Uranus In Taurus: 2018 To 2026

Aug. 27, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

To begin, I'll tell a story that my Aquarius rising Taurus sun dad told me, which I felt was appropriate for Uranus in Taurus.

An old man would sit on the same beach everyday, without a care in the world. He had no money to his name but always found ways of making his needs met without lifting a finger to work. One day, a young man who had been watching him for a long time approached him.

"Old man," the young man said, "Why do you sit on the beach everyday? Why don't you work?"

The old man looked at him in surprise. "What are you talking about? Why on earth would I work?"

"Why, so you could make money of course!"

The old man continued to hold his face in a puzzled expression. "Why would I want to make money?"

The young man couldn't believe it. Who didn't know about money? "Well, if you work a lot and play your cards right, you can make a lot of money. If you make a lot of money, resist spending it, and make good investments, you might even become rich!"

The old man blinked once. "And why would I want to become rich?"

Snorting, the young man shook his head. This guy was impossible. "If you become rich, then you wouldn't have to work! If you were rich," he told the old man very carefully, "You could even sit on this very beach all day, without a care in the world."

The old man began to laugh, softly at first but growing in intensity when he saw that the young man's facial expression didn't change. He turned to the young man, feeling very sorry for him, and put on as serious of a face as he could muster and draped an arm around his shoulders.

"Young man, I am already, at this moment, sitting on this very beach without a care in the world."

When you feel frustrated about money, about labor, and about not feeling valued, think back to this story. Think about the ways that we are sacrificing pieces of our beaches, or our oceans, and of our forests to the absurd game of GDP growth. And why should every country grow their GDP? So that, as the climate changes, they can spend all that money on preserving their beaches, their waters, and their forests of course!

Uranus is not a personal planet. It's one that spends seven to eight years in a sign, describing how you relate to your most immediate generation. It's how you relate to people whose economic, social, and political struggles you are most connected to. You graduated or dropped out with these people, found yourself in the same job market, use similar hashtags, and experience similar dating and love related phenomenon.

Since 2010, Uranus was in Aries. Aries is the sign of the self and the ID. The last seven years has changed the way we use identity politics. The left invented identity politics in the 1960's, to name positions marginal to the assumed neutrality of whiteness and maleness. By 2016, however, the white male increasingly began to identify itself through the language of marginalization, creating its own elaborate ideology in defense of the white male identity against a supposed leftist, elitist, institutional center. The last seven years has been a cultural war between the left and right, using terms such as lens (of an eye or I), race, and gender.

When Uranus was in Aries, we looked for our people. We looked for places and asked to whom do we belong. We fought for ownership of the nation-state and renamed ourselves. We did this in social groups, on the internet, and for the goal of liberation.

Uranus in Taurus will do the same thing, but with class and with money. We'll regather our people, post our think pieces, and continue to try to come up with anything that resembles liberation that isn't a readymade, mass produced piece of fantasy. These next seven years, we'll do so not through the language of who we are but through the language of what we have. With cryptocurrencies, we had a taste of what a revolution in currency could inspire in the imagination. Uranus in Taurus will take bitcoin out of the water.

Now that you know who you are, how do you support yourself? What has been so shameful about money that you have to find a way to release your shame to a group? If you can take back the names that you've been called and reflect them back to the world, then how do you take back the hours you've invested and hack the machine of money?

What is the point of having money or making money?

Maybe there is no point, but there is a very real game of consequences.

Figure out what you would do if you had a lot of money, if money didn't exist. Then, keep doing that thing.

Find your friends and talk about money. Create new vocabulary to talk about money in frank terms. Talk about how much you make now, how much you made in the past, and how much you want to make in the future. Talk about where your money comes from and what consequences the creation of that wealth has on the world. Find alternate ways of making money. Create alternate currencies. Find something instead of money that has value to you. Stop undervaluing the jobs that matter most, like teacher or nurse, through the idea that it has more "meaning".

Voice the absurdity of money. It's time to, with Uranus in Taurus.

There is a tremendous amount of potential energy in frustration. Money is an object of frustration. These next seven years, you'll find out just how useful that energy is. This will affect every generation differently.

For those with Uranus in Scorpio, or older millennials, you'll go through your first Uranus opposition. You might feel like you're falling apart. You will question your very means of empowerment. You will change the way you see your financial self and find new means of support.

For those with Uranus in Sagittarius, or middle millennials, you might not be aware of how Uranus in Taurus affects you very much at all. However, shifting value structures will change your political affinities and the ways you imagine reform. You will need breaks to figure this stuff out.

For younger millennials, with Uranus in Capricorn, these next seven years do not challenge your group identification as much as others around your age group. Instead, you might experience more support for the work you are already doing. These next seven years, watch out for getting too much confirmation and not enough self doubt. Watch out for your ideals becoming institutionalized, as start up and freelance culture slowly becomes the norm. By the end of this transit, you might cease to become a critical object but an object of resistance.

For older Gen Z members, with Uranus in Aquarius, the next seven years will challenge you to build your networks so that they create value. You may experience a lot of self doubt and turnover, especially as you find and leave your first jobs. It's a volatile time to create your own value structure.

Happy Uranus in Taurus. No matter how old we are, what happens the next seven years will change how we think about wealth, sustainability, and each and every one of our personal and social values.

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