Reparenting Taurus Moon

Oct. 26, 2020, 9:11 a.m.

You’re a Taurus Moon. You were born into this world with big shoes to fill. Your role models, whether they’re your parents or someone else, are people who seem too big for this world. You’re a Taurus Moon and you feel like you have to be everything that you have ever craved or else you might risk living a life not worth living.

Taurus Moons try to be good all of the time. You have always been good and you don’t understand why bad things happen to good people.

Taurus is the richest Moon sign. Taurus Moons move through the world expecting the richest conversations, the richest foods, the richest sex, and the richest colors. Taurus Moons expect to be satisfied by life.

Not all people look at a person who is living their richest and see someone who deserves all that they get. Some people look at a person who lives their richest and thinks about how they can take a little piece of that without being noticed.

Taurus Moon deals with their own envy too. If the Sun rules competition, the Moon rules envy. But Taurus Moon never wants another person’s greatness. They want to outfit a place in the world for themselves.

The problem with Taurus Moons is that they are self assured, self satisfied, and abundant. They are comfortable in their own skins and they are beautiful. The world doesn’t always make room for this much comfort on people. Capitalism tells Taurus Moons that they don’t deserve the comfort the necessitates their survival. This isn’t Taurus Moon’s problem. This is the world’s problem.

Sometimes, Taurus Moons have very big family expectations. This is the exaltation of the Moon. Their families see them as the best people in the world and want them to succeed in visible ways that the family praises until success becomes another burden on Taurus Moon’s back. A lot of the time, Taurus Moon is the first generation to go to college, to get a salaried job, or own land.

And land—this is the quintessential Taurus Moon goal. Owning land.

All Taurus Moons want to own land. All Taurus Moons want to do is to nurture something that naturally and abundantly gives back. Taurus Moons know how to create greatness without moving frantically—they know how to produce richness without wearing themselves out. Taurus Moons are farmers, whether that is of love or ideas or fruit.

Land is a fraught thing. Land is stolen and land is owned as an act of injustice. Taurus Moon lives in a world where their primary sources of pleasure are disturbed.

So, when Taurus Moon asserts their pleasure, they have to work against the world and this is something that Taurus Moon is not built to do. Taurus Moon is built to move with the world. The hardest thing for them to accept is that many of their channels for abundance have been taken from them even before they are born. Taurus Moons are aware of this injustice.

Taurus Moons never lack people since Venus is dignified in the sign of their Moon. They always share their pleasure and their pleasure never decreases as they share it. They greet the entitlement to their pleasure with a shrug and wait for those who never take them for granted or take their power through fetishization.

Taurus Moons find struggle much harder. Work, because it is supposed to move with nature, is supposed to be easy. Taurus Moons don’t understand why we are meant to struggle when there is so much the earth has to offer.

Taurus Moon doesn’t understand greed. It doesn’t understand a world that’s run on greed.

Reparenting Taurus Moon takes remembering all the times you were called greedy, lazy, or undeserving and disentangling those instances from the core of your being. It takes reasserting your richness and vastness without letting anyone call you entitled ever again. It takes the audacity of worthiness. This is an audacity that scarcity cannot entertain. Scarcity is the fear that you will survive and Taurus Moon is about the courage of living well in a world that was built to exclude you.

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