Virgo Venus, ____Mars

Oct. 20, 2020, 12:57 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Virgo. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Virgo Venus, Aries Mars: “No, thanks”

Virgo Venus Aries Mars

You are very good at saying no because you understand yourself to be a very precise person who is not for everyone. You don’t try to attract anyone and, when you are interested in pursuing a relationship, offer direct communication unabashedly. Though you can be a bit dry in how you communicate your desires, you are always authentic because you do not see the point in needless self glorification or beating around the bush. You expect people to see you how you see the world—stripped down, unaesthetic, and beautiful only in its bareness. You do not like changing your outfit or putting too much thought into clothes or how you appear to other people.

Virgo Venus, Taurus Mars: Restrained

Virgo Venus Taurus Mars

You simultaneously expect relationships to endure almost everything and are also always ready to walk away at a moment’s notice. If you had it your way, you would not have to communicate with anyone unless you wanted it. You prefer to be around your stuff and in your space where you have control. When you are outside of your own territory, you seek to reclaim your comfort zone by trying out mannerisms and relational tactics that you have rehearsed in the safety of your own bedroom. You like to tell yourself that you are never angry and critique yourself for any display of emotion. To others, you seem quiet and subdued though, inside, there is a whirlwind of considerations that you contend with.

Virgo Venus, Gemini Mars: Snide

Virgo Venus Gemini Mars

You are often confused by what it is exactly other people see when they see you. This is why you prefer to make relationship expectations clear. You experience a lot of anxiety when the things that people expect from you are left unclear. You can be reactive and say borderline cruel things about people and situations one moment that you do not really mean in the next. Because you analyze the roles that you play to other people at length, you might prefer to learn a skill rather than a person. The best partnerships are the ones where another person is willing to spend just as much brain power as you to learn relentlessly from the world.

Virgo Venus, Cancer Mars: Spy

Virgo Venus Cancer Mars

No one knows who you are. The ones who think they do only really know one facet of you. You keep yourself the best kind of secret—the kind that hides in plain sight. Sometimes, you can feel frustrated when people find you forgettable. However, you remember everything about everyone else even if they don’t have information about you. You would make the best kind of spy. Even if you do not say it, you sometimes feel as though you know exactly what everyone else’s issues are and how to fix them. You can sometimes suffer because you don’t know how to make yourself socially appealing but you also tend to feel like any relationship that you have to perform for is an unworthy one. What you struggle with the most is feeling that you are worthy to be seen by others.

Virgo Venus, Leo Mars: Underestimated

Virgo Venus Leo Mars

Though you care about performance, you do not care about likeability. You only care about performing the roles that you have to in order to get the job that you need to do. You are more cynical about the reasons why someone might like you than the reasons why someone might dislike you and trust unlikability more than likeability because you are capable of navigating through it. Because of this, you rarely choose relationships simply because you like someone and, instead, choose people for practical considerations. Because you keep a low profile and have inner strength, you are one of the most underestimated people in your circle.

Virgo Venus, Virgo Mars: Peculiar

Virgo Venus Virgo Mars

You will never belong to another person, a relationship, or a group. You belong only to yourself. You don’t care if your weirdest mannerisms alienate you to everyone. Because of this, you can be incredibly consistent in your solo tasks and wildly inconsistent in your relationships. You seem like a diligent person but appear late to almost all of your appointments. You don’t care about first impressions and expect that anyone who wants a relationship with you will stick around long enough to see your realness. You don’t care about impressing anyone who you’re meeting for the first time and can, inadvertently, make them feel as though they don’t deserve to be in your space.

Virgo Venus, Libra Mars: The small guy

Virgo Venus Libra Mars

You don’t want to fight anyone and, yet, you don’t necessarily want to get along with anyone. This can lead you to, sometimes, exert much energy into proving yourself to be likeable to people who already don’t like you and forgetting about those who already do. You’re one of the rare people who can live for a long time amidst antagonism because you expect difference without engaging in conflict. Really, you just want people to accept the real you without you having to do anything to win approval. You see yourself as the small guy without anything you can use to prove yourself.

Virgo Venus, Scorpio Mars: Hermit

Virgo Venus Scorpio Mars

You don’t need anyone. You barely need to leave your room and prefer to sit in a darkened corner while working on the things that give you the most drive and passion. You are ambitious but you don’t choose goals that require you to need anyone else. Because you’re almost always alone, you don’t care at all about appearance and choose styles that are easy to maintain. The hardest thing for you to do is to put yourself out there and risk being seen. It is hard for you to ask for things that you need even when you are frustrated though you are driven and capable when left alone on your own.

Virgo Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Messy

Virgo Venus Sagittarius Mars

You are not afraid to tell people what is what and how something is even when it spoils their appetite. When you’re not careful, you can get overly involved with people who you don’t necessarily even like just because you would like to fix them. You’re always trying to appeal to the “other side” of the argument even when the perspective you are arguing against is not present in the room. The most vulnerable thing you can do with someone is to admit when you are wrong because you have been trained to believe that you earn moral righteousness only when you know everything. When the time for vulnerability is close, you can feel a need to flee even though you tend to stick around when you experience antagonism.

Virgo Venus, Capricorn Mars: Sarcastic

Virgo Venus Capricorn Mars

You’re not afraid of anyone. You don’t feel the need to appease anyone, even if they are powerful people that most people would be scared of. You are willing to piss off those who have extreme power over you on a whim just because you’re having a bad day. In fact, you believe that power corrupts and make a point of showing your distaste towards anyone who is full of themselves or unaware of their privilege. You believe that love is something that must be earned and can sometimes wonder if you have earned the privilege of being loved. If you ever flirt, you do so in sarcastic ways and without making a big deal out of yourself.

Virgo Venus, Aquarius Mars: Weird

Virgo Venus Aquarius Mars

You’re weird. You know you're weird and you’re trying to decide whether you care at all if it is a relief that helps alleviate you from the everyday concerns that you wish you didn’t have to deal with. Your weirdness is not a look or style but, rather, a personality affect that keeps those you’re in relationship with guessing. You want to be around people who are just as weird as you—people who are concerned about both everything and nothing. You want to fight for the common man and even though you have no idea how to do it, you are unafraid to put yourself in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations to learn how.

Virgo Venus, Pisces Mars: Please don’t look at me

Virgo Venus Pisces Mars

You don’t give a shit if people notice you or not. In fact, it is hard to resist the impulse to run away whenever you stumble across an acquaintance on the street. You find it comforting when people mistake you for someone else or fail to recognize you at all. In actuality, you are the best kept secret. You are the kind of person who knows how to make a relationship survive a crisis because you are capable of compromising by compartmentalizing your needs. You know how to ask for something at the right moment and not a moment too soon or late. The hardest thing for you to do will be for you to figure out what needs you have at all because you can become used to not expecting what you need to be met in relationships at all.

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