Leo Venus, ____ Mars

Sept. 9, 2020, 6:09 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Leo. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Leo Venus, Aries Mars: Naive

Leo Venus Aries Mars

You don’t expect a whole lot in love—you want to be swept off your feet and you want Romance with a capital R. You want what you want. When you want someone, you are prepared to go all out for them. You might have the habit of believing in the innate goodness of all types of love which is also why you might have ignored red flags in some early relationships. Even when a person doesn’t have your best interests at heart, you might believe that you are able to win them over. Experience gives you perspective but doesn’t harden you. Your friends see you as generous and unbounded in love but you do not put up with bullshit despite your generosity.

Leo Venus, Taurus Mars: Beautiful

Leo Venus Taurus Mars

It is much easier for you to play the part of what someone wants than for you to know what you want. Because it can take longer for you to feel out the exact shape of your own unique desire, you might adopt classic images of beauty and fix such images to your body. You can be concerned about image when insecure, particularly about how being with a partner or friend makes you look. Attraction is purely physical for you and you can become fixated on a certain type of person who you seek over and over. You have the power to make every person feel special and beautiful when they are around you.

Leo Venus, Gemini Mars: Actor

Leo Venus Gemini Mars

You may think that you are good at playing roles that are not you but that’s not actually true. Actually, you have a special quality that comes through every interaction. However, you like to play at being different people because you like to play. You see personal style and relationships as a play where you are free to adopt the flirtation styles of your favorite heroes and you are confident enough to pull almost any look off. When you are insecure, however, you might have a hard time believing that the people around you chose you for you. Don’t worry so much about this—your authenticity reveals itself no matter how inauthentic you might believe you are.

Leo Venus, Cancer Mars: Tortured

Leo Venus Cancer Mars

Your bed is not just a bed but also a stage in which great love dramas have been enacted. You don’t need to leave your house for you to get involved in a great love affair. In fact, you prefer that your partners and friends come to your house where you are comfortable being you. You associate a bit of pain with pleasure and, when you were younger, may not have been impressed with the depth of love unless it hurt at least a little. This may have led to instances where you stirred by stable dynamics in order to test someone else’s emotions for you.

Leo Venus, Leo Mars: Gravitational

Leo Venus Leo Mars

When you like someone, you seek to impress them with your power. You show them that you are able to always have people around you if you so choose and show the target of your pursuit the variety and glamor of your entourage. It does not occur to you that such a seduction tactic can scare off timid souls and, if it does, then you may feel as though you do not want to associate with timid souls in the first place. Your sense of humor can be campy and over the top. People might laugh because they want the experience of laughing with you because they find you gravitational rather than due to the humor of any joke. When you are not trying to attract anyone, others find you incredibly attractive and comfortable to be around. When you become focused on a person, your seduction tactics can arouse the insecurities that most people have.

Leo Venus, Virgo Mars: Love hurts

Leo Venus Virgo Mars

You have the unique talent of cutting someone to the bone in order to build them up. For those to respond well to this type of love language, the way you critique any stagnancy that you see in a friend or partner is a carefully considered challenge. You spend a lot of time thinking about those you love and this means that you see every way you might seek to improve them. Your partners tend to become stronger the longer they are with you even if the harder conversations in the relationship are painful. You believe that great people are created through pain and can be similarly hard on yourself.

Leo Venus, Libra Mars: Cool nerd

Leo Venus Libra Mars

You have the ability to make passion seem cool. Passions, whether that passion is a horror fetish or a video game addiction, are not always cool because they can be revealing and embarrassing. Not only are you fixated on what you are fixated on, but you are able to make your fixation seem like an act of grace. You desire what you desire without seeming to upend yourself over the thing. This is much harder work then you let on and you might have the habit of concealing your efforts. You can have many supporters even when you wonder whether people take all that you do for granted.

Leo Venus, Scorpio Mars: Married

Leo Venus Scorpio Mars

You’re not really here for casual encounters. When you pursue a relationship with someone, you need to feel like there is a depth or reason for your pursuit. In the same way, when someone pursues you, you want to know why and what they are looking for. You are capable of loving someone very deeply for a lifetime and protect your heart ruthlessly. Your friends know you as someone who is dependable and as someone who always arrives on time even when there are secrets that you prefer to keep from everyone. When someone is with you, you make them feel as though they have conquered the world even when you have been together for decades.

Leo Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Lol

Leo Venus Sagittarius Mars

Don’t rely too much on your sense of humor to get you through the world. It isn’t that you're not funny—you are. It’s just that your humor is best appreciated when people love you. No one else is able to make your jokes and get the same reception. Your funniness brings people towards you. It is important for you to remain kind since people usually trust in your goodwill. If it is harder to get you to stick around during the harder parts of a relationship, then try to imagine conflict as a productive conversation. It is not always possible or necessary to end on a note of positivity during every exchange and secure relationships allow space for difficult moments.

Leo Venus, Capricorn Mars: Straightforward

Leo Venus Capricorn Mars

You are strong. For you to appreciate your strength, you must address your feelings around visibility and acknowledge the things that you want to be seen for. Situations where you were scapegoated or misunderstood for your actions cut you deep and you can feel a real sense of fear around the wrong kind of attention. When you are not intentional about the attention you receive, you might help others by making their troubles into a bigger deal then they want it to be. Ask for love and attention straightforwardly. You are attractive when you are bold.

Leo Venus, Aquarius Mars: DJ

Leo Venus Aquarius Mars

You don’t want to be seen but you like to throw the wildest and weirdest parties where you disappear into the background. You want to be known for something that most people do not think of being known for. You do not necessarily need to be famous but you like having famous friends. When you do want to be seen, you want to be seen but only in a very, very specific way. You want to be seen for your perspective—for the way that you see the uniqueness of other people—and your eye is indeed unique. You are able to appreciate beauty in monstrosity and create magic from banality.

Leo Venus, Pisces Mars: Grand

Leo Venus Pisces Mars

You are excellent at distracting people and may not see the point of an overly didactic lifestyle without playful distractions. When asked, however, you have a vision both for your life and for the world. Your ideas are frighteningly large and you are able to integrate every detail that you observe in the world around you into your ideas around how people tend to operate. You are able to become a completely different person for almost anyone who you meet without sacrificing a certain sincere affect. Your challenge is to make your relationships both realistic and something that you are ready to commit to for your own needs since you can easily idealize people and live for those you put on pedestals.

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