June 2020 Horoscopes

June 1, 2020, 9:24 a.m.

The eclipse is a portal. Birth is a portal but so is death.

Kevin Hasset (top White House economic advisor): Our capital stock hasn’t been destroyed. Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work.

Ibram X. Kendi: This is jarring because my enslaved ancestors were literally human capital stock. No matter what, they were always told to go back to work. This could be 1820.

Hey, it’s eclipse season. There’s gonna be three this year—a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, followed by a solar eclipse in Cancer, and then another lunar eclipse in Capricorn next month conjunct the USA’s Sun.

An eclipse is basically an overlapping of the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon. The Sun stands for capital, for centers, and for sovereigns. The Moon stands for foreigners, borders, and markets. The Earth is the Earth. It’s where we live and experience our everyday.

The eclipse is a portal. Birth is a portal but so is death.

The portal affects solar and lunar issues such as capital and markets. It affects the relationship between the center and the margins. Centers of cultural and financial capital have historically controlled life by distributing death at the margins.

Why are so much more black and brown people dying from COVID-19 than white people?

When the infection is “controlled,” the eviction moratorium will be lifted. Rent hasn’t been canceled so there will be evictions. After 2008, Wall Street firms started buying rental properties all across the country, creating dividend stocks compiled of all the risks that a bunch of renters have together and splitting up the risks to sell. These stocks only collapse when the renting market collapses. They’re considered safe bets.

Does that sound familiar? It’s exactly how Wall Street generated a bunch of fake money before 2008, only for the house buying market. They thought that the entire housing market was too big to fail, just like they think that the entire renter’s market is too big to fail.

Financial crises are portals. In the Great Depression, the crisis created policies that gave enough money to working class whites that they could advance into the lower middle class. In 2008, the crisis gave all that money back to the private sector.

Grieving is exhausting. No one tells you that you’re going to be fine most of the time, as if nothing happened, but then remember that you’re exhausted. It’s hard to sleep so it’s hard to rest. This time, many of our older folks are gone. They’ve become ancestors. When this happens, we have to choose new elders whose grounds we return to when we come together.

Mercury retrogrades this month and Mercury is the planet of labor. Don’t be scared of the retrograde. During this retrograde, there will be police set ups and media scripts. There will be police tracking names and faces and disappearances when no one is paying attention. There will be undercover cops starting fires so that uniformed cops with their badges covered up can arrest black kids. There will be misinformation. There will also be misinformation on their side. Anonymous will continue hacking police departments and radios so that cops feel alienated. Be careful. Alienated police retaliate.

Trust your own experiences. You know people. Gather from the organizers and people that you know.

We have old crisis in 2020. This crisis is also a portal. Things aren’t the same after, just like how they’re not the same after birth or death.

Questions to consider in June:

Who are you without your capital?
Who are you without your commodification?
What do you want to survive for?


Take a look at every single dollar in your bank account and think about what you sacrificed so that you could have that dollar. Then, sit down and make a plan. Figure out what you need to do if you lost your job, if you got down to a certain number in your savings, and if you can’t pay rent. While you make this plan, make sure that you take note of all the resources that you have that money can’t buy. Take note of all the people you are responsible for and who are responsible for you.

Once you have your plans, your job is to work so that the resources you have that are not money outweighs the resources that are. Are you worried about affording train fare? Figure out where the stations with no cameras are. Are you worried about food? Figure out how people get free food. You’re a Gemini. Your value isn’t attached to your money but to your genius.


There’s a lot of unanswerable questions. Is the economy going to tank? Will you lose your job? What does your career look like in the state of the new normal? Who will be your family when you’re old? How will disaster change the world by the time you are old?

Instead of worrying about everything, just focus on the present. Let the questions be what they are—unanswerable and there. Find an ancestor who survived even though they weren’t meant to survive. Start a dialogue with that ancestor. Talk to them when you’re figuring things out, when you wake up, and when you go to sleep. Make sure that you figure out how that ancestor wants you to live. Live as well as you can.


What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you’ll let all the people who look up to you down? Are you afraid that no one admires you after all? Are you afraid that the day will come when you can’t be strong anymore? Are you afraid that the thing that you thought made you special won’t be important in the new economy?

Just let the fears be fears. They’ll always be around. It’s time to regard them with an attitude of fundamental indifference. There’s some things about you that will never go away. You will always make the important people feel loved and you will always bring people closer. You won’t lose yourself—just your attachments.


Relationships aren’t supposed to hold you hostage. You’re supposed to have enough space and agency in them so that you can be your changing self. This month is about telling the difference between those relationships that you hang onto because they resurface old triggers and the relationships that make you uncomfortable because they support you in ways you’re not used to. And these different types of relating might exist in the same relationship.

You have a self that’s distinct. You have a self that’s worth supporting. You have a self that is in conversation with other people, not bound to them. Think about your own future. Think about what types of relationship patterns that you want to perpetuate in that future.


Honestly, it’s okay to not live up to the expectations that someone else placed on you. It’s okay to not achieve the type of success that someone who doesn’t know your life thinks you’re supposed to achieve. It’s okay to not measure up to that one neighborhood kid who your parents were always comparing you against.

All these things are fine. They will start to feel more than fine as soon as you figure out what the hell you want. It’s okay to be ambitious and it’s okay to not be ambitious. You don’t need a dream but you do need a vision. You need to be able to visualize what it is that you want to see yourself doing in your own future.


Figure your politics out. This isn’t about some quiz telling you what your political alignment is. It’s about the very basis of your struggle. It’s about figuring out what political struggles you’ve lacked all your life because there hasn’t been the language for it, even if the need is ever present and aching.

This isn’t about using the correct terminology or reading a bunch of books either. That’s not what politics is about. Politics is about understanding yourself and the world around you. It’s about having will. You’re good at politics because you know yourself and you have will. Now, prove it.


It’s time to understand what loss means to you. Don’t be scared. It’s not a scary thing—it’s a necessary thing. Loss happens and, when you try to resist it, you lose yourself. A lot of the stuff that your life is made of is about learning to move past loss. The reason why you need to do this is because you can only value loss when you value your life in spite of it.

And you’re here. You weren’t meant to be here. You live in a country that tries to get you to leave everyday by treating you poorly. You get told everyday that your life isn’t as valuable as other people’s. But you’re still here and with the audacity to keep living as well as you can. Value that.


You can’t be there for everyone and it’s possible that lately you’ve felt like you can’t be there for anyone at all. That’s fine. If you’re tired, then you’re tired. June is about learning that you don’t need to deserve your relationships, that they just happen the way they happen. You don’t need to earn love and you definitely don’t deserve it when people mistreat you.

It can be healing to dream of escape routes. Think about how you could escape your city if you had to. What happened to make you need to escape? What route would you take to escape? What things would you bring with you? Who would you bring with you? Write your answers to these questions down and reflect on what they say about what is necessary to you.


The thing that June wants to dehypnotize you from is the idea that you must always achieve in order to deserve growth. The retrograde wants to impress upon you a new idea—that working on issues from your past is just as worthy a use of your time as working on dreams towards the future.

You will have to make a decision around labor this month. The decision will be a judgment call. You don’t know what goes on in the future but you do understand your past, don’t you? Based on what you know about yourself from observing yourself in the past, what do you feel is the right place for you to be? The work that you can commit to? What type of labor is going to make you feel at home in your past?


It can be easy to react without taking any space to feel if you feel left out of things. Resist that impulse. This isn’t the time for that. There’s a reason why the people you expect to be there for you in certain ways are not showing up. This is because it’s a time when you’re meant to will something of your own into existence. You can’t do that when you’re around too many people.

Don’t fall into the trap of rehearsing the same, old, tired tropes of romantic-sexual love as emotional self expression. If you fill your craving of a love partner or object, you’re selling yourself short. Filling our emotional needs through romance is a consequence of boredom and you’re not going to be bored in the new economy. It’s time to work on your survival skills.


This month won’t be easy but you weren’t put here to live an easy life. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be an Aries. You wouldn’t have the strength that you do. Your ancestors were never meant to survive. You were never meant to survive. And, yet, you all survived something.

Figure out what your ancestors survived. Was it migration, famine, revolution, or all of the above? You know in your bones exactly what you need to do in a crisis. Moreover, you have the lessons that those who came before you learned from mistakes tucked away in your bones. Rely on instincts. Listen to yourself. You see things with a clear head.


This is about what you don’t say as much as what you say. You don’t even know the things that you don’t say because you haven’t learned them yet. Now that you haven’t been living your “normal life” for a while, what were the worlds that the routines that framed you buffered you from? What are some things that you didn’t know you didn’t know and are just starting to realize that you don’t know?

Think of what you know as a forest. A decent forest has layers. There’s the top layer, which hosts a bunch of birds. There’s the middle layer, which is shady and where mammals live. Then there’s the underworld, where roots, fungi, and bugs live. When you learn depth this June, Taurus, make sure that you’re aware that there’s a whole tree and that you can’t see all of it from one spot.

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