly.

Saturn opposite Chiron in the fire and air signs

When Saturn is in an air sign and Chiron is in a fire sign, ancestral problems are experienced socially but the source of the pain is in the person’s relationship with themselves. People with Saturn in an air sign opposite Chiron feel like they’re always alone and that they only deserve to be alone. The Chiron position indicates where they were punished or made to feel shame around their own desires and authenticity. They might feel shame around their sexuality, creativity, or ambition. It will be hard for these people to force themselves to admit that they, too, have self centered desires and they need to find people who won’t judge them for centering themselves in the self.

Similarly, people with Saturn in a fire sign and Chiron in an air sign might feel estranged from other people. However, the assumption here is that they’re too different or that they have too many problems to build a healthy relationship. These people might feel shame around their relationship patterns and try to hide any codependency or clinginess, blaming themselves for even having relationship needs. They feel that they should be completely independent and not need anyone. These people can find healing when they realize that there is no ideal relationship or relationship model and that relationships come in different forms—that they’re here to create unique relationships because they’re unique people.

Saturn opposite Chiron in the earth and water signs

People with Saturn in the earth signs and Chiron in the water signs are experiencing ancestral problems through the types of resources that they’re able to find and own. They might feel like they’re not sure of what they deserve or that they don’t deserve to exist in any part of the world. The Chiron placement represents where the shame lives. Chiron in the water signs means that these people feel shame when they are not needed by other people. This means that these people can sometimes satisfy other people by fitting into roles that people seem to need but actually create codependency. When they let this happen, they become someone else’s workhorse. They become someone else’s target for punishment. Saturn opposite Chiron with Saturn in the earth signs people need to realize that, sometimes, people don’t need them in the ways that they say they do.

When Saturn is in a water sign and Chiron is in an earth sign, Saturn can make a person feel almost as if they must sacrifice their entire being if they’re going to do some real work. These people might not feel like their lives or work are meaningful in any way until the nature of the work threatens their very existence—like they’re not emotionally committed to working on an issue until they’re almost dead from trying. The Chiron in the earth sign indicates that the emotional issue is around self respect. What these people need is not to sacrifice themselves for an issue that they care about but more support in their work. They need to take time to give themselves the resources they need to continue the work so that they’re not burning themselves out or martyring their lives.

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