5 Simple Astrological Compatibility Tricks

Sept. 4, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Do you ever meet someone and just need to know their "big three" (Sun, Moon, rising)? How do you know if you're compatible with someone without knowing their entire chart first? Even after astrologically stalking them, how do you know if you're compatible?

Dating and astrology can get messy.

Here are some easy tricks, dealing with compatibility and astrology.

1. Compare your Sun to another person's Moon, and vice versa

An fire Moon will look for a fire or air Sun. An earth Moon will look for an earth or water Sun. Water looks for earth or water, and air looks for air or fire. This is true of both the Sun and Moon, but the Sun only looks for the Moon and the Moon only looks for the Sun.

That's right! Stop comparing Sun to Sun for best compatibility results. Compare the Sun to the Moon.

If your Sun is in the same sign as the person you're flirting with's Moon, then you know that you make that person feel comfortable to be themselves. However, you might also feel more attraction, or impulse to move the relationship along, than that other person. The Moon is comfortable to just chill out, while the Sun wants to prove itself to the Moon person.

If your Sun is in the opposite sign as someone's Moon, there might be an attractive tension in the relationship. This time, the Moon person will feel it more strongly. The Moon person might feel the need to get the attention of someone with a Sun sign opposite to their Moon. They want to rely on the Sun person to be there for them.

2. Someone whose Sun is opposite your rising sign will be attracted to you

But the attraction might not go both ways, depending on the person's other placements. Because the rising sign is not a planetary placement, the rising sign person might not even notice or understand why the Sun sign is attracted. This attraction might be one that happens quickly, but passes quickly too.

If someone's Sun is in the same sign as your rising sign, you might feel like you're similar people but lack the same feeling of attraction.

3. Compare your Venus with someone else's Mars, and vice versa

This works exactly like the Sun-Moon comparison. If your Venus is in air, you're looking to see if your crush's Mars is in air or fire and not their natal Venus. If your Mars is in water, then see if their Venus is in water or earth. Don't compare Mars to Mars or Venus to Venus.

4. For communication related issues, compare Mercury and Jupiter

This comparison will tell you a lot about whether you and your crush communicate well, what hurdles there are, and whether you're interested in the same things or show interest in the same way.

This one is less strict. You can compare Mercury to Mercury, as well as to Jupiter.

5. If you know your crush's birth time, look at what houses your Sun falls in on their chart

This is a bit of basic synastry, without getting too complex. If your Sun falls in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) then the relationship may establish itself quickly and feel significant.

You can also see how your crush or partner sees you with this trick. If your Sun is in the second, maybe your partner sees you as a means of support. In the twelfth, they might see you as mysterious. In the fourth, they might want to build a place of belonging with you. In the sixth, you might be useful to your partner in some way.

Keep in mind that this is only one aspect of synastry, and that there aren't good or bad placements! You're simply looking at what area of life you give energy, warmth, and light up for your partner. Even if your Sun is in your crush's sixth house, it doesn't have to mean that they want to use you. It just means that you're useful to them, which can happily compliment other more head-over-heels romantic aspects.


And here's a mini, bonus tip! Don't worry so much, if you're getting deep in the synastry chart, about generational planets like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. If you and your partner have vastly different generational planets, that just signifies that there's an age gap in your relationship.

Now, if there's a significant age gap, you can look at the way generational planets affect the Suns and Moons of each person, to look at how the gap plays out for you. However, if you're the same age, and your generational planets are pretty much the same, then feel free to skip over some of those generational placements. What you're getting from your partner is pretty similar to what you're already getting from your own chart.

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