Reparenting Aries Moon

Dec. 7, 2020, 9:44 a.m.

You’re an Aries Moon and you’re not like everyone else. You say the most inappropriate things at all of the wrong times. You flirt by looking people dead in the eyes and telling them that you want to fuck them before running away. You talk about heartbreak, about ideals, about sex at all of the wrong times loudly and in public. You worry that your lovers find you embarrassing.

You’re a feral child who has no place in the world of capitalism. You’re an Aries Moon and you don’t quite know how to be.

Just because you’ve mastered the art of charm now that you’re a little older doesn’t mean that you don’t bear the wounds of being punished for your indecency as a child. Just because you’re hot now doesn’t mean that you didn’t live some part of your life as the ugly duckling. Just because you have loved ones around you doesn’t mean that you aren’t sometimes afraid that your desire will always threaten the people you think are pretty.

You’re an Aries Moon and you’ve sat in a chair, boiling in unspeakable rage, far too many times. You’re an Aries Moon and all of your fear and sadness gets translated into rage. You’re an Aries Moon and you’ve been told to stop being so angry because it never solves any problems.

You’re an Aries Moon and you don’t quite fit the rubric of who gets to be desired, taken care of, and beloved. You don’t identify as a pretty person. You don’t see yourself as a soft, demure thing that other people cater to. You’re an Aries Moon and you’re a conqueror. You were never told that you deserve anyone’s pity. You were always told to be better than your oppressors. You were always told that you are too talented to be angry.

Aries is the exaltation of the Sun. Aries Moons are often told that they must be better than everyone else—that mediocrity is a sin.

You’re an Aries Moon and you carry an unspeakable rage towards those who know how to ask for attention, care, and respect because those things never came easily for you. Sometimes, you hate fragile people. You truly can’t stand them. They enrage you because, how dare they ask for care from others when you have always been so deprived?

Aries Moon is not necessarily a tough Moon. Aries Moon is a Moon that was forced to be tough. Aries Moon is sometimes very angry because it is forced to be so strong. Aries Moon doesn’t want to be strong all of the time.

The first step of reparenting an Aries Moon is to pity yourself. Pity is such an expensive emotion because it takes so long to process. Aries Moon gets angry at the expensiveness of the pity emotion because it is also a Moon sign that deprives itself of luxuries. It is a Moon that was trained to live life in survival mode.

Pitying yourself is a huge waste of time. Aries Moon, as a survivalist, often feels that wasting time is such a guilty thing that they will never be able to afford it. Reparenting your Moon sign is about doing the things that you were told you could never afford. As an Aries Moon, you were told that you could not afford self empathy.

Aries Moon is an audacious Moon. You will always do the thing that everyone else tells you not to do. Sometimes, rebellion is about having tenderness with your own spirit. You must be prepared to waste your emotions on yourself if you want to become softer than the hard shelled thing that you were raised to become. You must be prepared to give yourself the most expensive emotion there is—that of empathy.

Self empathy might lead to tears, at least initially. The thing is, rage is an emotion that often covers up fear and desire and love. Rage exists to flatten emotions, which is useful in some moments and less useful in others. Your self empathy unfurls your rage and shows you what emotions rage exists to cover. You will have to go through the fear to find the love.

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