Reparenting Aquarius Moon

Dec. 5, 2020, 10:49 a.m.

Aquarius Moon is not an easy placement. The Moon has no essential dignity in Aquarius. However, the Moon is ruled by its out of sect malefic when in Aquarius. The Moon looks to a planet that fundamentally does not understand it’s urges and needs to feed it—Saturn. But, unlike the Moon in Capricorn which exalts Mars and tries to make its productivity visible, Aquarius Moon does not try to honor anything.

Aquarius Moon is about shame. Shame is the secret feeling. Aquarius Moon is the secret Moon.

You’re an Aquarius Moon and your shame causes you to make major life decisions. Your shame is nonnormative, which means that it allows you to see yourself from the outside in. You don’t like seeing yourself from your own, personal vantage point. You’d rather see yourself from the vantage point of your own, personal dictator.

For some Aquarius Moons, that personal dictator is a teacher. For others, it’s peers, it’s dad, it’s an aunt, it’s a famous writer that no one else has heard of before, or it’s that best friend you lost a whole lifetime ago. Aquarius Moon is about valuing a person who has turned cold’s perspective over one’s own. It’s about the distancing of self towards the self.

Aquarius Moons experience all of the world’s shame leaned onto their own shoulders—they experience shame about poverty, around gender, around race, and around their own oppression. They wear shame that belongs to other people and they disguise it very well. Aquarius Moons also experience their own shame—they experience white shame, cisgendered shame, and able-bodied shame. They experience the shame that they know they deserve because their existence enacts violence upon their friends and allies.

You’re an Aquarius Moon and you often have a hard time justifying your existence. You have trouble making sense of it all. Existence seems to be such an absurd non-fact.

There is no ethical existence under capitalism. You will never exist free of shame as long as oppression continues to work within you and around you. Reparenting Aquarius Moon is not about releasing shame mindlessly almost as if such a thing were possible. Reparenting Aquarius Moon is about realizing that social transformation is about transferring shame from oppressed people to the oppressor. It’s about differentiating between real shame and fake shame.

You have your shame and you can own your shame. However, you are not your shame. The shame that you deserve is sometimes a real reaction to real, ongoing violence. Your shame will not be solved until real social change happens but it is possible for your shame to be solved because real social change is possible.

Reparenting Aquarius Moon is about reparenting the imagination. Imagination is not a secret thing, like shame. Imagination is a shared consequence. Imagination is stretched through action, commitment, and effective organizing. As an Aquarius Moon, you have all the tools that you need to stretch your imagination.

It’s not within the nature of an Aquarius Moon to think in days or minutes. It’s within the nature of an Aquarius Moon to think in decades and centuries. People tend to overestimate what they can accomplish in a day and underestimate what they can accomplish in a lifetime. You’re an Aquarius Moon. You don’t have the luxury of underestimating what you can change in a lifetime.

Saturn is about time. Aquarius Moon is a Saturn ruled Moon. Time is what feeds your emotional growth but Aquarius is about future time. Future time is pliable time—time that is as soft and shapeable as clay. You’re an Aquarius Moon and you’re here to shape future time, in solidarity while wearing shame. You’re an Aquarius Moon and you’re here to transform shame from something stagnant into something tender.

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