Okay, first of all, I believe that it’s impossible to really know how a person’s chart shows up in their life without sitting down and talking with them. I mean, just looking at a chart gives you no information about a person. You don’t even know, at first glance of a chart, whether you’re looking at the chart of a human being or an event!
However, I will do natal chart analysis for 1) idols and 2) fictional characters. The reason for this is because I believe that both idols and fictional characters are not owned by anyone in particular but are characters that emerge from fandom. This means that, when we look at the natal charts of idols and fictional characters, we’re not looking at who they are to themselves but who they are to the fans. Who BTS are to themselves is their business but who they are to fans becomes a public project.
In other words, it’s not that ethical to look at the natal chart of anyone who you wouldn’t also write fanfiction about. Since idols encourage their fans to interpret and write their characters into fiction, I also feel okay looking at their charts in terms of their fictional fandom existences.
With that in mind, I wanted to look at some BTS natal charts! To start with, let’s look at Min Yoongi AKA Suga’s natal chart.

Is Yoongi Really Lazy??
First of all, four of Yoongi’s planets have Mercury as their bound lord. A bound lord rules over how the planet feels to you. It shows you how you might personally feel about a certain planet from the inside. You might have a planet that looks like it’s functioning really well by domicile and exaltation lord but if it has a malefic bound lord, you might personally feel very frustrated by that planet even if it appears to produce good results to other people.
Now, Mercury isn’t a malefic ruler. However, Yoongi’s Mercury is a bit special.
There are a couple things that can weaken a planet or make it more malefic: the planet might be in detriment or fall, that planet might be too close to the Sun, and that planet might be retrograde. Yoongi’s Mercury is impacted by all three of these factors. His Mercury is retrograde, passing his Sun by inferior conjunction and only five minutes away, and it is in Pisces, which is the sign of Mercury’s detriment.
Now, Mercury is your capacity to stay busy. It’s your ability to do labor. It’s your language, language being the thing that extracts from you into the world. Someone with a Mercury like Yoongi’s, for example, would be a really poor student and wouldn’t do well in a standard education system.
We all know that Yoongi likes to lay down all the time. We all know that he prefers to stay inside and sleep whenever he has a day off. We all know that he seems like the type of person who ignores texts from other people. He’s an introverted boy. His character, Shooky, left home because it could not communicate well. Yoongi seems like the type of person who walks away when you ask him a question that he doesn’t know how to answer.
However, the thing about having such a malefic Mercury is that Mercury has to work very, very hard when it’s in such a condition. Yoongi seems like he doesn’t respond to texts but when Hobi texts him asking him if he wants to make dinner plans, he responds right away and wants to eat together that very night. He says that all he wants to do is lay down but he’s also super prolific and released two solo mixtapes in addition to being in BTS.
The lesson about weakened planets: they’re not what they first appear to be. They’re closeted. They seem to be super difficult but only because the person wants to do such big and complex things with them. Yoongi is dedicated to his language and his work. He’s a storyteller. The malefic nature of his Mercury just means that, well...he maybe makes things harder than they have to be. Recently, Yoongi has been saying that songwriting has become easier for him, that he falls asleep and finds that the song is done. Since natal placements change throughout your life, I’m hoping that he’s learned to work with his specific Mercury.
A bad kid with bad grades
Yoongi’s Sun and Mercury conjunction is the north bender of his nodal axis. Basically, this means that his Sun and Mercury are both square to his north node and south node.
Nodal issues are always around issues of security. The south node represents survival patterns. The north node represents what we are afraid of. A lot of the time, people with the nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius were made to feel like they were always wrong about something, that their opinions didn’t matter, and disempowered by institutions.
I really think that Yoongi was probably a bad student. He was probably the type of kid who all the teachers hated and got punished a lot. He probably had bad grades and was made to feel like a failure.
Nodal benders are where we typically experience moments of crisis related to our nodal issues. The Sun is always about family. It’s always about the type of role we played in our families, the type of love we received, and the person we were made to be. When one of the luminaries is your nodal bender, then you might experience your family through crisis.
The other thing that points to Yoongi having some issues with his family is his Saturn and Moon. Both luminaries, the Sun and Moon, and Saturn are a lot about family and heritage and cultural belonging. Even though Saturn is dignified in Yoongi’s chart, it’s bound lord is the malefic of the opposite sect. Yoongi’s Moon, too, is at a difficult degree of Virgo. It’s bounded by Saturn, which is the daytime malefic. Because neither of these planets are in poor condition, Yoongi’s family background probably was not too tough. However, because of the bound lords, he may have felt unnecessarily controlled by his family.
Having the Sun as your nodal bender is hard. Yoongi’s poor studentship probably made him feel like a failure in his own family. His family didn’t support his plans for his life. Yoongi probably moved through moments where he internalized messages from his classmates and family telling him that he was dumb and would never achieve success. Not only that, but Mercury is involved as well. Yoongi probably didn’t feel like he could communicate what he wanted and wondered whether his writing would ever be good.
You’re going to learn your most meaningful lessons from your nodal benders. They have a lot to do with what you’re meant to do.
The thing is, Yoongi is a storyteller. He’s involved in creating a lot of the meta universes around BTS’s videos. He’s not actually that involved in the technical aspects and he doesn’t have an impressive training in the hard skills of being an idol like some of the other members but Yoongi is here to tell stories. His language is not really about visuals, music, or dance. Rather, Yoongi creates confusing and convoluted narratives subtly in a diffused way. If you force him to learn one thing and become good at it, he’ll probably fail. Yoongi is here to suggest things and influence our ideas without ever becoming super skillful at any one medium.
Authenticity as brand image
The other really interesting thing about Yoongi’s chart is his Venus and Jupiter opposition. Venus and Jupiter are benefics, which mean that they’re nice planets. Be careful about nice planets, though—just like nice people, they don’t always mean well even if they’re nice.
Yoongi’s Venus and Jupiter are important because they’re the domicile and exaltation lords of his Sun and Mercury conjunction. Since his Sun and Mercury are in Pisces, and Venus is the exaltation lord of Pisces and Jupiter is the domicile lord of Pisces, the issues pushed forward by his nodal benders will be fed from his Venus and Jupiter opposition.
Yoongi’s Venus is also in detriment, meaning that it feels like it must work very hard and without a lot of resources to do its job. Venus was also two days away from retrograding when Yoongi was born, so his Venus moves very slowly. As a person with a slow Venus in detriment, Yoongi isn’t going to have a whole lot of friends. He’s not for everyone. He’s not bothered when he pisses someone off.
As a person with Jupiter in Libra, however, Yoongi grows through people. Again, Yoongi is not a standard learner. He learns in his own roundabout ways. Jupiter in Libra means that he’s a person who is not learning from books or taking notes but simply from people and from dialogue.
Without his Mercury and Venus in the conditions that they are in, Yoongi can have a hard time finding his people. However, his Jupiter means that he really does need people to pull him out of his room and out of his own headspace. It means that he has his biggest experiences through relationships.
Since both benefics also rule Yoongi’s Sun, they’re also going to have a lot to do with how Yoongi projects power. Your Sun is your power. Now, Yoongi’s Venus and his Sun are actually receptive to one another by exaltation (even if they’re in signs that don’t aspect each other). Not every astrologer counts a mutual reception if the signs that the reception are in don’t make an Ptolemic aspect to each other but I’m going to go ahead and say that Yoongi’s Venus has a lot to do with his Sun because it also happens to be at 19º55’ Aries. 19º is the Sun’s degree of exaltation. There’s something about this Venus that just points to the Sun.
Yoongi is not really the type of idol who encourages fans to study hard and work hard so that they become really well oiled machines without our capitalist world. He’s always telling us that school doesn’t really matter and that you don’t have to have a dream if you don’t want one.
The reason why Venus in Aries works so hard is because, if Venus stands for social goods and norms, then Venus is Aries is always trying to spin bad things as good and spin abnormal things as normal. As a Venus in Aries whose Venus also opposes his Jupiter (ideology), Yoongi encourages us to question ideologies and institutions of knowledge. As someone whose Venus is strongly hooked into his Sun, the way Yoongi encourages us to question ideologies is strongly related to his own ego.
In other words, Yoongi may have experienced difficulties when he was told that he was a bad kid and student, but he also really likes his image of being a bad boy. It gives him a lot of life. He likes antiheroes. He likes thinking of himself as a Tony Montana type of figure who is alienated from society. It’s an aesthetic that makes him feel romantic about his own failures.
Yoongi hasn’t always projected his cankerous, difficult image in his career. In his early days, he was actually trying hard to be really bubbly. In a video where the members are talking about the differences between their normal life personalities and their personalities within BTS, Yoongi does say that he’s become more cankerous as he saw that fans liked seeing him as a kind of grumpy person. That grumpiness and a refusal to be charming or smooth translates into a kind of authenticity. It’s not just that Yoongi performs often as a bad boy within, it’s that he’s using his own struggles to create an image of authenticity.
Now, turning your own struggles into an aesthetic isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Yoongi is using this ability to talk about a lot of issues around what it feels like to be a kid with mental illness who can’t get good test scores. Yoongi’s own ego is healing, since his Chiron is in Leo. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t all Yoongi is about. The thing about images isn’t that they’re fake is unauthentic. It’s that they don’t tell the whole story. The image that Yoongi represents himself through to us isn’t everything.
Cultural Hybridity
Now, BTS has three members with Mars in Cancer. None of these people are known for their movement abilities. They’re the dancers who are sprinkled near the back of the stage so that the dignified and exalted Mars people can take center stage. Mars is in fall, or humiliation, in Cancer. As a Mars in Cancer, Yoongi isn’t going to have the best physical coordination. He’s not the most graceful mover and he’s often moving physically in ways that seem a little undignified. That’s fine. As we saw before, what Yoongi brings to BTS isn’t his dancing skills or his hard skills but his unique ability to generate authentic narratives through images.
Yoongi’s Mars in Cancer also happens to be very close to a fixed star called Sirius. Sirius is what I like to call the lone wolf star. It’s a star that’s a lot about marginalization and cultural alienation. Yoongi’s Jupiter, which squares his Mars, makes a square to Sirius as well. Not only did Yoongi most likely experience alienation within institutions, he may have also played the role of a scapegoat while moving through that alienation.
What I find impressive about Yoongi is his ability to create new emotions around pity. If you look at a lot of the lyrics that Yoongi has written, some of them may appropriate certain tropes about making it (“I want a big house, big cars, and big rings”) from western hip hop but others ask us as listeners and fans to pity him for his indoctrination into neoliberal ideas around power, glory, and money. When Yoongi represents himself in Tony Montana, he’s not glorifying himself as a neoliberal hero but glorifying himself as a neoliberal antihero. He’s lamenting his ambition as much as he proclaims it. He’s asking if it’s true that all he wants is money and fame and asking whether that’s a pitiful place to be even while he’s saying that all he wants is money and fame.
The ruler of Yoongi’s Mars in Cancer is his Moon in Virgo. Now, a lot of pop stars have Virgo Moons. I’ve noticed that a lot of the pop stars who have Virgo Moons deal in images that overlap temporality and geography. They are culturally hybrid. Jay Chou and Nicki Minaj are other pop stars with Virgo Moon—Jay Chou represents himself as a cultural hybrid who can change his image across the border between Taiwan and mainland China while Nicki represents herself as multiracial in an American context. Virgo is a sign that’s about hybrid forms. Virgo Moons play with anachronism over cultural ownership and can be interested in depicting cultural forms across different timelines within the same image.
Yoongi’s melancholy, which is a big part of his brand persona, communicates across borders. On one hand, his melancholic masculinity perpetuates Korean han masculinity. On the other hand, Yoongi uses western antiheroes and hip hop tropes to speak both to the developing world as well as the first world. He laments his own ambition and success within a globalized, neoliberal pop culture in a way that speaks both to those who live in cultural centers of power such as LA or New York but also to people who live in marginal places such as the global south. Within Asia, Yoongi’s lamentable ambition appeals to both the developed worlds of Korea and Japan as well as the developing worlds of Vietnam and Thailand.
I once attended a lecture on Asian pop culture where the lecturer reminded us that, to be a successful pop star in Asia, you can’t be too good looking. Asian pop is run on feelings of pity, of cute things that need your support. It’s better for an Asian pop star to be pathetic-cute rather than impressively hot. Yoongi is a good example of someone who is able to gather support by imaging pity. However, it’s not just that Yoongi’s facial features are soft and delicate or that his physical size is smaller. It’s also that he frames his story in a way that makes it possible for citizens of the globalized economy to build a space where we pity ourselves for our own economic outputs and failures. Through the figure of Yoongi, we find a path towards ourselves as authentic people through the emotions of pity.