Reparenting Virgo Moon

Dec. 14, 2020, 9:52 a.m.

There are a couple things that fascism tells us will make us free. Work is one of these things. Virgo Moon is a Moon that works, almost tirelessly and without exhaustion, towards freedom. Virgo Moon is a Moon that does the things that need to be done. Virgo Moon sends all the emails that need to be sent, sets the house meetings, and cleans up after the dog. Virgo Moon does the work that no one else even sees—the work that must be done if people are to be brought together.

Virgo Moon gets tired too. A lot of the time, Virgo Moon doesn’t even want to do the work. A lot of the time, Virgo Moon would rather sit in their bed and stream smooth brain TV while eating chips.

You’re a Virgo Moon and you were told that security is something that is achievable through labor. Your authority figures told you that employment means realness and that being indisposable means finding a place for yourself somewhere between the sink and the garbage picking up scraps of napkins that other people left behind. You’ve gotten compliments for labor before. You’ve been smiled at. You might even have been compensated for it. Who knows? Wilder things have happened.

You’re a Virgo Moon and you hate your propensity towards productivity. Even when you take a day off from your real jobs, you’re constantly picking up after other people or yourself, reorganizing the stuff leftover from your many projects, and trying in vain to train the cat.

The project is an interesting conceptual category. We invented it when we invented the gig economy in which workers are responsible for their own survival. We classify things as projects when we sense that we cannot control them but would like to. When we classify things as projects, they have a beginning and an end. Things become succinct when they become projects.

You’re a Virgo Moon and, sometimes, everything is a project to you—other people, meals, and yourself. These projects are monsters that sprawl out across your bedroom floor, guiltily stepped on after the sun goes down, and are full of parts that are infinitely uncategorizable.

You’re a Virgo Moon and you’re not a project. You’re too brilliant and wild for that. You’re full of things that don’t have names and full of emotions that can only show up as nonsense. You’re a Virgo Moon and everything means something to you. You’re a Virgo Moon and the mundane becomes significant and uncanny.

You’re a Virgo Moon and there’s nothing wrong with your productivity. It’s the containers in which you strive for productivity that become an issue. Rest is about what feels good to your body and, if you have a Virgo Moon, sometimes rest means tinkering with something. Rest comes when you are supported in all of the things that you want to do by those who do the work along with you.

You’re a Virgo Moon. You weren’t meant to do your work alone. Virgo is the fall of Venus and Virgo Moon works very well alone. Virgo Moon often feels completely alone when in a team. Reparenting Virgo Moon means accepting that, often, it’s better to let something be done differently than how you might do it alone simply because it’s far better to arrive in a place together than it is by yourself.

You’re a Virgo Moon and there are people who are capable of understanding you and working alongside you. You’re a Virgo Moon and you’re capable of creating relations in which no one feels inferior or superior for doing certain types of work. You’re a Virgo Moon and you’re capable of taking the increasingly complex constellations that are inside of you and making material transformation out of them. You just have to surrender to the possibility that these constellations are meant to be changed when they intersect with the constellations of others.

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