December 2020 Horoscopes

Nov. 30, 2020, 2:57 p.m.

Saturn grows older and younger simultaneously in Aquarius. Aquarius Saturn is the stale Saturn, the cold Saturn—the one that promises change because it’s become so brittle that nothing can move forward without change.

Four years ago, I was a part of an astrologer’s meet up where we had monthly phone calls to talk about astrology related things. One thing that kept on coming up again and again was about apocalypse, 2020, and survival.

We talked about packing survival kits, about making sure that we had flashlights and seeds and water bottles with us, and about strengthening our relationships. None of us knew what 2020 would actually bring. Astrology is about timing and, at least for me, it hasn’t been about prediction.

December 2020 is one of those months that every astrologer has had marked for years now. The reason is, there’s a great conjunction on December 21st 2020. This great conjunction, which is a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, marks an event that happens every twenty years. This particular great conjunction happens to be during eclipse season.

I’m not sure what will happen.

I know that the electoral college votes on December 14th and that votes are counted between that date and January 6th of 2021. I know that we’re still in the middle of this pandemic and recession, which isn’t reflected in the stock market for some reason. I know that the United States is getting its Pluto return, which usually signals the end of a dynasty. I know that the United States has been hit the hardest by the pandemic and I know that all of us who lived through it will not be the same people after it.

Eclipses are usually about rulers losing power. Jupiter, finally leaving the sign of its fall for Aquarius, is fed by a malefic of its own sect and in its same sign. Jupiter is overshadowed by Saturn, which is still in domicile and widened. Everything but Mars still deposits into Saturn. Only now, Saturn is not looking to exalt Mars, its out of sect malefic. 

Saturn grows older and younger simultaneously in Aquarius. Aquarius Saturn is the stale Saturn, the cold Saturn—the one that promises change because it’s become so brittle that nothing can move forward without change.

I don’t know what will happen but I know that people tend to have the most power during and immediately after pandemics. I know that my relationships have been changed permanently by crisis but have emerged stronger. I know who I love and how I love. I know how to make decisions that no one likes me for but decisions that try to keep those I love safe with the resources that are available.

Questions to consider in December:

What do I have that I need to change my environment?
What do I need to find to change my environment?
Who is here to change my environment with me?


It’s time to talk about the impact that you have on other people. It’s much easier to influence people into doing the things that they were already going to do than the opposite. As a Sagittarius, it’s all too easy for you to chalk the impact that you’ve had on your community up to environmental changes. But what would happen if you actually realized the extent of your power?

There is a part of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy where a character enters a total perspective vortex and learns that he is the most important person in the world. In the last month of 2020, I want you to carry yourself, weigh your words, and understand your actions as if you were the most important person in the world. This means acting from the heart, with integrity, and in accordance to your principles.


This month is about money. Rather, these next few years will be about money. All your life, you’ve been told that you don’t deserve anything unless a (white, male) authority figure tells you otherwise. All your life, you’ve been told that some things are considered to be money while other things are not.

Fuck around with what is capable of acting as currency. Devalue some types and inflate others. Can chocolates be currency? What about Mario Kart coins? What happens to your community if you change the means through which we calculate our dependencies and independencies?


All those things that you’ve been reflecting on—all those half baked and half boiled and half assed plans—it’s time to figure out whether they truly came from you or from some ghost who was sharing your apartment with you. Not all of your plans make sense once you come out of a dream. You’re allowed to be different.

Some of the hardest choices in life have to do with letting go on childhood dreams. Maybe you wanted to be a famous violinist or esteemed inventor when you were a kid—you have to be willing to move beyond that if you want to become the you that you were meant to become in 2021. This version of you doesn’t need to dream. This version of you is the dream.


You’re not a black sheep. A black sheep is something that a family projects all of their insecurities and fears onto. You’re done taking on that role and you’re done with all of the shame that you carry for your parents.

Taking off shame requires that you look at it. This means that you might be very vulnerable for a moment. It’s okay to look at shame in private or in secret. But you should already know that most people can very well see your shame, especially when you don’t see it. They’re already forgiven you for the things that you can’t bring yourself to forgive.


Stop trying to prove yourself to the naysayers and see who has come with you wherever it is that you have gone these past few years. You’re not some hero put here to change the world alone. You’re a person who is built by those who raised you and those who put up with you. You’re here to make change happen but only with other people.

This means growing up—discarding the comfort of being your inner brat. What’s wrong? You’ve already proved everyone who didn’t believe in your wrong. Now, you’re allowed to think of some other things. The possibilities, once you no longer have to be contrary, are limitless.


If nobody gets you, then prove it. Don’t just sit there feeling misunderstood. Create an expanding world that no one who takes the time to appreciate you has access to. Don’t apologize. Create your own economy, your own water filtration system, and food distribution system instead. Take back everything that was claimed away from you.

You’re the only one with the power to change your worldview. Build something that scandalizes your inner critic. Offend the part of you that is still afraid of all the wrong things so often that it becomes habit. It’s time for you to change. You’ve been waiting for far too long.


God, aren’t you sick of all of the people that you already have in your life? Stop dating and start focusing on transforming your relationships. Your freedom is not defined by how little regard you have for others. Your freedom is defined by how much support and care you are able to circulate with others.

You weren’t made to settle with what’s available. You were put here to change what people see when they see the world. You’ve already done much of this work. Now is not the time to deny that you have power but the time to celebrate the power that you have by moving in the largest ways that you can possibly conceive of.


You’ve made all the changes that you can possibly make in your relationships. Now, just sit still for a moment. See how all of these changes pan out over time. There’s no use fretting over whether you make healthy decisions or act in self awareness or not. Time is the time thing that will tell you whether you’re going to be okay or not. And time is gracious, forgiving, relentless, and hard.

You might be with the friends that you have for a very long time. You might be with the people or person you’re dating for a very long time. You might be with the family you have for a very long time. What does this give you the time for?


Does it scare you to think about what life would be like if no one liked you? Good. Think about that for a little while longer and imagine what it would look like if you were cursed with unlikability for a week, a year, five years, or a lifetime. Imagine what freedom that would give you and how this curse may reshape your dreams.

Get to know all the qualities that you despite the most in other people. Those were just the qualities that you were punished for by your very biased family. By now, you have most likely figured out that your childhood guardians weren’t right about everything. However, realizations move faster than relationships. Sometimes, we choose people to validate us in the old and tired ways and it takes a push into fear to understand that we no one want to be liked in the same, old ways. The 2021 you doesn’t want validation if it keeps you from growing.


Get to work. The idea that capitalism is productivity was created by the bourgeoisie. Capitalism is exploitation. What you do, when you talk to people, make your music, write your stories, and cultivate your land, is work. Value that definition and stand by it. Stand by your work and protect it.

You have so much to do and to get done while you’re here on Earth. You have so many tools to learn how to use and so many hands around you to help you. You have so many parables to tell and so many talents that you better not waste. Your time, and how you habitually use is, is the most precious thing you have.


It actually is about your pleasure now, believe it or not. In the last few years, you’ve had to understand the historical moments that made you into the person you are. You’ve understood how oppression has shaped you and about how your existence oppresses the world around you.

Now, it’s time to understand love. This is because love is a duty that you are required to enact precisely because your existence is complicit in oppression. Love is the only thing that cuts into capitalism. Make terms with that, despite all of the shame that keeps you from understanding love.


Figure out where and how you’re supposed to live. That’s enough moving around for now. You don’t have to create a completely avoidable crisis for yourself every few months just because you’re obsessed with self transformation. It’s possible to ground yourself, even if it is in the feeling of being completely misunderstood by everyone else, for a moment.

The thing is, you haven’t changed as much as you think you have. You can’t shed a skin like a snake just by walking into a different room or the same room in a different way. No matter where you go, you see the same moon. Get used to that reality. Accept yourself how you are.

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